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Let the gates of my life and city be open to the King of glory (Psalm 24:7). Some Gates To Consider: Demonic Gates: Do you some times notice that you feel choked on your bed? Two other gates you should choose not to enter. The gates are not just access routes, they are legal access routes. And of course, were dealing with spiritual gates. There are six gates or portals for the soul. :) prayer requests, Deliverance, find someone to read scripture with, ask questions, PRAISE REPORTS :) Vortexes and portals can be categorized according to direction and nature of energy flow, two examples are. Believe for God's people to be drawn to prayer and repentance in order to open the portals of heaven. I was in Kashmir in 1994, 95, 96 and each time I asked my inner self if it was appropriate to go, each time I got NO. Opening the Spiritual Gate Opening the Spiritual Gate addresses the need for education in the assessment of spiritual need and spiritual care, for clinical staff of all types working in all healthcare settings. They are entry points. A GATE IS ANY PORT OF ACCESS USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF BOTH ENTRY AND EXIT. The Word tells us that when we receive Jesus we are sealed with the Holy Spirit in our spirit. Pray something like My heavenly father, in Jesus name, I bind the spiritual force or condition that is resistant to the flow of God in me. Spiritual gates and portals pdf Spiritual gates and portals pdf Now that we know something of how darkness gains access to our spirits through open gates, lets focus now on how to evict these unwanted intruders from our spiritual hou se. The same is true in the spiritual. Prayers over Gates: Through Jesus let me possess the gate of the enemy (Genesis 22:17). And the King of glory shall come in"--Psalm 24:7. Updated 2020.02.03. Another was the higher level fallen angels, called celestial beings in Jude 8-10 (NIV). When a soul journeys from one state to another, it passes through one of these gateways. They are spiritual doors or pathways of entry into a life, a family, a city, a nation, a continent, a career, a business or a marriage. Pray for portals of heavenly glory to be opened up over your family, church, ministry, city and nation. Acknowledge your sin and take responsibility for not guarding the gate. B. And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! WHAT IS A GATE? Believe for great outpourings of the Spirit of God upon children. It not only discusses the Portals of Heaven on earth, but the great possibility that the Israelites had come to America during the reigns of King David and Solomon to mine copper, needed for bronze, for the building of the temple. One of NASAs spacecraft, the THEMIS, and cluster probes from Europe have amassed enough observational data to confirm that a magnetic stargate portal exists in many locations. It is the gate in operation. 4. I release battering rams against the gates of hell (Ezekiel 21:22). Upon every gate, there are strongmen! By Dr. Abu Bako. Every person has gates to their spirit, soul, and body. Believed by some to be a portal to the land of the gods, the Gate of the Sun in Bolivia shares much of its legends with other similar sites in the Andes region. Before you conquer a physical gate, it's imperative that you conquer a spiritual gate. A GATE gives access to the City; it is a seat of power, authority and influence; 1 Chronicles 9:22-23. 5. November 4, 2015 August 21, 2017 Abu Bako. Read more . There are gates that are portals into the body, mind, soul and spirit of individuals. Each portal is a very significant event. A NASA-funded researcher at the University of Iowa has figured out how to find X-points, places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun. Spiritual gates are passageways to enter through or to go out from destinations. Most portals will call you when the time is right, and if you honor this you will receive an amazing shift in consciousness, one place I wanted to go to; Armanath Cave in Kashmir, where Shiva and Pravati come down and anchor immortality on the earth plane never happened. Isaiah 3:26, Her gates shall lament and mourn, and she being desolate shall sit on the ground. The gates of Zion is said to be lamenting and mourning in this Scripture. Pray for an increase of operative faith in order to release miracles, signs, wonders, and the glories of heaven. Beware Which Gate You Enter The six portals of the soul. "He commanded the clouds above and opened the doors of heaven"--Psalm 78:23. This group is what we choose to make it. Establish the gates of praise in my life (Isaiah 60:18). Let the Bible validate this assertion. Keys to Opening the Spiritual Gate. In 2015, NASA admitted that the idea of Earth portals areas on the planet that instantly teleport human beings from one place to the other are a reality that they have been studying for quite some time. First we need to learn as much about the enemy as we can. We began examining the whole concept of two realms of spiritual beings. Throughout Scripture, we see the existence of doorways or portals: "Lift up your heads, O you gates! Upflow Vortexes, Positive Portals: This is where the energy is flowing upward out of the earth, these vortexes are generally revitalising and feel positive. The gates to our spirit are closed when our spirit become new creation. Taking the blood by faith and wiping the gateways clean. For further study buy Dr. Bakos teaching on Praying through the Gates of Time. THE BOOK OF THOTH, CONTENTS PART ONE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE On 18th November, 1898 e.v., Aleister Crowley was initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; he 3-4). "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors"--Proverbs 8:34. THE 12 GATES OF NEHEMIAH A. Understanding Spiritual Gates and Open Heavens Continuing in Isaiah 45:1, we read, So that the gates will not be shut. Psalm 24 encourages us that we can ascend into the habitation, mountain, or holy place of the Lord (vv. I loose it and cast it out of this gateway. 3. Any port of access is a gate that is why they are called ports, such as seaports, Closing the Gates Healing from the Influence of Darkness . You have no choice but to go through three of these gates. A Spirit Portal is any person, place, or object that acts as a channel for unrelated Spiritual beings to travel to and from the physical realm, we know as Earth. Keys to the Kingdom Deliverance Fellowship. Spiritual gates are access routes. Spiritual gates and portals pdf Spiritual gates and portals pdf Jun 23, 2020 Contributor By : David Baldacci Media PDF ID f508a790 the mystic gate the sacred portal of the mysteries pdf Favorite eBook Reading paperback publisher regent press isbn 1587900726 best condition like new 543 add to cart the mystic Heavenly Portals . The course consists of four sessions face to face or online. Although this book is the third of the Seer Trilogy, it was written as a standalone book. These nodes are portals, gates that go beyond the physical but the supernatural that involves the spiritual dimensions that are disclosed in the Bible for example. One was the usual demonic realm, which seems to include the lower level spiritual beings. Many Christians do not believe that Christians can be oppressed by dark influences. There are gates that control entrance into and egress from the systems of this world. The gates of hell cannot prevail against me (Matthew 16:18). There are two types of gates, the physical and the spiritual gates; every physical gate has a corresponding spiritual gate! It is important to note that the state of a gate determines the condition its inhabitants live in. It's very possible for a gate to be opened for you but the strong men prevent you from entering. Understanding Spiritual Gates and Portals.

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