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I always break my fast with tea (in Jamaica we drink a lot of hot teas). But, above all, you need to accept Jesus Christ first and live in holiness unto Him before you do anything else. I pray for your strength in this fast and a complete deliverance afterward in Jesus’ Name. In any case, I’m glad to hear you felt it was worth the effort. Breaking the habit and fighting the temptation can’t possibly be easy. From 187 lbs to 167 now. I had grand visions of a gluttonous feast where I’d recover all the calories I’d missed out on at once. –there’s no medal for your own efforts. So, I assume your energy came from the coffee & tea with caffeine. –Much like when I first lost most of my bodyfat as a kid, after this syndrome, and major changes up 40lb and down 20-40lb and then staying lean again (leaner than ever) for nearly 2 years. That’s why she keeps asking you to pray with her and read the Bible. Imma doing the fast today alright but I must say your comical write-up certainly makes me look more forward to this!! A three day fast is little more intense than a 24-Hour fast. Try to see if there are any health organizations in your country that offers free health checks. For beginners, a singular 3-day dry fast consists… Next time I do an extended fast I’ll try. Not just merely praying to get married, but to pray for this unknown man. better by then). (Excerpt from Fasting to Freedom) If you are going to fast or make radical changes in diet you will need encouragement. For beginners, a singular 3-day dry fast consists… My body felt strong, but it didn’t have the endurance it normally did. I’d like to keep it at 160 so getting back into bike riding will keep me right where I’d like to be. Some people call it fast when it’s just water, some call it fast when it’s nothing at all…When I was giving up sugar, I would not even eat things like stevia or honey…sometimes not even fruit for a few months; and most people do not count those as “sugar”. We lose about 1% of our metabolic rate every few years after we turn 30. The first day has been the most difficult so far, it was the last time I did one too. I would add that if you’re addicted to sugar, a 3 day fast would likely be miserable due to cravings. Three days is the period your body needs to unlock your healing metabolism and begin reaping the benefits. H/w. Thank everyone for the Testimonies on here I'm doing a three day fast for my health as well as healing for other people as well. Thanks for the input. not vaping rite now). As a Christian, I will answer the question in that perspective. Not only does Dr. Fung explain exactly how and why fasting works, he provides helpful tips to make fasting easier. Hello! I also do 36 hours 72 hours and did one time 10 days fasting. Happy publishing! I thought the same thing. only smoked bc I was depressed. Maybe learning about digital marketing might help with your health and fitness blog? All the other weight you lose during the fast is water that’ll come back pretty much immediately. I did a 10 day bone broth fast in the summer of 2016, two of those days actual fasting, and it was the beginning of a life changing Transformation. And Bob is going to let us know he is the real expert…. All my kids are fathered by different men, all my sisters too have kids from different men, am 45yrs old (I can see changes in my menstruating cycle so menopause maybe round the corner)… Am in the deepest end of my life. Thanks, this is a great tip! Lots of nuts, some fruits, and berries with various herbs or else roots. I played hockey on the 3rd night of a 5 day fast and had loads of energy and a mental clarity like I’d never experienced before…much like you were referring to. Rather go to the beach! I’ve escaped upstairs just now to try and get away from the smell of the food. -7 days preparation: no added sugar, gluten, alcohol, coffee, meats/fish/eggs (only raw fruits and vegetables on the last 3 days). I wish you the best… and maybe better still I wish the best to those around you in case Mrs Hangry emerges a la Hulk. Full of energy, Very focused, my stomach wasn’t bloated at all. I was thinking about maybe going on to a 5 day fast but this is only the second one I’ve done and the last one was a few years ago now. So i got up, took a shower and went to the gym and did my regular routine (heavy lifting). Hello! It’s the inspired Word of God, so you need to read it a lot during this fast. Way to go John! do it for you, not to impress a bunch of douchebags (that likely haven’t gone through anything). Simple tips on fasting for answers to common questions like: Since I’m no doctor, all the medical info comes not from me but Dr. Jason Fung’s book (below). Thanks. This, I found out afterward when I read some books on the physiology of fasting, is entirely to be expected. mental strength? I am a huge fan of Jason Fung’s book and heard multiple interviews with him. Nothing else. No number 2 at all on day 2 of my 3 day fast. Water fast coaching and consultations; Dry fast coaching; Diet coaching after your fast; Retreats. But I'm thinking how can I do this 3-days dry fasting now, the last time I did one day dry fasting, I wasn't myself, my stomach move to my chest, I couldnt close my eyes to sleep and I was very weak, I broke that fast at 3am the next day because I couldn't sleep, I could not even close my eyes, I was not just myself, it was as if I wasn't even walking on the ground. Im on my second day o my three day fast (maybe five). No water for 3 days? Absolute – 3 Days Dry fast (no food or water). I appreciate it. I also didn’t have any bowel movements yet. My breath “felt” fresh… it certainly didn’t smell it. the last one l lost 9 kilos, and gain back 6 kilo, but one month after ending the 7 days dry fast, I lost another 2 kilo of body fat. A more detailed testimony will follow, in another format, and in due season. My breath…..yuk. Many naturopaths believe that this method assures body cleanse much faster than water fasting – one day of dry... 3. Strange shit, I must say. I want to be and leave as a righteous person so that God can listen to my prayers. You have high blood pressure – DO NOT PUT YOURSELF IN A DRY FAST. By the grace of God, I was delivered from these nightly satanic violations. Here is what I found: Day 2 (if I’m not focused on a task) is always a challenging day for occasional hunger prangs, every time you have one, drink some water. One of the things that you can do to help you complete your 3 days dry fasting is to brush often. Of all fasts, the 3 day water fast is in many ways the most important. I guess it’s not a side effect for everyone, you are lucky! The arthritis pain isn’t as bad as it has been lately, but hope it flat-out goes away. Hockey in September?! Is that it? I will try a 3-dayer soon. The benefits of exercise during a fast as well, are scientifically proven to amp up the regenerative process and stimulate autophagy. The next month, I did a 48. . Unlike on Day 1, I definitely didn’t make any personal bests in my Day 2 workout. so that’s good. I’m into a 31 hours of my current fast it is the second time I’ve tried fasting. Reply. Thanks Tony for chiming in. There’s nothing better than those first bites after a fast. I’m 5′ 9″ and 59 old so I’m still a bit on the over the recommended weight. Monday morning started as usual with my regular routine of heavy lifting at the gym (and a new personal best!) Now, I found your article because I want to do few days fasting again. Food intake is restricted for set number of days, such as a 3-day fast once a month. I would rather progressively adapt my food intake, avoiding “Toblerone and cocktail” the night before but still, glad you also had a positive experience. Hi Chris, I swear humans confuse me. With that said; again I am very pleased with the results thus far knowing that the stem cells that are being created during this time will benefit my mind because I have multiple sclerosis and my body because I’m about to become 50 years of age in the year 2020. You also said that that you can’t tell if Jesus Christ is the one speaking to you. But one of our “Aliksirs” is made with coffee, real matcha (not this fake green tea bs they sell u), and a bunch of other trade secret ingredients whose list u Get access to if u purchase them, and you can drink it for fasting (all our Aliksirs are made to be drank for individuals who fast as we ourselves are always fasting) and it impressively improves your overall feeling and focus, as well as giving you the boost you may need to max out that rep, even if you haven’t consumed food in the last 48 hours. The one-day (36-hour) water fast; The three-day water fast; The 7-10 day water fast; Extended healing fasts (14-40 days) Online support. I have done 3 times 3 days dryfasting. Ridiculous as this may sound, what motivated me to try a 3 day fast was hearing about the shit. Hello JR! However, you can’t just start doing warfare prayers and self-deliverance without any spiritual foundation in Christ. This is the type of fast that was practiced by Moses (Exodus 34:28 & Deuteronomy 9:18, both times for 40 days), Ezra (Ezra 10:6, length undisclosed), the Nation of… –even swim in the sea for electrolytes also. This is huge if you think about it. And I have lost about 20 lbs since I last weighed two months prior. didn’t leave bed most of 11mo in 2017, dying. Then after a couple days it switches to reserves as we prepare to die of starvation. Dry fasting eliminates all food and water from your diet to help cleanse your body. Medications. Haha, I think people around you might even be more fearful of Hangry Mark X1000. Those must have been epic… And then you broke it with ice cream before venturing out into the freezing cold. I’ll have to try that next time. Great post! Thanks for your post. Thanks for pointing this out. Or maybe something about your diet or lifestyle made the transition easier? By the time I got to day 10 fasting on water, I was going to change to broth or fruit juice or both. Just for another perspective, I also disagree, and these parts added humor for me. keto breath, is often a problem for me, too. That’s awesome Valentina. I’m happy to hear you made it through your first extended fast pretty smoothly. The first 3 days almost nothing. On s true fast only plain water. Avoiding the intake of all food and water can be dangerous under many conditions. all my friends cannot believe I went 7 days without a single morsel of food! This has got to be one of the few family-friendly posts online where people can un-self-consciously share about their weird bowel movements, haha. (Ok, or when I smell something super delicious and start salivating.) I’ll let you know how it goes!! Jana. However, you need to sit in Jesus’ presence and let Him tell you what you need to pray and fast about. I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and taking my meds in the morning. Stage 3: Day 8-15. My brain was running on cleaner fuel than it was used to and my entire body was benefitting from hormonal boosts. With facial changes, burning pain in other regions, etc, etc…. I was so wonderfully blessed of God through fasting and prayer that I cannot help but share my experience with you. I honestly don’t find it to be that hard anymore now to go up to 5 days. Down a full size (maybe more) And 7lbs lighter. I ate very well on those non-fasting days, consuming probably 2,000 to 2,500 calories (I didn't track it), and just made sure to stop eating around 6 p.m. so I could eat dinner at 6 p.m. the next day. I totally agree with you on the power of a story to change someone’s mind and motivate them. Amen! Thanks for The Fast 800 book recommendation. Was only going to do a 24 hour fast, but I think I will attempt a 60 hour fast and end whenever I wake up Saturday morning. I have spoken to four doctors about water fasting and they told me that they recommend water fasting to almost all of their patients; for all the health benefits. Or a “quick”? It’s almost like if you want to do a 3 day fast you should somehow fool yourself into mentally prepare yourself for a 5-dayer then suprise yourself by cutting it short at 3 days. You will also receive clear revelations about the secrets of your life and lineage. Seriously though, thanks for taking the time to share your own experience. I hadn’t thought of it, but agree. 3 days post dry-fast: ketogenic, soft, bland foods, and small portions. 2020 is my year to transform… I’m at 171 pounds at 5″4, so I want to lose 50-55 pounds in the next year. So we may be like smartphones, but our fat acts like a gigantic portable battery we can only access when fasting. It’s frankly a big distraction so that you can’t focus on Jesus. But then comes the smartest human ever… Bob…. Hi Chris, Do they have any free clinics in your country (I don’t know where you live)? Unfortunately, there is not much information on glucose and fasting though it does not say don’t. I really appreciate it and the readers should read it. That’s the only negative experience, but it literally physically hurts to be going through all those chills. -yes, best water fast ever = nothing, just water. I understand you trying to add more weight to what you are writing. And since I hadn’t told her of my 3 day fast plan, she had brought some fresh salmon for dinner. Thanks for the positive vibes despite your not-so-positive feelings on Day 2. Follow Jesus’ instructions to the letter when it comes to who you should ask to join you (or who should not join you) in doing this fast. Thanks for sharing your story. So far so good, although my hunger didn’t go away completely after first 2-3 days. Please let me know if you have any more questions. SummerVival. I usually don’t have my garage cleaning until after I eat my first meal. Sorry, not ready to give up my coffee. This 3 days dry fasting mean 72 hours of dry fasting – no food and no liquids of any kind. I just finished (at 10:30 am this morning) a 3 1/2 day fast and … well, the garage is emptying right now! Hangry x1000…. I don’t think curse words are inherently offensive, although umm sure they can be depending on how they’re used. I wish I could edit. A 14-day fast is bonkers, by the way. But it wasn’t a “garage cleaning” of crazy shit like I hoped. That’d be torture, especially on your first over 24-hour fast. I played the Bible App as I slept during those 3 days of dry fasting. You have so much going on around you. Guys like this really try to steal your thunder… its sad and demotivating. I woke up feeling great, felt great all afternoon, until I drank some herbal “Get Charged” tea which I have all the time normally. I drank my lemon water with every thought and feeling I had, and it sufficed and I slept amazingly. It’s very simple and clears everything out within an hour after doing it. –he and me, both smoked or took nicotine during our first long water fast. 1000 reps a day, maybe more like 600-1200. pushups, squats, and weights, all fasted. Its a fast. Personally, I opted for a some avocado, some slow cooked rabbit, some very soft cauliflower, and olive oil. I’m down 40 pounds and would like to lose another 30-ish. You may be entirely right that you can get maximum benefits from only consuming water while you fast. Blogs https://truth24-7gospel.com https://truth24-7health.com/Store https://truth-ambassadors.myshopify.com Congrats on a successful fast. I’m starting tomorrow and was wondering how often you do bone broth? I may only be nearly cured, but still life is livable and I’m often happy… (though bipolar ii/adhd are kind of a bitch. You’re definitely right. My garage could use some cleaning. I know they’ll pass though just got to keep up the willpower haha. Never give up! Fasting changed me as a person. I have completed eight 3-day dry fasts over the course of a few years, with a few of them nearing the 4-day mark. Things we truly feel are beneficial to the masses. Im almost on day 2 currently, I got a bucket of water next to pot in case I need a flush assist when the big one comes. My problem is if I see it works well for me I’ll want to do it more often. I’ve got lots of energy. I eat a Paleo/anti-inflammatory diet. Drinking coffee and tea and lemon is ridiculous. I am curious as to other people’s experiences as some here report about 1/2 pound per day loss. I sometimes take high doses of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate). Thanks for sharing. 15 250lb, 6 feet. Anyway, let’s see how it goes for me. Otherwise I’m 3 minutes till my 31st hour into this fast. –Happy 2020. Bit like an oil change really but not as fast with an ever ready drain bung. However, I will not go into the details in this article. I really appreciate your comment/insight. Bad breath, a.k.a. Maybe that’ll reinvigorate you. Well maybe be careful if you work with heavy machinery too, in case you don’t stay hydrated and get lightheaded. It’s a three-day weekend for me, so I really have no distractions, which may not be a good thing, but I’m hoping to use the time to meditate, study, get light exercise, journal, etc., hopefully all made more conducive by fasting! I did 3 48 hour water fasts using only distilled water and a pinch of salt. Fasting is supposed to be zero food intake of any kind. Intermittent fasting helped me immensely get my blood pressure and blood glucose under control. You said you’ve done more fasts since this first 3 day one – what do you think is the optimum period for fasting? July 8th, 9:00 am weigh in. Thanks, Leigh! Day three and tomorrow I get to eat! I have sometimes wished there was a scale in my toilet that actually measured such things. Again, may thanks for such a great content!!! She left a small portion of rice on the table. I do see where somebody might think that consuming anything other than “water” would not be true to a fast, but let’s not forget that both tea and water are infused water essentially. ... longer 24 hour fasting days, and now I am including dry fasting days. I have recently had to start a eating habits of 1 small meal a day and then two days no food out of necessity. Cheers. I routinely work out while fasted–martial arts, yoga, running, HIITs. Here’s hoping you have to start putting your belt to more use afterward, Tanya! Anything from chicken wings to popcorn to almonds or peanuts just sound phenomenal just because of the different flavors. As you begin to read and study your Bible, pray, and worship Jesus Christ, you will get stronger in Him and you will receive the power of His Holy Spirit living inside of you (Acts 2:38-39). There is one more level of dry fasting called Absolute Dry Fasting. I got into water fasting some five months back, so far I have a done 2 x 7 days, 1 x 8 days, 2 x 3 days and I am currently on day 12 of a 14 day fast. My experience also is the hunger doesn’t go away completely, but it’s not NEARLY as bad as people whose jaws drop at the idea of fasting think, right? All the best and thanks again for sharing your experience. My 3 days + 5 days + 7 days experience of dry fasting 1. 16, 180lb skinny some strength. I just made it as concise and easy-to-understand (no medical jargon) as possible. Thx for reading Chris. Do you have any tips on dealing with that? It was like double daylight saving time: normally I’m ready for bed at around 11 p.m, but this time I was ready by 9. Kim and I are actually investigating this for our next Unconventional Monthly. Today has been better, I had quite a bit of energy earlier today which was nice and I felt quite bright too. Ask Jesus to come into your heart, wash you and make you clean and pure before Him. Would you also mind sharing how you broke your fast? I am down to 248 lbs!!! mind blowing testimonies & angelic encounters after our 3 days dry fasting Fast on fellow Fungster! I’ve done juice cleanses before, but this is the first time water fasting and doing it while not having to go anywhere! Just a couple of tiny turds. It just felt tighter than normal, in a good way. I do think that dry fasting can be extremely beneficial for healing and maintaining good health. I am doing a 30 Day Fast and it is my second long term one. Thanks for calling the article cool and some of the responses hilarious! I followed this advice on subsequent multiple-day fasts and found it made all the difference. Throughout these 21 days of prayer, my cell group and I have been praying and fasting for my dad’s salvation. This will help you to read your Bible more and go deeper into His Word. Hey Alicia. Just took a nap to compensate & going to drink some coconut water for electrolytes if feel I still feel weird, I’ll try bone broth, but I was trying for pure water only. I wish I knew what I know now at 16. Thanks for sharing, Dan. And I’m definitely hoping to hear from you again! A three day fast really is all the best for your health. Heheh. –emotionality, sexual health etc was slower to return. Stick to 1-2 measurements. As I said I am 50 years old and this will be my second 3 day dry fast if I don’t stop for any reason. For example, I don’t feel the effects of caffeine in coffee and only drink it for the taste of something hot that’s not water or tea. Will post back if I clean out my garage, lol. I was confined to my bed a lot for that first day as I slept often. Only stims for me. Anyone else found effective treatments? I’m 57 work at home and pretty healthy (so the dr says) I have had NO problems! ), I made a delicious and humongous Sunday night dinner, capped off with some Toblerone and a cocktail to celebrate. Again, not having my ritual meal brakes for lunch and dinner was a trip. Dry Fasting can increase your metabolic rate by 5-6%. Breathing seems to be easier. Basically it kept me from eating regularly for two weeks. I fasted 24 days without any food and drank only water. I don’t think that’s accurate when one has lost over 100lb. Eat something FFS and stop being such a bore. You still remember your bowel movements from a fast you did 30 years ago?! No ADHD medicine, hence crazy paragraph structure. Wish me luck. Well I started a food and nutrition blog but then due to lack of traffic just started reading digital marketing blogs and stopped the health and fitness ones I know it’s kinda silly but now getting back on track. After feeling sluggish starting day 2, I felt much better after light weight lifting. We’re curious to read some of your theories. How can you not constantly nibble in such circumstances? 7. i was planning on ending it. Because I do OMAD 22 hours fastimg 2 hours eating. On your weight loss point, you’ll certainly lose more than half a pound a day, but that’s water weight you’ll gain back after. Wishing you luck! You can dry fast from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM for 3, 7, 14, 31 days (any number of days). Blood pressure 142 / 88 to 128 / 78. I hope no one else takes this advice. Dry fasting eliminates all food and water from your diet to help cleanse your body. Hi there! I started with 24 hours first then next time 36 and gradually increased every week and now I just drink coffeee for pleasure not because my body need it and I enjoy its taste more than before. I just wanted to give you the latest update with my fasting results: after my first 7-Day fast I took a 10-day break and then went on a 8 day fast then took a 14-day break and went on a 14-day fast!!! Good write up Chris! Sorry to offend you, Jaelynn. That afternoon I still wasn’t hungry, but I couldn’t help but daydream from time to time about my upcoming evening meal. Anyways, that saved my life. I’m currently on day 4 of my first 5 day water fast. Interesting strategy. Is this ketosis or more likely an electrolyte imbalance you reckon? Does cleansing the stomach help with uncomfortable breathing regarding constant burping? It has been practiced since ancient times, mainly for religious and spiritual reasons. I remember discussing if coffee would be all right. Isn’t it weird how your hunger goes away? It was amazing: I was completely renewed from the inside out! Hey Chris great post! When done incorrectly dry fasting can lead to dehydration and death in a few short days. Anyway, whole different topic for a whole different post. I have done multiple water fasts (3-4 days once or twice a month for the past year or so) and I follow a very similar approach to your fast with black coffee, tea, and electrolytes (salted water) and I have great results. I’m from India btw…. Blood glucose went from 116 to 74. Thanks for this post Chris – just came across it while coming to the end of a 2 day fast and after reading decided to continue for a 3 day fast (well 84 hours as last meal was Sunday evening and will eat tomorrow (Thursday morning UK time.) I had my first 50 hour fasting experience and felt amazing the whole time. So for me ill probably go to one 24hr day a week fast to upkeep my gut and body. Congrats Faith! Just chiming into say IF is great to lean up and break plateaus. Because I do OMAD 22 hours fastimg 2 hours eating. That was exactly my first reaction when my husband looked into dry fasting. Kim and Chris are fighting the status quo to win at life, then sharing their best tactics on The Unconventional Route. Based on my experience, I’d agree. The idea is to give your digestive system a break.

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