are dental cleanings necessary reddit

I use it for fresh breath more than anything. Mouthwash is not a substitute for flossing or brushing. Whitening products will only remove staining and don't really have much effect (studies on this are kinda meh too) on the inner layers of teeth. Visiting a dentist for a checkup and professional cleaning twice a year has become an expected healthcare mantra. Because that word will be gone from my mind as soon as I leave this thread. Thing is, I had really sensitive gums and flossing sucked, so I think I was just very bad at it. Not molar root canals. Though I would advise you to shell out the cash for a good endodontist if you're worried about that. Additionally, they have recently started recommending brushing with toothpaste, and dipping the toothbrush in some baking soda. Hi, I’m Dr. B, practicing functional dentist for 35 years. They're going to be more frequent and more than likely you're going to have to pay out of pocket for them. Most places aren't trying to f you over, you just think they are cause things aren't cheap. And yes they're safe, but since we're dealing with your body - which is a biological organism - I can't sit here and say that things will go 100% as planned and they'll last X amount of time. I guess that's a part where I'm lost on. It's possible to keep your teeth your whole life if you take care of them. The bacteria that lives in this plaque can cause gum disease and tooth decay. I graduated from the Dugoni School of Dentistry in San Francisco, CA in 1987 and am a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM), Academy of General Dentistry (Chicago, IL), American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH), and Dental Board of California. If your dentist has done this, a) I NEED to hear this story and b) next time ask for a referral to an oral surgeon. Use mouthwash too if you want. A periodontal cleaning is a dental procedure performed to clean the teeth thoroughly. Find out why some dental treatments are necessary and if there is an alternative that will meet your needs. why are deep cleanings recommended at all: Healthy gums are tight, pink and don’t bleed when they are brushed or flossed. In fact, as male dentists (at least in our jurisdiction and many others), we are not allowed to be alone in a room with a female while administering these agents in case of this - then it's a he-said-she-said question in court. If you lose the tooth, there is no going back. If you are susceptible to cavities or gum disease, this will either minimize your chance of cavities or premature tooth loss. This is a potential side effect of these drugs. That's where about 90% of your chewing capacity comes from. If your pet is older and has severe dental disease, he could end up having 20+ teeth pulled, and are quite the ordeal! It wouldn't hurt to get a 2nd opinion, though. Very small areas of the outer layers of teeth can remineralize, but once large damage is's done. During professional cleanings and exams, a dental hygienist or dentist will use a small dental instrument called a periodontal probe to measure the pockets that develop when gums start to recede. FACT. The addition of bleach with these procedures is effective in bleaching but needs to be repeated for long-term effectiveness. The "You're too young" card probably comes with the periodontal disease and decay damage your dentist is seeing. Having an empty space where a molar was sucks. Note: it is frequency of exposure to refined carbs moreso than volume of sugar that causes tooth decay. Getting a tooth brush with harder bristles will only cause damage. Especially if it is a first molar. Right? If it's been 8 years, there may be so much buildup on your teeth that they know you need a full mouth deridement. i hate it. Dental cleanings at the vet’s office. First of all, the deep cleaning itself is very much an established dental treatment. Much more effective for cost and time in the long term. No toothbrush, no matter how expensive or fancy can replicate what flossing does. Avoid hard toys. i used to work at a dental office, and $440 w/ insurance sounds steep..but then again it depends on your dental plan as well as your dentist. Kicking myself for not trying to get cleanings at least in all these years, but being poor doesn't help. Patients with a history of periodontal disease need deeper cleanings because periodontal “pockets” have formed. Professionally prescribed bleach is the way to go. From 5-6 mm on my gum recessions to 1-2 mm, been that way for 8-ish years now. How safe? i'm not a dentist..yet. It can foam up a little, so I give it bit before rinsing. I'm willing to reply to anyone who has a question as well but heed my warning... DISCLAIMER I am not a licensed dentist. Ever get the feeling that must-have treatment your dentist is recommending isn’t really necessary? Every time your saliva neutralizes the acid from these drinks you re-expose teeth to the acid. We aren't even sure what causes them entirely. I am not a licensed health care professional. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. MYTH. not sure which) the PH and makes it harder for bacteria to grow. They are discernible increments but not extreme. I hate going there, even though I have to. Or you could replace the tooth with a bridge, which would require cutting the teeth next to where your tooth is missing... And still lose bone... 1-2k? :P, My bf had to get a tooth extracted because he had no insurance and the air force wouldn't do stuff with him without him getting rid of the tooth.... x.x (Fucking bullshit if you ask me. Any questions, I'll give you my response. Patients often state "the last tooth a dentist took out, he had his knee on my chest - literally!" Discussions and links of interest for dental professionals on all things dentistry. That shit be strong. Whitening toothpaste works...kinda. If we can't get it out with forceps, we cut that shit out... remove bone gently from around the tooth and take it out in sections. If your oral health is deteriorating, the dental professional can intervene to put you back on track. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. (Reddit Dentists - I learned this from John Kanca III, highly respected dentist/lecturer). Why does age really matter? He just tilted is head slightly, looked at me, and said "None of them. A dubious dental practitioner might bill a run-of-the-mill extraction or basic cleaning as something much more complex and costly. It's understandable I guess. Kicking myself for not trying to get cleanings at least in all these years, but being poor doesn't help. No amount of mouthwash will save ye mortal. How long do they last? The dental cleanings recommended after these treatments are called “periodontal maintenance care.” Periodontal maintenance involves a cleaning that is deeper than a normal cleaning in a dental office. *6. I've picked these up from various similar threads overtime: If it doesn't have Novamin, Calcium sodium phosphosilicate, it won't repair teeth or as well as you'd expect. 5 Reasons Cat Teeth Cleanings Are Worth the Cost. Maybe the root canal specialist doesn't take Medi-Cal. And I don't think the X-Rays showed calculus, she never mentioned it. ), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. My dentist told me that unless I get real pro-active I'd likely loose teeth and have to get implants well before a normal retirement age. No one can tell you that. i know you hate it. Mouthwash is a substitute for flossing or brushing. Upvote this guy, Edit: I'm a final year dental student whos happy to finally see a decent answer because I'm too lazy to write one myself. Wekiva Dental 686 N Hunt Club Boulevard Wekiva Place, Suite 100 Longwood, FL 32779 407-869-7333 Novamin helps repair the teeth and adds natural whiteness. It lowers (or raises? Sorry for the name confusion O.o. First - get your work done, and maintain your cleaning appointments after you have SRP. Is it better/safer to just pull the tooth? Will they have to pull other teeth near it? You're playing catch-up right now., I was never worried about pain, just the cost. Only my molar looked bad for any reason cuz it's in bad shape. A full mouth series of dental x-rays is recommended for new patients. Two dental cleanings a year provided significant benefits to people with one or more of the three risk factors, while people with two or three … Can someone just go ahead and post which brands have Novamin? But regular cat teeth cleanings … Electric toothbrushes are beneficial, but mainly because it's easier to instinctively brush lighter (see point#2). But inherently root canals have somewhere in the 95%-99% success rate. Dental appointments may not be viewed as a pleasant experience for all patients, but it does play a key role in the prevention of oral disease and tooth loss. We don't like to see people really young needing extensive amounts of work. And that's with normal hygiene, i.e. :P The dentist said I need a deep cleaning, and I guess she's probably right after 8 years of pretty much just brushing my teeth once a day. Routine dental cleanings often referred to as dental checkups or dental exams, have long been regarded as critical components of a person’s dental health. Yes it's expensive but that's what it's going to take to get you back on track after missing out on so much maintenance. Avoid extra hard toys, like bones or antlers, as these can lead to dental fractures. MYTH. There are ongoing trials with it as a helpful in preventing further damage and possibly remineralizing (lots of conflicting research I think). And are there any dangers with it? your mom hates it. If your dog won’t let you brush their teeth, you can try using dog dental sprays or water additives, though Dr. Brigden cautions that they’re not as effective. But I'm not in pain or anything and my gums don't seem to bleed when I brush. Or is she just trying to get more cash out of me? Same goes for mouthwash. They're pretty safe and predictable. Yeah uh, if the tooth needs out I don't care how old I am.... Hell my bf just got a tooth out and he's the same age as me! Use floss. You can also give your dog something to chew on. We can help you develop a treatment plan that fits you. I feel so bad for the parents of the little guys we have needing 10+ fillings and they are so proud of giving their little hockey player Gatorade for "electrolytes". brushing 2x/day and flossing at least a couple times per week. Soft drinks/juice/sports drinks are bad for your teeth. This is something of which many dentists are not always aware. Floss, for god sake floss. I will try to say only things I definitely know something, but nothing I say is 100% for sure positively correct. To have a healthy smile. Brush lightly. Is Deep cleaning Teeth Necessary , Teeth cleaning is also called as periodontal prophylaxis. Same kind of thing here. Save your money and go to a dentist or someone who can make custom trays for you. Those that are low risk or less susceptible can get away with this more (one of my dentist buddies claims he never flosses and has never had a cavity) - but your risk factors can change and you will pay the price :(. No amount of force from a knee will help a tooth come out. You WILL lose bone over time in that area, and if you want an implant in the future, you may not only have to pay for the implant and crown, but also for a bone graft. No one should be using anything but a soft tooth brush (literally labelled soft). TL;DR im a dental student. If you are susceptible to cavities or gum disease, this will either minimize your chance of cavities or premature tooth loss. As for the expensive thing, hopefully I can get care at this local clinic and it'll be less expensive/maybe even affordable. 8 years = 16 hours of cleaning that you've missed. It sounds like you're saying that mouthwash is as good as flossing or brushing. But overall, extractions tend to lead to more costly treatment. This helps minimize trauma and is much nicer for the patient (despite how it sounds). The main reason we have regular dental cleanings is prevention. The science, however, has shifted in recent times similar to the current questioning of the efficacy of flossing … :), EDIT: Mouthwash is (deleted "not") a substitute for brushing and flossing, Best answer i've seen this whole thread. ~95%). Both can be a permanent fix to an infected tooth. One is more expensive than the other at first (the root canal)... ~1.5-2k for the root canal and a crown. :P, The root canal vs. Extractions debate really comes down to the patient. When you eat, tiny particles, acids, and sugars from the food stick to this film, creating a buildup on the teeth known as plaque. I have been a hygienist for over 25 years and I feel that you are all entitled to your opinions no matter how erronius they are. Oral-B whitening strips are a brandname that works (approx $40). Every six months when I go for my routine teeth cleaning, its always a painful experience. ... Flossing is necessary. Modify your diet where you're only drinking water in between meals and not eating crap all day. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Background: I am a current dental student (aka studying to be a dentist). *4. If you dried your mouth for 30-45mins+ and kept it open without saliva exposure and shined a light on them they would be damn white afterwards. When you feel confident, your social life improves, and it opens up the door for many possibilities in your career as well. :( And does it cover deep cleanings? Normal, healthy pockets will typically be between 1 and 3 mm deep. Finally went to a dentist after a good 8 years or so. Press J to jump to the feed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I have never seen, learn, been taught or heard of any dentist doing this. I have considered getting whitening strips before but am unsure of what is real (will work) and what is just a filler product. Marketing is powerful stuff. When asked why, he said that the circular motion really just made it harder for you to press down as you're brushing, and that's the entire reason they recommend it. I do not guarantee that anything I say is set in stone but simply information that I have garnered over a few years of school thus far. You can manage symptoms of pain with CankerCover or Anbesol/Orajel but it takes 10 days - 2 weeks to get rid of them completely. 1st Family Dental offers a full range of general, specialty dental and orthodontic services for the whole family. Ask around if they are well-liked by their patients first. It holds a pint. Don't trust your friend on root canals, unless he's a dentist. World of confusion. Acidic foods? 3. :P. The dentist said I need a deep cleaning, and I guess she's probably right after 8 years of pretty much just brushing my teeth once a day. Do it. I flossed, but they persisted. You brush too hard, really. He also backed this up. Dentists and dental hygienists of Reddit, what is actually fact and myth in the dental world? If you're looking for clinical measurable results, they're all a complete waste of money, and yes, that means all of them.". Dentical actually does cover root canals now (and deep cleanings). Now I recall being told I had "deep pockets" so that sounds right. EDIT Was mainly a personal preference, but it seems that although it doesn't do anything bad, it's probably not as amazing as advertisements make it. Parents, do your kids a favour: lots of water for hydration and a banana for electrolytes. Regular cleanings are an efficient means of preventative dentistry. I fill it with warm water, and to it I add 1/4 cup of plain old 3% hydrogen peroxide (8:1 basically). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Regarding root canals vs extractions, I has the same question myself not long ago and read this article which may help. I've never heard of pulling other healthy teeth near one that's been RCT'd, even if it's infected. ... deep cleanings are usually done to treat gum disease, our office charged $109 with insurance coverage, they were done in 1hr sessions. Waterpiks may help and they may do the trick, but there is nothing as good as getting in between there once a day. Mouthwash is a good adjunct, but if you don't brush and floss your teeth correctly. If you have dentals done on a regular basis, your pet is less likely to need extractions. I have absolutely no idea how hard to polish a tomatoe. However, it works! HOWEVER, they disagree entirely on the mouthwash; they say that it is entirely stupid and a waste of money, unless you just do it to have good smelling breath. depending on the patient cleanings were done ever 3, 4, or 6 months.

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