reaction paper about origin of life

Haldane (1929) proposed the ‘Theory of chemical evolution of life’. It is indeed a big question ponder how it all started here in our planet. The DKS concept, simple in essence, does outline in the broadest terms the physico-chemical basis for abiogenesis. The first thing I noticed in Dr. Jose Rizal’s life was that he lived a simple one. less fit to more fit) is just a more specific expression of that general replicative rule as applied specifically to biological replicators. In the standard language, life is to be seen, in the end, as a “frozen accident.” Thus, there are preliminary indications that the process of abiogenesis was one of DKS enhancement through complexification [1,7]. [30] demonstrated that a cooperative cycle made up of three self-replicating RNAs could out-compete those same RNAs acting as individual replicators. Even before he became under surveillance by the Spaniards, he had lived his life as simple as possible. That law is inherent in the very definition of the term ‘stability’. Seeing the documentary with my background knowledge in science allowed me to apply the concepts that I learned. Given that awkward reality, the focus of OOL research needs to remain on the ahistoric aspects—the principles that would explain the remarkable transformation of inanimate matter to simple life. Regretfully, however, much of that historic information will probably never be known. The experiment at the time supported Alexander Oparin 's and J. Once established, that connection will enable the underlying principles that governed the emergence of life on the Earth to be uncovered without undue reliance on speculative historic suppositions regarding the precise nature of those prebiotic systems. The diagrams and models used in the documentary really emphasized the points they were making; I enjoyed being able to see the model of the changes the earth went through. I always wondered where life originated from and to discover that the ocean was the start of it really intrigues me. Writing a reaction paper, as any other academic assignment, should follow a common structure. The first thing I noticed in Dr. Jose Rizal’s life was that he lived a simple one. But the chemical consequences of that long-recognized powerful kinetic character, although described by Lotka already a century ago [22], do not seem to have been adequately appreciated. The RNA origin of life. No longer would the problem of abiogenesis be one of essence, but rather one of detail. In and it is argued that the fourth criterion also point toward glyceraldehyde as the molecule which ensured homochirality. The reaction takes its course, just like it would in the prebiotic Earth. Chemistry also comes into play here because in an endothermic reaction, energy is put into the system from the environment, thus lowering the temperature. A Reflection Paper On the Life of Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda. However, once it is accepted that autocatalysis is a central element in the process of abiogenesis, it follows that the study of autocatalytic systems in general may help uncover the principles that govern their chemical behaviour, regardless of their chemical detail. However, the key point of this essay has been to note that just as Darwin's simple concept of natural selection was able to provide a basis for an ongoing research programme in evolution, one that has been central to biological research for over 150 years, so the DKS concept may be able to offer a basis for ongoing studies in systems chemistry, one that may offer new insights into the rules governing evolutionary dynamics in simple replicating systems and, subsequently, for replicating systems of all kinds. As one of us (A.P.) The Origin Of Life. The documentary later goes into detail about each period-i.e the ice age,etc- and does so in an informative, but not scientifically condescending way. A reaction paper is a type of written assignment, which requires personal opinion and conclusions on a given article or abstract. The Russian scientist Alexander Ivanovich Oparin (1924) and British scientist J.B.S. The documentary expanded on that concept because the earth has changed over its life time, but it still has the same amount of energy. Two processes required for life's origin are condensation reactions that produce essential biopolymers by a nonenzymatic reaction, and self-assembly of membranous compartments that encapsulate the polymers into populations of protocells. The documentary also drew my interest because of our scholar program’s name; seeing the earth from when it first formed, to current day, allowed me understand the global change on a grander scale. In the context of the OOL question, this novel perspective can assist in clarifying central ahistoric aspects of abiogenesis, as opposed to the many historic aspects that have probably been forever lost in the mists of time. Darwin and His Origin of Species Essay 1117 Words | 5 Pages. Of course such a formulation implies that DKS is quantifiable. The Origin of Origins Most historians would say that the modern era of experimental research in origin-of-life studies began in a basement laboratory in the chemistry department of the University of Chicago in 1953. Unification of abiogenesis and biological evolution into a single continuous process governed by the drive toward greater DKS.Download figureOpen in new tabDownload PowerPoint. The realization that abiogenesis—the chemical process by which simplest life emerged from inanimate beginnings—and biological evolution may actually be one single continuous physico-chemical process with an identifiable driving force opens up new avenues towards resolution of the OOL problem [1,7,12,13]. The major mystery at the heart of the OOL debate would be broadly resolved and the central issue would effectively be replaced by a variety of chemical questions that deal with the particular mechanisms by which those underlying principles could have been expressed. Accordingly, the significance of such studies to the characterization of early life, let alone prebiotic systems, becomes highly uncertain. would feel as though the “dumbing down” of terms did little to detract from the content, and the consumer would feel enlightened because of the information being presented in a relatable manner. Thus, Lincoln & Joyce [28] observed that a molecular network based on two cross-catalysing RNAs replicated rapidly and could be sustained indefinitely. For example, the earth used to be a ball of magma--thermal energy; over time the magma cooled, and the crust formed as a result. desirable. As these questions suggest, our understanding of central issues remains rudimentary, and the road to discovery will probably be long and arduous. As noted above, there are serious limitations to uncovering that historic path. 132-205. In fact, however, the same pattern of expansion would be observed from anywhere in the universe, so there is no particular location in our present universe which could claim to be the origin.The Big Bang is usually deliberated to be a theory of the birth of the universe, although technically it does not precisely describe the origin of the universe. Is template binding the main mechanism by which molecular autocatalysis can take place, or can holistically autocatalytic sets be established through cycle closure without a reliance on template binding? Significantly, even if the underlying principles governing the transformation of inanimate to animate were to be revealed, that would still not mean that the precise historic path could be specified. The recognition that a distinctly different stability kind, DKS, is applicable to both chemical and biological replicators, together with the fact that both replicator kinds express similar reaction characteristics, leads to the profound conclusion that the so-called chemical phase leading to simplest life and the biological phase appear to be one continuous physico-chemical process, as illustrated in scheme 1. In many cases, you can use the first-person "I" while writing reaction papers. Indeed, as we will now describe, the generally accepted supposition that life's origins emerged from some prebiotic autocatalytic process can be shown to lead to broad insights into the chemistry–biology connection and to the surprising revelation that the processes of abiogenesis and biological evolution are directly related to one another. The question of origins is, therefore, more than just one of science-fact, but one of crucial importance to how we view, and live, life. Scientists around the world have been trying to explain or understand how life started on earth. 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Studies in systems chemistry in recent years have provided empirical support for such a view by demonstrating that chemical and biological replicators show remarkably similar reactivity patterns, thereby reaffirming the existence of a common underlying framework linking chemistry to biology [1,7].  Origin of life can be explained by following theories : 1. Up Next. Thus, life on the Earth appears to have emerged through the spontaneous emergence of a simple (unidentified) replicating system, initially fragile, which complexified and evolved towards complex replicating systems exhibiting greater DKS., which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited. Pequena, Armil R. Bio 140 Reaction paper The film was about the Origin of Life. Instead, by performing laboratory experiments under conditions that resemble the prebiotic world, one might validate feasible reaction pathways and reconstruct model systems of … The main points that are covered in these sections include all the variants found in nature, the similarities between animals thousands of miles apart, and the struggle for a species to survive due to all sorts of diseases and the multitudes of competitions for the necessities of life in nature. It was commonly thought that the first steps to life was the generation of RNA. Since their discovery, deep sea hydrothermal vents have been suggested as the birthplace of life, particularly alkaline vents, like those found at ‘the Lost City’ field in the mid-Atlantic. First the genomic revolution, which provided Darwin's ideas with a molecular basis through the first decades of the twentieth century, transformed the subject and led to the neo-Darwinian synthesis, an amalgamation of classic Darwinism with population genetics and then with molecular genetics. This site uses cookies. In Physics, I learned about the Law of conservation of energy which states that energy is neither loss nor gained, only conserved. © 2013 The Authors. Issues such as identifying historic transitions, the definition of life, would become to some extent arbitrary and ruled by scientific conventions, rather than by matters of principle. cyanobacteria) express this stability kind in dramatic fashion, having been able to maintain a conserved function and a readily recognized morphology over billions of years. Even if the latter stages of man’s history were due to natural causes, pride clung to a supernatural, or at least suprising, mode of origin for his … Note that the above description is consistent with Prigogine's non-equilibrium thermodynamic approach, which stipulates that self-organized behaviour is associated with irreversible processes within the nonlinear regime [26]. That revelation is valuable as it offers insights into abiogenesis from studies in biological evolution and, vice versa, it can provide new insights into the process of biological evolution from systems chemistry studies of simple replicating systems. RNA world. The two competing narratives within the OOL's long-standing debate—‘replication first’ or ‘metabolism first’—though differing in key elements, both build on that autocatalytic character (see [1] and references therein). Unification of abiogenesis and biological evolution into a single continuous process governed by the drive toward greater DKS. As we have previously discussed, quantification is possible, but only for related replicators competing for common resources, for example, a set of structurally related replicating molecules, or a set of genetically related bacterial life forms [1,7]. Life is based on long information-rich molecules such as DNA and RNA that contain instructions for making proteins, upon which life depends. If you are not sure what guidelines to follow, you can always ask your professor. I have watched a lot of documentaries in the past, but this is one of the few where I felt a genuine connection. But that broad outline needs to be elaborated on through experimental investigation, so that the detailed mechanisms by which the DKS of simple chemical replicating systems could increase would be clarified. But whereas for biological evolution the historic record is to a degree accessible through palaeobiologic and phylogenetic studies, for the process of abiogenesis those methodologies have proved uninformative; there is no known geological record pertaining to prebiotic systems, and phylogenetic studies become less informative the further back one goes in attempting to trace out ancestral lineages. Consider this opening statement from the abstract of an ‘origin of life’ research paper: The origin of life is a historical event that has left no relevant fossils; therefore, it is unrealistic to reconstruct the chronology of its occurrence. 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That stability kind, applicable solely to persistent replicating systems, whether chemical or biological, derives directly from the powerful kinetic character and the inherent unsustainability of the replication process. Practice: Origins of life on Earth. Origins of The Earth. From the Presidential Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science; held at Edinburgh in August, 1871 Reprinted in Kelvin's Popular Lectures and Addresses, p. Such a research programme, we believe, promises to further clarify the underlying relationship linking chemical and biological replicators. A key feature of DKS is that it characterizes populations of replicators, rather than the individual replicators which make up those populations. A moment's thought then suggests that the Darwinian concept of ‘fitness maximization’ (i.e. Uncovering the historic facet is the more problematic one. Kenneth Burke argued that guilt is the central motive for human action, specifically communication. Guilt Reaction Paper By Guilt is defined as any tension, discomfort, sense of shame, or other unpleasant feeling that humans experience. As we have described in some detail in previous publications, there are both empirical and theoretical grounds for believing that oligomeric replicating systems which are less stable (less persistent) will tend to be transformed into more stable (more persistent) forms [1,7,8,24]. But, because of the asteroid 6 miles wide That struck the earth; it brought the end of the reign of the Dinosaurs. Our point is that Darwin's monumental thesis, with natural selection at its core, was just the beginning of a long process of refinement and elaboration, which has continued unabated to the present day. The study of the origin of life is a very active research area in which important progress is being made, although the consensus among scientists is that none of the current hypotheses has thus far been confirmed. Here is a huge problem for origin-of-life scenarios: when amino acids are joined together, for example, a water molecule is released. Two processes required for life's origin are condensation reactions that produce essential biopolymers by a nonenzymatic reaction, and self-assembly of membranous compartments that encapsulate the polymers into populations of protocells. (Bracketed additions are from reprint.) Scripture claims God as the origin of life. The origin of life is also known as abiogenesis or sometimes chemical evolution. A striking insight from this approach to abiogenesis follows directly: just as Darwinian theory broadly explained biological evolution, so an extended theory of evolution encompassing both chemical and biological replicators can be considered as broadly explaining abiogenesis. I watched a documentary on earth from the History Channel called How the Earth Was Made. But does that simplistic explanation for abiogenesis imply that the OOL problem can be considered resolved? Condensation and polymerization reaction took place on primitive earth, thus primitive compound has been formed.  It is clear the that life came into existence from non living substances of primordial earth about 3 billion year ago. This means that in the presence of water, the reaction is pushed in the wrong direction, backwards; that is, proteins will fall apart, not build, unless the water is actively removed. In fact that unification actually enables the basic elements of abiogenesis to be outlined, in much the same way that Darwin's biological theory outlined the basic mechanism for biological evolution. The documentary discussed the origins of the earth and how it came into being billions of years ago; the journey the earth takes is illustrated and explained thoroughly. In evolutionary biology, abiogenesis, or informally the origin of life (OoL), is the natural process by which life has arisen from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds. It felt as if I was an entity in space, watching the changes seamlessly happen before me. These papers require a close reading of the text that goes beyond the surface meaning. Insights Into the Origin of Life: Did It Begin from HCN and H2O? The pertinent question is then: how does that process of complexification manifest itself? However, the general view, now strongly supported by recent studies in systems chemistry, is that the process of abiogenesis was governed by underlying physico-chemical principles, and the central goal of OOL studies should therefore be to delineate those principles. More generally, when assessing the DKS of replicating systems in a wider sense, one frequently must make do with qualitative or, at best, semi-quantitative measures. Far from it. But in a more recent landmark experiment, Vaidya et al. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. The conclusion seems clear: molecular networks are more effective in establishing self-sustainable autocatalytic systems than single molecule replicators, just as was postulated by Eigen & Schuster [25] some 40 years ago. The physico-chemical description offers new insights as it allows the characterization of both the driving force and the mechanisms of evolution in more fundamental terms. Precisely the same process will need to operate with respect to the OOL problem. If life had emerged in such an arbitrary way, then the mechanistic question of abiogenesis would be fundamentally without explanation—a stupendously improbable chemical outcome whose likelihood of repetition would be virtually zero. By continuing to browse The origin of life on the Earth would have been as casual an affair as the evolution of monkeys into man. Phylogenetic studies presume the existence of organismal individuality and the genealogical (vertical) transfer of genetic information. The origin of life (OOL) problem remains one of the more challenging scientific questions of all time. As we can see In our dally life, the temperature Is now different from what we used to be. Both the … Part A. Rizal’s Life, Work and Writings Reflection Paper One of the most important people in the Philippine History is Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda. We live in a determinate expanding universe which has not existed forever, and that all the matter, energy and space in the universe was once squeezed into an infinitesimally small volume, which erupted in a cataclysmic “explosion” which has become known as the Big Bang are believe by most of scientists now Furthermore,Big Bang is a quick expansion of matter from a state of … A reaction paper is a type of written assignment, which requires personal opinion and conclusions on a given article or abstract. Unlike a summary, a reaction paper should contain your own thoughts on the problem, discussed in the original text. We really need to do something about this, at least we start at something small, by this it can help the earth in little way and slowly our old environment will be back. Since heat is energy, the earth simply converted it into another form to set the stage for organisms to inhabit the eventually inhabit the earth. By contrast, the most effective single molecule RNA replicator replicated slowly and was not sustainable. Abstract. The origin of life on Earth is a scientific problem which is not yet solved. [30] suggest that network formation is crucial. Uncovering that facet would require specifying the original chemical system from which the process of abiogenesis began, together with the chemical pathway from that initiating system right through the extensive array of intermediate structures leading to simplest life. Indeed, it is this historic facet of abiogenesis that makes the OOL problem so much more intractable than the parallel question of biological evolution. A single continuous process necessarily means one set of governing principles, which in turn means that the two seemingly distinct processes of abiogenesis and evolution can be combined and addressed in concert. These are complexification and selection, the former being largely overlooked in the traditional Darwinian view, while the latter is, of course, central to that view. There are many ideas, but few clear facts.. In this essay, we propose that following recent experimental and theoretical advances in systems chemistry, the underlying principle governing the emergence of life on the Earth can in its broadest sense be specified, and may be stated as follows: all stable (persistent) replicating systems will tend to … The stability kind referred to, however, is dynamic kinetic stability, and quite distinct from the traditional thermodynamic stability which conventionally dominates physical and chemical thinking. In this essay, we will argue that recent developments in systems chemistry [9–11] have dramatically changed our ability to deal with the OOL problem by enabling the chemistry–biology connection to be clarified, at least in broad outline. Following on from earlier work by Sievers & von Kiedrowski [27] and Lee et al. Scheme 1. Already at this early stage, central elements of those mechanisms are becoming evident. Biology is brought to you with support from the. Introduction Planet Of Life: Apes to Man narrated by Stacy Steach, tells us about the origin Of Human Evolution. The conclusion seems clear: speculation regarding the precise historic path from animate to inanimate—the identity of specific materials that were available at particular physical locations on the prebiotic Earth, together with the chemical structures of possible intermediate stages along the long road to life—may lead to propositions that are, though thought-provoking and of undeniable interest, effectively unfalsifiable, and therefore of limited scientific value.

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