fake employment references

• Loss of employment. In such instances, multiple managers at the same firm will make inquires about a prospective candidate. “It’s almost child’s play,” he once boasted. - PR11234160 CareerExcuse will even go so far as to make the fake business show up on Google Maps. Most job applicants or new hires are required to sign a contract swearing that all of the information they provided in their application was truthful. Austin Powell contributed to this report. … These types of outsourced inquires typically follow a standardized script. Her company expends a considerable amount of resources verifying applicants’ background biographical information, with criminal background checks, civil database searches, employment verification, and more. In recent years, a cadre of enterprising entrepreneurs have come up with dubious solutions for people who, for whatever reason, feel like they can’t get a job based on their actual record. “It’s hard to hide that you aren’t who you say you are if the company doing the hiring really wants to find out,” Feldman said. My ex employer keeps giving me bad references which is making it impossible to find work. The process gets considerably more difficult when a smaller company is hiring for a top-level position. If you cannot get a reference from this last job get references from other places you worked. The real consequences for providing fake job references fall on the employee. As the founder of CareerExcuse, William Schmidt has been helping disadvantaged job applicants gain employment since 2009. Astonishingly, the survey showed that 17% of the 1,000+ companies surveyed, found that some of their employees (and particularly those at mid-level) had provided fake references when applying for their jobs. It’s illegal to give a reference to a government employee, including firefighters and police officers. February 2021 Employer Partners Remote Job Openings, 10 Tips for Working from Home with Your Partner. For other fields of employment, however, such companies are likely judgment-proof. Although the information is fake, we try to make it seem a complete and true employment information. Posted on 3 Februari 2011. Fake job reference services are whispered about like dastardly professional parables. Obviously I wouldn't stand a chance getting this job with my current references and so on. Using fake references can hurt your chances of employment. Although the information is fake, we try to make it seem a complete and true employment information. I’ve never actually worked at Thomas, Pickford & Thomas. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/career-excuse-fake-job-references The issue, she noted, is that performing the majority of these checks cost money, and many employers will only do them for senior-level positions. So here's the deal, I have an interview with UPS logistics next week. Almost half of the reference inquires he gets are from third-party staffing firms hired to do the initial round of vetting for a company. With our fake references, we set up a dedicated phone line and voicemail with the area code that you desire. Such companies are a growing concern for Amy Feldman, general counsel at headhunting firm the Judge Group. Since including a reference list is no longer standard practice, doing so might peg you as an older job seeker. Meet The Team. If you're a seasoned employee If you've already held down at least one full-time job, you'll probably be held to a different standard than a recent college graduate when it comes to references. These services are so confident in their ability to trick your employer that most will refund your money if you do not receive a job offer. Directly lying is incredibly unethical, and if caught, you could be fired or face legal trouble. As the name suggests, fake job references are professional names accompanying a CV, only that they do not belong to real people. (If, in fact, one exists. The Reference Store sells fake job references to the public. The service won’t impersonate an already existing company and refuses to recommendations for fields where someone’s life could be at stake, as with firefighters, private military contracting, and doctors, for example. Don’t lie, or you’ll run the risk of getting caught and embarrassed in front of your colleague.) A fake reference service provider could face serious legal consequences for falsifying applicant information for government employees or for life-and-death professionals, such as doctors or police officers. Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Everyone, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences.” Use the services of fake reference providers and you will feast sooner than you had anticipated. All these are randomly generated, and we have large databases to generate them randomly. We offer the best Fake Employment References on the market We at Fake Reference Shop are dedicated to setting up your employment history with a company of your choice; any dates, any length of time, any salary and any job description you require. The firm’s philosophy, as listed on its website, “based on the premise that companies that generate a high return on equity on a consistent basis generally achieve an above average share price appreciation over time.”. work history. Much much more. people in … When my editor contacted the number of Thomas, Pickford & Thomas provided by Career Excuses for employment verification, an automated message system directed him to a series of extensions. Speaking of professionalism – you know, that thing that can no longer be attributed to you – falsifying your references will remove all positive connection to professionalism. It was something I could take to the public.”. I spent three years as a staff accountant at Thomas, Pickford & Thomas, an equity research firm with a specialty in oil and gas. For a small fee, CareerExcuse.com promises to not only craft an elaborate lie based on your exact job specifications but to see it through for as long as necessary. The date you started & left, 2. The reference-check is often the final hurdle in a candidate securing a job and has long been a trusted process, but a recent study has found an alarming amount of references provided are actually fabricated. This page has a simple employment information, including name, salary, job title and so on. What if your tenant’s employer doesn’t reply? The reason I believe, is because no one wants to employ someone with a sketchy employment history. However, the BBC were quick to point out that the true figure associated with employees providing fake references is like… Fake employment references are so prominent that there are even numerous online services that provide fake websites, locations, and former managers. Even a pub landlord who … They breed suspicion in the minds of hiring managers and they cause job-seekers to question their veracity. There are key places a job seeker should go and do their homework before applying to any job online. If it's someone claiming to be from your former employer – I just need to ring up your former employer's reception and say that I am a client or customer of (fake person) and see how that goes. Does the Ability to Work From Anywhere Change Your Career Plans? “I know how to hit all the keywords they want to here and use that for my members’ advantage,” Schmidt claimed. How employers can fight back against fake job references Many businesses now offer fake job reference services to people looking to fudge the truth when searching for employment. "The job market is filled with high-quality workers, and it can sometimes b… I’m not a CPA. Their Employment, “Blue Collar Plan”, for $100 includes an established company website, street address, local phone number and fax line, corporate voice mail greeting, and a live reference to act as their supervisor. Wait to provide references until the employer requests them. They require a full 5 YEAR! You might also accidentally include someone as a reference who isn’t respected by the employer … Fake Employment Reference United States, Fake Employment Reference Canada, Fake Alibi Canada, Fake Alibi United States, Fake Website United States & Canada, Fake Landlord Reference United States, Fake Landlord Reference Canada, Reference Check on Current and Previous Bosses, Coworkers, & Landlords, Fake-Job-Reference In fact, without a hint of irony, a page on the Reference Store’s website about its own hiring requirements declares that all applicants must, “certify that the information on this application is correct and … understand that any misrepresentation or omission of any information will result in … disqualification from consideration for employment or, if employed … dismissal.”. There’s just one slight problem: I know virtually nothing about accounting. He simply checks off the appropriate boxes, includes a nice note about how wonderful the employee in question is, and then faxes it right back. Reference Store, for example, offers interview coaching and “virtual landlord” services, in addition to providing fake references. The company has created a Kafka-like labyrinth for recruiters to navigate through, all seemingly purposeful on the surface. Your Job Title, 4. If losing your job and potentially causing irreversible damage to your professional reputation aren’t enough to dissuade you from using the services of a fake reference provider, consider the illegality. We only make custom websites and do not use sites over and over again like our competitors. I never had any diciplinary action during my employment, i wasn't sacked. Companies rarely sue for lying, but the people you named on your reference list have every right to. However, if a hiring manager simply does a Google search for the companies an applicant lists on his or her résumé, makes a couple of phone call to that company, and speaks to someone about the applicant, any falsehoods are likely to pass under the radar. If you have a friend from this last job see if they will give youa reference. I’d have made a terrible accountant, no matter what Jack Ford might tell you. You might say, for example, that you aren’t familiar enough with the person’s work to offer a reference, or cite an employer’s policy about not providing references. Schedule Now! Are your actions legal? Although we cannot confirm the existence of Bloody Mary’s appearance in a mirror, we can attest to the reality of fake job reference services. Virtual Vocations Press and Media Reviews, 6 Tips for Avoiding Job Scams on Monster.com, 11 Employers Who Hire for Remote Diversity and Inclusion Jobs. Of course that is totally understandable. For a time it was even creating phony LinkedIn profiles for the companies it created. Too bad this money back guarantee can’t return your integrity. This page has a simple employment information, including name, salary, job title and so on. Glassdoor - This is the single largest resource for third-party information on employers. If your newly acquired employer discovers that you have deceived him with a falsified employment record, you could experience any of these damaging outcomes. In his post, Alifanz provided tips to employers on how to vet a potentially fake reference, including looking up a suspicious company's Web site or using a phone company's reverse phone … “While we were all unemployed, a couple of my former coworkers asked me to act as their reference for job interviews,” Schmidt recalled. Schmidt said that the most common form of employment verification he comes across is a company just faxing over a form with little to no actual human interaction. In fact, Thomas, Pickford & Thomas doesn’t even exist. • Legal ramifications. fake employment reference cost The price is $60 for the first month of service and $30 per month for all subsequent months. According to Schmidt, deceiving hiring managers isn’t particularly difficult. It’s a small team of investment analysts, accountants, and attorneys with an office in Austin’s trendy South Congress neighborhood. He’s quick to brush off ethical concerns, citing horror stories from his clients about being mistreated by their former employers (and thus being unable to acquire a reference) and noting that it becomes more difficult to land a job the longer someone’s been unemployed. The site will provide a live HR operator and staged supervisor, along with building and hosting a virtual company website—complete with a local phone number and  toll-free fax. In what circumstances would you consider using a fake job reference service to help you get hired? However, there are significant risks associated with sites like CareerExcuse. If your would-be employer would like to make a phone call to verify your references, the fake service will provide you with an equally faux phone number to give to your employer, who will then be routed to an agent that will further delve into your lie-laced employment history. He was right. In tough economic times, candidates will less than extensive employment histories may consult with a fake job reference service to beef up their resume in order to give them the work experience of a more preferable employee. If your employer discovers you lied, you could be fired. He was told to fax his verification request to an 888 number, but kept pressing for call back instead. Feldman also said that lying during the hiring process could open employees up to fraud charges, and the deceived company could sue to recover training and salary costs. All these are randomly generated, and we have large databases to generate them randomly. How to choose the right crowdfunding platform for your project? Not long after he got off the phone, I received an email detailing the conversation, informing me that someone had inquired about hiring me. He joined the Center for Investigative Reporting in 2016. Hours of Service: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 6:30pm EST Their landlord reference plan is just as scary. Do you want to be associated with a practice that could be considered a tort? Your 'work history,' your skills, duties performed and your dates of employment, even your character qualities, are reviewed and rehearsed, then provided over the phone to a prospective employer or reference checking service. “I did it for free for my friends, but then I realized that this is some there’s a pretty big demand for. Fake job reference services are whispered about like dastardly professional parables. My editor repeated the process, and around it went again, circling back ad infinitum like an animated GIF. He lives in Seattle, Washington. All rights reserved. As for reference check. Men and women that face barriers to getting hired may use a reference service to help minimize or even eliminate these barriers. The Reference Store provides glowing references for employment, Grad School, and Apartment hunters. The family-owned firm was founded by brothers Gary and Michael Thomas 1998, who boast decades of Wall Street experience. CareerExcuse will offer references for vendors and landlords. Come with us on an investigation of the industry of fake job referencing as we explore the dangers of a service that does a disservice to the work world. We at Fake Reference Shop are dedicated to setting up your employment history with a company of your choice; any dates, any length of time, any salary and any job description you require. Sure, this danger may be brought to you by Captain Obvious, but that doesn’t make it any less detrimental to your pocketbook or professionalism. The scale of the operation and the attention to detail was impressive. “In today’s environment with rampant unemployment, everyone’s looking for an edge. This service is no urban legend, folks. Site founder Everett Davis claims to have hired retired intelligence professionals to deceive his customers’ potential employers. Jack Ford, my supervisor there, will have no problem verifying any of that for you. Take for example the tagline of the Fake Job References website, “Why let the past deny your future?” Job-seekerswho have been fired or forced out of a job for unfavorable reasons hire a fake job reference service to improve their employment track record by covering up occurrences that may make them less hirable. 1. Company helps job applicants get fake references to cover for bad references; Founder: Customers say bad reference like having criminal record; Experts warn employers … And it’s shockingly effective. Finally, an employee who has been terminated or had a bad relationship with a former employer may provide false contacts in order to fulfill the request for a reference. Companies do check references but a reference from your old job is not necessary. By almost any measure, I have an impeccable résumé. A common recurring case of fake referencing is when candidates list their friends or family members as their former bosses or colleagues. 7 LinkedIn mistakes you’re probably making, 12 essential tips for successful selling on Etsy. Eligible For Rehire GUARANTEED! Within the first 24 hours of launching the CareerExcuse site, Schmidt had already received multiple order for his services. Job seekers need to know the impact references can have during the hiring process. And the company won’t  you secure a loan you otherwise couldn’t get. Video: Trump supporter cries racism after hospital employee calls president ‘orange man’. William has helped many. Segal states that there are numerous legal precedents in which businesses have been held to account for knowingly providing fraudulent professional references for past employees. Your Salary, 3. There are some lines CareerExcuse won’t cross. But after that, it’s all negotiable. Your Expert In Fake Job References. Your Verifiable Resume Starts Here! I left because my boss made working … Of that seventeen percent, 76% had received fake references from applicants on more than one occasion! For a fee, which can include a one-time payment or a monthly subscription, a fake reference service will contrive employer information, including dates of employment, work duties, compensation history, and a reason for termination. If you need to download in bulk, please visit our then be routed to an agent that will further delve into your lie-laced employment history. Come with us on an investigation of the industry of fake job referencing as we explore the dangers of a service that does a disservice to the […] Fake Employment Reference Bad or non-existent references will stop you being employed. ONE STOP JOB REFERENCES . Astonishingly, the survey showed that 17% of the 1,000+ companies surveyed, found that some of their employees (and particularly those at mid-level) had provided fake references when applying for their jobs. Is it really worth the risk? There’s embellishing a resume with the aid of a thesaurus, having a friend with writing talent help, and hiring a professional resume writing service, and then there’s falsifying your references and employment history via a fake reference generator. "If a candidate puts a false reference, they could be sued for defamation," said Raj Vardhman, co-founder of GoRemotely. Fake references are illegal – if you're caught. Regardless of the reason, lying on a rental application is a major tenant screening red flag. • Impaired professional reputation. William Schmidt started the site in 2009, after being let go from his job in a round of layoffs during the lowest depths of the recession. Fake employment references Back in July we posted an article titled “Bogus Employment References Don’t Do It!” since then we have spoken to a number of employers who have highlighted the problem of fake and bogus references and how their use seems to be on the increase during the current recession. Take no chances with Fake Reference Shop the professional reference service. Feldman’s right. CareerExcuse.com will provide your applicant with everything from fake employment and job references, to even a fraudulent degree. Everything about the firm, from its website to Mr. Ford, is part of a phony career services package I purchased on the Internet—for a mere $150. Fake Employment Reference Service . Or a friend of yours who has known you a while, preferably someone again with a good job or position of responsibility. Aaron Sankin is a former Senior Staff Writer at the Daily Dot who covered the intersection of politics, technology, online privacy, Twitter bots, and the role of dank memes in popular culture. Career Excuse will even draft a fake employer website for your hiring manager to peruse. Some clients requested not only references, but employment verifications. We only make custom websites and do not use sites over and over again like our competitors. They breed suspicion in the minds of hiring managers and they cause job-seekers to question their veracity. Using the services of a fake reference company is to your work reputation what an iceberg was to the Titanic. Some job seekers may think they need to use a fake reference because they were fired or need to cover a gap in their employment history. When that happens, Schmidt often tries to push as much of the conversation as possible onto email in order to keep all the details consistent. If you don’t get a reply from a tenant’s employer, or they refuse to answer your questions, then you can always rely on the tenant’s credit report to verify income. She couldn’t get references through the official channels as apparently her direct superiors didn’t want to do this. Neither do they bear true information. Fake Employment Reference Service. He was transferred first to a receptionist, and then another one named Jamie from the office of my supposed supervisor, Jack Ford. Fake Employment References: Facts & Figures. The motive for a fake rental reference might be because the applicant doesn’t have a rental history, has a poor rental history, or simply doesn’t remember their past landlords’ contact information. In the case of Career Excuse, the service has been in operation since 2009. Since most employers in the United States use “at-will employment,” meaning employees can be let go for any reason the company sees fit, using a service like CareerExcuse could result in termination. CareerExcuse is far from unique. Our service just gets them the interview.”. Websites like Career Excuse, The Reference Store, and Fake Job References have provided their customers with fabricated employee references for years. That likely depends on just how proficient and accomplished you are in your profession. The tenant provided a fake reference; The tenant’s employer had negative remarks about the tenant’s attendance, performance, or behavior; 5. Interviews Guaranteed!!! Copyright © 2020 Virtual Vocations. There is no clear profile as to who might use a reference service. You tell us, 1. “It’ll only be obvious on their first day of work if they’re not qualified for the position,” she noted. Lying during employment verification is particularly risky because you're often risking your reputation with several organizations, including the party requesting verification and your current or former employer. Make Your Resume Verifiable TODAY! 0. Very recently I gave a fake reference for a girl I liked at work. The owners of these fake employment reference businesses cite the use of third party staffing firms, and the manual reference checking processes, as reasons for being able to manipulate the hiring process in favor of their clients. William Schmidt Founder . Though disclaimers on the websites of these companies often state that their services are legal, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, Pennsylvania attorney Jonathan Segal isn’t as sure. “Yes, there’s a moral issue in fibbing on your résumé to land a job, but that’s for people to deal with themselves,” he insisted. How to Answer the Interview Question: What Are Your Career Goals? After we make contact with a prospective employer or reference …

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