natrum salicylicum dosage

-Natrum mur. DOSAGE … Natrum phos- itching in various parts especially of ankles. Asthma with every fresh cold and damp rainy weather. While sitting patient feels as if uterus were pushed up.. sensation of shutting and opening of uterus. PeaceHealth endeavors to provide comprehensive health care information, however some topics in this database describe services and procedures not offered by our providers or within our facilities. In the acid base equilibrium it acts in the first place in the form of carbonates and to a far less extent in the form of phosphate. Natrum carb- post nasal catarrh. Natrum hypochlorosum- rapid emaciation. Looks on the dark side of every thing,Pessmsstic. Very good remedy for epistaxis or nose bleed especially at puberty. chronic effects of sunstroke and now with return of weather suffers from headaches. Incipient rheumatic endo carditis chronic bronchitis, rheumatism and tertiary syphilis. People likely to respond to this remedy are very sensitive to noise, along with tinnitus, and often have pain and muscle tension in the neck and back. cm boger in 1908 homoeo recorder,lists key signs for sensitive natrums.natrum carb is puffy weak ankles sprain type subject to acidity lithaemia and recognise bores finger in ears or nose.emotionally hurt nat mur impaires elimination recognise by fever blisters on lips or forehead hair borders,heat headache constipation.natrum phos acidity fat metabolism defective 6x for a month or so corrects undue fat accumulation on body.natrums sensitive like sea tides best controlled by homeopathy,those who adopt allopathy route end up in fluoxetine rapiflux prozac like antidepression drugs a non ending cycle. Natrum a-erratic joint pains. Salicylicum acidum may also be helpful if tinnitus has been caused by too much aspirin. 30 g in water is used as gastric and systemic antacid to alkalinise urine and for washing of body cavities. Sharp shooting pains in front of the left thigh. Natrum silico flouricum : A cancer remedy tumours.bone affections, carries ethmoiditis and lupus. Diffuse hydrogenoid constitution. Thereafter, reduce the dosage to one capsule twice daily. Catches cold easily. They show an increased functioning of the endocrine glands associated with sympathetic system under the leadership of thyroid. Eruptions like papules and acne on face which are indurate. Natrum salicylicum (Salicilate of sodium) : This medicine affects head, ear throat liver, kidney and also metabolism. Natrum carb- Great debility caused by heat of summer,particulariy when the patient is subjected to chronic head aches which are worse every time when when he exposes himself to heat of sun. Sodium is a metallic element with symbol Na ,atomic no.11 atomicweight-22.991 silvery white lustrous alkali metal of the consistency of wax oxidising rarely in air or water. Hoarseness of singers. Sounds may also seem to echo in the ears. Melancholy and lachrymation especially after hearing music. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient. Itching agg ravation when in warm and from exercise. If the alkali and alkaline earth metals like Na, K. Mg and Ca as cations determines the drug picture , they shape it as hydrogenoid, cold sensitive to cold relaxed torpid lymphatic constitutional type stigmated along the side of parasympathetic system. Eczema with highly offensive discharge of herring brine odour. sal. Sub involution of uterus. Dyspnoea -patient is compelled to assume a half sitting posture and breath with greatest difficulty. Learn how we develop our content. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. 21.Sterility By the development of HCl in the stomach a great deal of sodium is made free for combination with carbonate and is an essential participant in the preparation of alkaline intestinal juices. Borax – Psoriasis and apthae on mucocutaneous junction. Head ache of aneamic school girls-  Aneamia due to menorrhagia or metorrhagia- Even menses can be too profuse. W.R. Rice published a case in the Brit. Alarming symptoms of apoplectic order and cyanosis. Natrum hypochlorosum- tongue white shrivelled at sides, taste as after sucking alum. Tongue mapped with red insular patches like ring worm on tongue especially on sides, (ars. Tension in bends of knees. (NATRUM SALICYLICUM) Has an extensive range of action affecting the head, ear, throat, kidneys and liver and on metabolism. This is seen especially after a meal particularly after dinner which is usually the heavy meal. Aversion to bread Natrum sulph- legs and thighs feel weary and exhausted. Natrum sulph-  tearing and drawing in legs especially in tendoachilles. Uterine affections Geographical tongue, clean shining tongue with froth on sides. Many homeopathic physicians suggest that medicines be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. Natrum phos- sterility with acid secretion from vagina. Great soreness of chest.during cough has to sit up in bed and holds chest with both hands. Natrum sulph- Diarrhoea, sudden urging ,gushing with much flatus.Diarrhoea on every other day. So weak that it gives away foot bends as under, (carbo animalis, Natrum mur). Tinnitus with ringing or roaring, accompanied by cracking noises and itching in the ears, may be relieved with this remedy. Pustules and ulcers on the frenum. Natrum mur- Tea’s stream down the face while coughing. Its quantity in body fluids is so great. Natrum bromatum-aneamia after haemorrhage. 4. lach, mere, nit ac, tarax). Electrical changes in atmosphere or direct rays of sun gives rise to various complaints. in ordinary dosage … 20.Bone affections. Easy spraining of ankle joints or easy dislocation of ankles. The person may feel cold and faint, but usually has a craving for fresh and moving air. Cough with greenish expectation. Fatty and starchy foods aggravate. Mind – Sadness Salicylate of Sodium. moving about. It is a crystalline Arsenic compound symptoms are foul breath and mouth with bad odour dry dermatitis of skin of abdomen. Although homeopathic substances listed in this article are generally not known to cause serious side effects, their effectiveness has not been demonstrated by scientific research. Frequent clearing of throat. Bitter eructation’s, heavily coated tongue. Borax- Great anxiety from downward motion. Post nasal discharge offensive with mouldy smell. Arterio sclerosis and inflammation of blood vessels especially of arteries, Catarrh of mucus membrane. Gen- Emaciation-Borax, Natrum ars, Natrum carb, Natrum hypochi,Natrum mur, Natrum nit, Natrum phos, Natrum sul, Natrum sil Natrum phos – nasopharyngeal catarrh with thick yellow offensive mucous. Natrum mur-aneamic and cachetic individuals either from loss of vital fluids or due to profuse menses. Natrum hyposulphuricum- For liver spots locallly and internally. Natrum arsenicosum-pityriasis rubra. COMPOSITION Acidum formicum 3D, Colchicine 5D, Rhus toxicodendron 3D, Natrum salicylicum 3D, Ledum palustre 3D, Dulcamara 3D, Lithium carbonica 5D, Gelsemium sempervirens 3D, Ulmus fulva 5D. Flatulent colic and vomiting of curdled masses. Clinical : Abscess. sal. Natrum cacodylicum-d ry dermatitis of skin of abdomen. Natrum nitrosum- erruptions on chest like roseola syphillitica. The person may also have a tendency toward chills and vertigo, during which the tinnitus is often worse. Ulcerative pain around heels and soles, podagra. Natrum mur-h ypochondriaca! Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Natrum carb- GIT and respiratory system are affected. Sodium serves as an easily available transporting agent for decomposition products. Gasps like fish out of water. Slimy taste. Med. Natrum phos- Diarrhoea especially in children with green sour smelling stool caused by excess of acidity. … It also produces leucocytosis. Natrum carb- bearing down sensation as if every thing would come out. Papular eruptions beneath the tongue. Natrum nitricum Acute rheumatism and heart affections. Natrum ars- ulcers in mouth which are very sore. Gen – an earn ia-bor*nat ars, nat c» nat m, nat nit, nat pho, nat sulph Email :, Homeopathy Medicines from Spiders (Arachinida). Natrum carb- Swelling and indurations of glands. Eruption on chest like roseola syphilitics. There is weeping tendency which is aggravated by consolation. Natrum sulph-s adness aggravated by music. Natrum phos- despondent, could not study fears bad news. Natrum mur—herpes labialis blisters like pearls about the lips. It is the main component of nasal spray for hay fever. Rheumatism with diabetes. COVID-19 vaccines: Get the latest information here. This remedy may be beneficial if ringing in the ears is like a low, dull hum. Hissing and clicking sounds are often heard in the ears (or even louder sounds like gunshots). Natrum salicylicum 3D, Ledum palustre 3D, Dulcamara 3D, Lithium carbonica 5D, Gelsemium sempervirens 3D, Ulmus fulva 5D. Knee joints crack, shaking in tibia when walking. here But itching is aggravated when heated by exercise. Trembling sensation all over. Copious green expectoration offensive breath and harsh asthmatic breathing au (liable even at some distance. Natrum carb- aneamic and emaciated individuals with blue rings around the eyes. The neutralisation of gastric acid through weakly alkaline sodium carbonate is a mass chemical action. Bearing down pains aggravation morning. Schirrus carcinoma of breast and uterus. Expectoration purulent greenish or yellow. People needing Lycopodium often have a tendency toward ear infections with discharge, as well as chronic digestive problems or urinary tract complaints. Please do not call our clinics or hospitals with questions. Govt. Breathes with great difficulty. Natrum salicylicum - for individuals nearing low humming sounds. People who need this remedy often have insomnia from mental overstimulation. Natrum sulph—burning blisters on tip of tongue and on palate. Resp – difficult-Natrum ars, Natrum carb, Natrum mur, Natrum phos, Natrum sulph Copious liquid stools at night. Natrum Salicylicum HPUS: Ringing in the ears of a low tone, whistling or hissing noises in ears. carb, Natrum. Trivandrum,Kerala Natrum carb- pimples on tip of tongue. Your email address will not be published. Briquets syndrome somatoform disorder a by product of modern life anxiety depression schizophrenia,make hay while the sun shines modern medicine…, Zincum Met,vital force weak to expel suppressed toxic discharges like menses and this produce muscular rigidity with trembling limbs burning…, HYOS,toxicity brain is equal to subsultus tendinum twitching of muscles as in typhoid fever,allopaths route is tomography electroencephalogram found ok…, Program Coordinator Public Health Foundation of India Gurgaon Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir’s first homoeopathic medical college will be materialised soon, Karnataka to upgrade PHC network across the state with Ayush doctors, US President felicitates Indian homoeopathic doctor Bhasker Sharma, Dr Prafull Vijayakar – the legend homoeopath passed away, Gorakhpur to have AYUSH University in 2021, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology – A comprehensive study -1, Last moment revision in Vitamins and Minerals, Old Terminologies / Difficult words in Homeopathy text books, Usefulness of rare and lesser known medicine gaultheria procumbens: a clinical verification study, RGUHS MD Homeopathy Psychiatry Question Papers, Heavy metals in Homoeopathy: an unexplored doctrine of signature, Natrum permanganicum  49.Natrum propionicum, Synthesis – Gen-Season -summer agg-Natmur, Natrum carb, borax, Kent – Gen-Weather-hot weather agg -Natrum curb, Natrummur ,natrumsulph, borax, Thunder storm-Natrum carb, Natrum mur, Natrum phos, Natmm mur- Great debility in summer, patient feels as though he would faint when walking in sun. Subinvolution of uterus after labour- Tongue swollen and shriveled at sides. (NaC7H5O3)2H2O. Eczema with honey coloured secretion. Natrum mur-abnorma! The tube contains 80 pellets offering 3 to 5 pellets per dose, to be taken under the tongue at specified times. From the endocrine side they tends towards a hyper thyroid state and the function of lymphatic apparatus is increased. Hamstrings stiff. Chemical actions of sodium Warts like red lumps all over Skin eruptions appear every spring, Natrum nitricum haemorrhagic tendency, haemoptysis haematuria,haemorrhagic variola and haemorrhage from mucous memberanes particularly nose. Natrum mur-  water brash and sour vomiting of food and bile. Natrum mur. It contains carbonate of soda and calc calcinata or chlooride of lime. “I have been afflicted with tinnitus for more than 40 years. Natrum nitrosum-  Copious liquid stools at night. Natrum mur- sensitive especially to music, tingling ,rumbling& humming in ears. Natrum iodatum-mam – component of nasal sprays for hay fever. Truly, it was the loudest sound I heard in almost any surroundings. NATRUM Salicylicum 5C 4C 7 X 9 X 15C 30C homeopathic pellets Boiron. Natrum arsenicum – Aching pain in eyes < sunlight. Granular lids and dryness of eyes, inflammation of vagina. Much flatus and ascites. Mind – Weeping-Natrum ars, Natrum carb, Natrum mur, Natrum phos,Natrum sulph, Natrum silMind-anxiety-Natrmn ars, Natruna carb, Natrummur, Natrum phos, Natrum sulph, borax, 3. Most gloomy sad weak nervous system go hysterical by small emotional disturbances in turn thyroid affected are Natrums,Natrums life is miserable and make life of others miserable close to them.Nat Carb mind so sensitive as that of goldsmith weighing scale chilliest sensitive to cold cannot afford to drink cold water estrangely also cannot bear sun heat easily exhausted by walk by over study are anaemic with WBC count high RBC count low over activity of organs may result sterlity dislocation easy sprain of joints esp ankles beg for massage of their muscle back,eclectics see by one eyelook esp females emaciated and bloated face, gents with female like voice let be included in this sensitive class.clinical nat carb hard swelling of thyroid. Salicylicum … Tongue swollen and shriveled at sides. Large doses of sodium carbonate before meals will produce a hypotonia of stomach and shallow peristalsis. Tips of hair splits easily. The close connection of sodium to water Sadness and inclined to weep. Rectal administration of sodium bicarbonate lessens the gastric acid secretion. Healthwise, Healthwise for every health decision, and the Healthwise logo are trademarks of Healthwise, Incorporated. In this case, Natrum Salicylicum is the recommended medicine … It is called as rademachers aconite. It is also suited to lax flabby indolent children who have in addition to weakness of ankles curved spine, prominence of scapula eczema of scalp and behind the ears. sensation of hair on tongue. Pain in the nape of neck and tendency to sleep after eating. Natrum carb- eczema with particular affinity to dorsum of bands. Vertigone with NDC 43742-1084 is a a human over the counter drug product labeled by Deseret Biologicals, Inc.. Borax- loose pappy offensive stools in children with apthous sore mouth. NATRIUM SALICYLICUM Salicylate of Sodium (NATRUM SALICYLICUM) Has an extensive range of action affecting the head, ear, throat, kidneys and liver and on metabolism. Natrum carb- discharge of mucous from vagina after an embrace causing sterility. NaCI provides a sodium ion which is a constant constituent of blood and tissue fluids in general. Carbo vegetabilis is also helpful when an illness has been prolonged or recovery is slow. This degree of hypochondriasis decreases with the degree of digestion , when food passes from stomach to duodenum this hypochondriac mood lessens and continues to do so as food goes further down in to the bowels. Diarrhoea and fainting. Salicylicum acidum - individuals hear loud roaring and ringing noises … Wet weather aggravation.. Natrum lacticum : Rheumatism and gout. Natrum mur- eczema raw red and inflammed along the edges of hair. Sycotic pneumonia affecting lower lobe of left lung. Homeopathic Medical College. Weight of uterus increased leading to prolapse. Subscribe! On the electropositive side of the periodic system we get the tonic form giving elements. Genitalia female- Sterility—borax, Natrum carb, Natrum mur, Natrum phos. Natrum lacticum- great weakness of lower limbs analogous to anxietas tibiarum after great physical exercise. doses of Nat-sal. Retinal haemorrhage, albuminoric retinitis and iridocyclitis due to traumatism and infection.

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