are batons legal in florida

Doubtful. Rick said “throwing stars – can not be carried concealed”, does that mean I can’t get them shipped to my house (as they would be concealed in a package) ? If over, a contract can be legally binding. What if I have it in my bag not exactly easily accessible since I’d hafta take my bag off and look for it furthermore what about like swords or long blades and such ? Just cant be left open. Since the Florida permit states, Concealed weapon AND firearm permit, aren’t knives covered by preemption from local laws? . I’ll keep reading and hope its answered somewhere. Anything outside of this has not been expressly banned or allowed. What do they consider a sword. Can you give clarification on what knives are legal for a concealed weapon permit holder to carry? I am on disability and I have to live where I can afford to live. Times are much different now but open carry and common sense while carrying it should make you okay. It would be ridiculous to have a concealed weapons permit allow you to walk around with a concealed pistol but then only carry concealed a “common pocket knife” defined as “not a deadly weapon.” I don’t think Florida legislators are that stupid. i.e. And if was ever to need, would like to be able to protect against a gator if being attacked. Thanks. We as officers are able to see it through your window. Is a M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth allowed in public, like say its in the holder attached to your belt or pants, is it legal? Can you open carry an Out the Front Knife with on your belt ? Any input would be appreciated. In a word, no. I wish I could help more, but those are just my 2 cents. there shouldn’t even be any of these ridiculous laws. what is the legal age to have a knife on me, It could be argued that a switch blade, in a closed position, is in fact NOT a knife until it is opened. Im pretty sure I spelled that wrong,but just look that up,it should come up. You can not purchase one unless your 18 but you can carry when your 16 I think well I’ve been carrying for like 3 years now but no one knows i carry except for my family and friends. I would expect that would be a violation. There are a slew of various scenarios that could unfold with an auto knife. You cannot take any style of knife to school. Also it didn’t really specify age requirements so can I just hand my 15 year old a tactical knife ? Is this considered concealed? I started martial arts,and extensively learned karamit use. While dangerous weapons laws typically aren't as comprehensive as firearms laws, Connecticut's law is fairly detailed. Is it legal to conceal carry a fixed blade knife? My question is I wonder if they are concisered a “concealed” weapon if they are in a bag in the backseat. The law does not limit individuals from owning, selling, or buying any knife except for ballistic knives. Can I carry a gladius sheathed on my belt? At 17 I’d carry a simple cheap folder for work and such. If you have a ccw permit is there any additional leeway or different restrictions towards the ability to carry a concealed knife in Florida? And what if your not from this state can you still carry a 4″ fixed blade in a sheath attached to your belt? Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter. Question – does the exposed, visible clip on the side of an otherwise hidden “tactical” folder in a front pocket and with a blade exceeding 4 inches constitute legal open carry? There is no such language in the statute. To anyone that knows schrade (more particularly the Schrade SCH112) will know that it definitely doesnt fall under these guidlines in size. Should this read “…knife that IS considered….” ? Dont stay,theres alos something called a 21 foot rule,where that is the best distance to be from someone with a knife. Period. An automatic knife, i.e. Other companies just couldn’t figure out how to make a wallet/clip combo that made items accessible, could carry the amount of items needed AND remain thin. Years ago in WV I know that my permit didn’t cover knives, only pistols. Is. It is not a violation of this section for a person licensed to carry a concealed firearm as provided in s. 790.06(1), and who is lawfully carrying a firearm in a concealed manner, to briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person, unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense.”, “I was told (by LEO) NO to carrying a SMALL K Bar in a Kydex sheath on my belt (openly carried). There used to be firing ranges in the basements of schools to teach young men firearm safety and skills to prepare them for life and possible service in the military or law enforcement. What are the age restrictions on open/concealed carry and purchase of knives in Florida? No edges at all, just a pointed end. A neighbor’s dog made a serious attempt to take my leg off when I went out for a 0500 walk here in Tallahassee, FL. To wit: For the purposes of this section, concealed weapons or concealed firearms are defined as a handgun, electronic weapon or device, tear gas gun, knife, or billie, but the term does not include a machine gun as defined in s.790.001(9). I am felon and Florida does not allow me to carry pepperspray or mace,firearms,shocking devices and flare guns . 4532, 1897; GS 3272; RGS 5105; CGL 7207; s. 5, ch. This must be a fairly new development. An ASP (baton), or taser, are below the threat level. ",–Boker-Kalashnikov-74–103,,,,,,,, One to carry a F/A , or a wpn and it would seem that anything defined as a “wpn” or F/A would need to be carried concealed on your person under that lic. This is what it is–Boker-Kalashnikov-74–103 , and I am wondering if I am allowed to carry this knife. I do not think you are allowed to buy it. making a call at the scene or A.S.A. In your non-attorney opinion…. The blade is 4.00 inches. With. (Now have a Chinese made Magician 250.) Will each cop know that??? There is a store in the mall here called Zensations. Yes. Can I openly carry a 5 in. Open carry is a vague term and usually the whole item should be visible to avoid legal action. they didn’t care that i was a kid…. Hey Knife Up gang! I'm Pete and I'm just a small man in a small rural town who loves the outdoors as much as the other million internet users that cruise sites like every day. The difference is that I like to share what I know, and research what I don't totally know, so that YOU can have all the info you need to feel confident and prepared for all things outdoors related! It really depends on if the cop/judge/jury is a jerk/lib-tard/snowflake. Does that mean I can carry a Karambit as long as the finger loop is visible, or it is clipped to my pants? I have a Karambit knife but it doesn’t fold up it has a shealth, am I allowed to carry it in my pocket? Mace, batons, fisticuffs. *all but the curled edge of the tang is concealed Sorry about that. and you know that how, exactly? Take martial arts. pls hlp. Mom. I am curious as to if I need a concealed weapons permit to carry brass knuckles, butterfly knives, switchblades and throwing stars in the state of Florida? I carry several knives on me at all times and have even open carried a few in busy areas without being stopped. (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle. Right? I think you better ask your school what their policy is. THINK, people. august 13/2016 hello florida I like to swim in the ocean at cresent beach but sometimes there are a few sharks around.I was wanting to no if I`m allowed to carry a skin divers knife for protection against shark attacks on me and my 6yr old newphew its in a sheath with a safety button and strapped to my ankle its 4 1/4 inches long.thank you I would like some kind of response on this please.thank you, Hi I’m a 20 year old female getting my motorcycle license soon. I sat silently next to the door, and when the man left the room I took the woman for a shower.”. After reading the WACKY laws on carrying weapons beyond your own door in Florida I’d suggest every NON felon able bodied florida have the permit. no open carry of firearms in fl unless hunting or fishing and directly to and from and i would not make any stops and fed legal on auto. YMMV. Go figure. Is ok. Or no. I’m a 15 year old male in South Florida. I have one speeding ticket in the last 40 years. So I’m not sure if it’s even legal to have them in the trunk, or backseat in a bag or like do I leave them out clearly to easily be scene on the seat. To. I am a 13 year old considering buying a trainer balisong. A particularly gruesome claim is that Chinese Communist Party guards used electric batons to rape women, then electrocute them from the inside. That’s the only reason I can see for any knife carry law that says “carry any huge weapon you want as long as everyone can see it, but don’t you dare try to hide a little jackknife in your pocket!” That’s basically what all 50 states are saying in all their knife carry laws. If not then what age and again, where would it be legal for me to carry it, i.e., in hand, halfway in shoe or boot, sheathed partway, pocket, bag, straps, belt, in pants, etc.? 10100000. I never knew ballistic knives existed. Would they be classified as a “ballistic” due to the switch or are they illegal to carry in the state of Florida in general? It is for protection when I leave my house. Yes, just open carry it on your belt. ", "I'm relieved that there is someone out there protecting me and my rights. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is authorized to issue licenses to carry concealed weapons or concealed firearms to persons qualified as provided in this section. Does the ccw permit also apply to knives since ccw seems to mean concealed carry of a “weapon” which could be either gun or knife? I recently bought a neck knife. Up. They would not sell anything to me until i was 17 or 18. I own a variety of blades yet all I ever carry is a compact Gerber Scout and my Kershaw Shuffle or maybe one of several Schrades. Can I keep a large survival knife in my car. Is there a age limit on the carry laws. Having said that, it looks like any knife is legal if open carried (I guess so people can see you’re armed and can prepare themselves accordingly – whatever that might be!). I have a CCL, an carry a sidearm at the 5 0clock position wtih a gerber prodigy riding scout style on my back 6 oclock position, an where a very loose light wieght button up fishing shirt untucked an unbuttoned and am fully legal with concealed carry license. What does this all mean? Florida is a “must issue” state for concealed carry, so why not just put in the application and not have to worry about it? What are the laws regarding folding trench knives in Florida ? “Then I would leave the women in the room and a man would enter — some Chinese man from outside or policeman. I always carry my Ka-Bar on my belt. Is it legal to wear a Bowie or other fixed blade knife unconcealed? I am a adult over 40 and recently have taken to learning to use a throwing knife you know like darts as a sport. Laws can be funny when you get stopped or in court. Cops sometimes. It functions as a full-service law enforcement agency with responsibilities and jurisdiction in those National Park Service areas primarily located in the Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and New York City areas and certain other government lands. There are survival knives the are up to 12″ long and are folding knives and are not illegal. The law says if it folds in the handle then you can carry it. Looking at purchasing a boot knife for self defence (since I wouldn’t be able to carry a weapon in the glove box if I’m on a bike). If i were to modify a Box cutter in a way to make it look like a normal knife, maybe a karambit style or conceal a linoleum knife, would that still be in the legal limits of concealment in florida? If its not concealed then its open carry. I have the small version Kbar fixed on a neoprene dive knife rig that goes on the lower leg. no,, 0nly waypons no biirds pls n tjank u. what does the law say about minors carrying knives concealed or open carry? Also check for “additional features” such as serrations or a heavy metal grip, that would be considered a minor with a deadly weapon. Switchblades are legal, exempted from the prohibition. Your. I carried a knife daily, except to school, but that was back in the 80’s. Doesn’t fit either definition and I go to prison. What’s the status on that? 6 inches? I believed that crap I saw elsewhere for months and stopped looking at good conceal knives. Hey I’m a 16 year old guy living in Florida and see I had a PRACTICE ballisong I bought from a friend of mine and had it for like a month until I lent it to a another friend of mine cause he was getting a real one so I said ok and gave it to him on the bus but at the end of school he tells me it got taken away cause some sub went through his bag and found it (no one was arrested or in trouble) and I never saw it again. Judges cannot make the decision. I am 16. What happened? I would have to disagree that open carry of a fixed blade knife is lawful. Dad. Not Brian. Uyghur, Kazakh, and other ethnic minority survivors of China’s brutal concentration camp system told the BBC in an extensive report published Wednesday that they witnessed and endured rape at the hands of Chinese government agents on a regular basis, including the use of electric batons to rape and torture women. . A 4.5 inch blade carried concealed (no matter how carelessly) would be a concealed weapon in most states, including FL. The reverse is also true because Florida law allows open carry on all knives and you are openly carrying it within its proper sheath, without attempt at concealment AND sword canes are totally legal to own. It doesn’t fold so it doesn’t count as a pocket knife but at the same time it’s a small blade so I’m not sure. Law and Government — Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, agency rules, and the democratic political process. . You can conceal carry a knife that is considered a dangerous weapon if you have a permit to do so (see state statute F.S.A. I am a 16 year old and I have a Paragon Warlock, it has a 4 inch double sided blade it is not a assisted open but I didn’t know if it was legal to carry so if someone could possibly tell me that would be wonderful. Alwys check your local county laws on length and tyoe of knife allowed.ALSO check where any knife are prohibited Every county is different and some laws are strict also beyond what the state laws allow . Can I open carry this sword to various venues in town (costume contests) or will it get confiscated by the police? . Is this legal? But if your gun is LAYING ON THE SEAT IN EASY VIEW thats ok because the Offcer can see it, he said that was a ruling by the States atteny general, Orange country offcer told me 4″ folding is ok to carry in pocket, and any size can be carried in belt holster or a fix blade in a EASY TO SEE sheath. Just my opinion. However I would rather not think that, go walking around with my machete on my belt and get arrested for “seeming threatening” or some rubbish. I am curious if Florida is the same as it sounds like it might be. My knifes are in a belt carry case but I don’t wear belts and generally leave them in my go bag in the back seat of my car. A. Or your. It is my understanding that the actual blade is the flat/sharp edge & the serrated part is considered a “saw”. You can, however, conceal carry anything in your private residence (as we understand it). Which brings to question on fixed blade. I know brass knuckles are illegal in Florida but what if they are attached to a knife? If I have it in my house or say in my car will I get stopped or just walking around with it in the holder? Hope this helps! I hardly think so,,,, if you look close at the Statutes of Florida, the State has a NO go on ANY ‘weapon’ in an open carry mode.”, 790.053(1: ”Except as otherwise provided by law and in subsection (2), it is unlawful for any person to openly carry on or about his or her person any firearm or electric weapon or device.

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