finasteride on trt

PS: I really advice you doing progesteron test to find out if it is doing the job, finasteride was managing before. He even passed me on to a further specialist at a university hospital who said that he recognizes something is wrong with Propecia but said that there was no known cure to my problem. "Five mutations in the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of the human androgen receptor (hAR) found in patients with varying degrees of androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) were investigated for their effects on receptor dynamics. I do have elevated progesterone (at least in the blood test I took 10 days ago), and others imbalances with female hormones (prolactin+estradiol). I tried to lower it, but the acne returned. First, adjust your TRT schedule so that your bolus doses are more level. First of all it supress LH, FSH release (that’s also what many people report, low LH, FSH). I had the same problem, even if my T levels jumped up, I did not feel much better…as if something had changed and gone horribly wrong in my body. However, I can understand your concern and not everyone wants to wait to see if things get better. I had a complete check-up done recently. Cognitive effects of testosterone and finasteride administration in older hypogonadal men Stephen E Borst,1 Joshua F Yarrow,2 Carmen Fernandez,1 Christine F Conover,2 Fan Ye,2 John R Meuleman,1 Matthew Morrow,3 Baiming Zou,4 Jonathan J Shuster5 1Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, 2Research Service, 3Pharmacy Service, Malcom Randall VA … My basic blood values are the same as before I started on fin. A testosterone hCG/basal ratio of at least 2 associated with AMH SDS of at least 2 was considered as highly predictive of partial androgen insensitivity.”. Started loosing a lot of hair after switching from injections (Testoviron, 250ml every two weeks) to Testogel 50ml (daily). Finasteride while on TRT has become a little of a controversial topic. do you know of anyone who has written to bmd/merck and if so, what was their reply? their reaction could possibly be the basis for a law suit. I then tried Arimidex which improved the pain situation further. For whatever reason, my body does not respond well to exogenous testosterone and I have to be on quite a high dose of 350mg/wk. How has it gone with the finasteride and TRT? he already did genetic screening of my blood (cag repeats) but now he wants to check the actual ar activity at the cell level. (has info on amino acid substitutions and other changes in 5AR2 due to mutation). YOu have to treat yourself well and add some hepatic enhancement pills like essentialle forte. Liver might play a huge role in this. I went through a few docs until I found this one (incl. He is not considering testing at the enzyme but rather at the receptor level (see below). While yes, finasteride is great for decreasing dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels and ostensibly reducing male-pattern baldness (MPB), many anti-aging physicians in the field are shying away from its use in this regard. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This had disastrous effects and I became a heavily effected ‘Post Finasteride Syndrome’ sufferer. Despues de conocer todos los efectos secundarios en el uso de Finasteride para el tratamiento de la alopecia, quizás desees conocer algunas otras alternativas.. Antes de tomar ninguna decisión para tratar la pérdida de cabello, lo mas sensato es acudor a un especialita médico que determine cuales … Used to love listening to music. Note the lab tests and treatment options in the above link! I haven’t slept in two days and now plan on taking tranquilizers and/or sleeping pills. In other words, the TRT did not compensate for the erectile dysfunction experienced via loss of DHT. However, this is just a theory. … x.htm#nomo Progesterone Use For Post-Finasteride Syndrome And Men On TRT. After quitting, my state (all symptoms) got increasingly worse over the months (after the initial magic two weeks). Hi, I was on Androgel after being diagnosed at 208 nG/dL. Androgen insensitivity could logically lead to the same problem. To combat this I decided to take Finasteride, which turned out to be a very bad decision. I will write to Merck too and ask what to do. Trt and finasteride OP Deusmaximus; Start date Jul 28, 2019; Deusmaximus Zephir. Hi all, I’m wondering if taking Finasteride to block DHT production and prevent hair loss could have a minimizing effect of TRT? 2021-01-31 15:55. in december, after getting no response, he wrote another letter. Estudios en hombres: La eficacia de finasterida se demostró en tres estudios en … Beyond that, your doc might consider contacting University medical research departments or Hospitals as a potential testing facility. I take 1mg daily of Finasteride. he already did genetic screening of my blood (cag repeats) but now he wants to check the actual ar activity at the cell level. Check your blood for the possible presence of this bed bacteria, and I also suggest you doing the test of your stool to seek for the diferent types of bacteria that can also devastate cells after this imbalance in the auto immune system. Five weeks later I was on a holiday for two weeks. Finasteride has likely saved dozens of lives and even if you factor in suicides that, allegedly, resulted from finasteride use (which is questionable to say the least), it has probably saved more lives than it's (allegedly) taken. GGTP the most important for the hepatic liver activity. With “AR” I was referring to the androgen receptor and not to the enzyme (5ar). I would prefer to wait without doing anything, but don’t feel I can wait for 5 years and survive it intact. Super-low physical energy. I would like to make deeper investigations, but still waiting for my appointment. ¿Qué puedo hacer para detener la caída del cabello? Btw, I found SSRI’s to counterproductive but NRI’s (eg. I am 37 yrs old and have been on TRT (125mg Sustanon per week) for around 2 years now. Curently I am waiting for my blood/urine/stool samples results. Btw, I just saw that someone updated wikipedia with a clear warning about propecia. Finasteride, a medication commonly used to treat enlarged prostate or male pattern baldness can cause several unwanted side effects, especially when testosterone levels are … If you have not been off the drug for very long, then I would recommend waiting a little while longer before considering any type of supplementation. Will make a letter to Merck tomorrow, doc made an official report. Can you honestly say you were happy/healthy/energetic while on TRT? But since you’re on TRT anyway, I doubt it will make any difference. Went through the same color changes and “it’s going to fall off” feeling like you described. (see pages 45 - 62 for general info on AR function/mutations), … t=mutation (note Fin also downregulates AR) Another thing is taking care of your auto immune response and keeping in in the right balance. When you hit that point it is highly propable to get chlamydia pneumoniae and many other bacteria which can mass up with your body affecting cells. … t=mutation, … t=mutation "Another cause of isolated secondary hypogonadism is a mutation of the GnRH receptor. I will be seeing a doctor about this shortly. So where does this leave me? Proviron further reduced the pain. MPB is a natural part of aging for individuals who are so genetically predisposed (I count myself as one of those members unfortunately haha). It seems like my body is actively resisting androgens and is seeking to keep homeostatis in a very skewed way. Will help you sleep and get you morning wood – no kidding (but not that this solves anything). It works by blocking the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that processes testosterone to DHT. Finasteride and Testosterone Finasteride reduces the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), resulting in higher levels of circulating testosterone. I was forced to switch to Testogel for health insurance reasons. Regarding the studies on GABAA, THDOC etc… there are more studies as I’m sure you know about this, in the Finasteride/Other studies section of this website. he also wrote a letter back in october to bmd (merck) demanding that they come out with any information that they have concerning lasting propecia side effects. the renowned names in the states). This brings me to my last point: Everybody – write a letter to BMD/Merck (or even better have your doctor write one). I already got the feedback from chlamydia tests and I am pneumoniae type positive. After 6 weeks I started with TRT again (1 gel per day). “The association of a lack of testosterone increase after the hCG test and a testosterone/4-A ratio less than 0.5 was considered as highly predictive of 17-HSD deficiency (25). It does this by preventing the conversion of Testosterone to DHT in the body. I am talking about progesteron. This improved the situation considerably. Your situation is a bit different than others here in that you were already on TRT when you took Finasteride, which may have impacted things too. Estrogens can’t be the primary cause either. My chest was burning like mad and my penis shriveled to the size of a hamsters. Then I found my doc. Yes, Finasteride does intererfere with 5ar-derived neurosteroids, hence why some of us also believe there may be neurotransmitter issues at play in this whole thing (ie, reduced dopamine or some other issue). There are also many other possibilities that you have to research. do you have information that supports your theory? Managed to gain some lean weight again with high-dosed testosterone. after having tried just about every hormonal treatment known to mankind my doc is now of the opinion that i must have somehow become androgen resistant due to propecia. Yes, I know about SSRI induced ED but currently I don’t care. To be honest there is something else that might play a role in this area rather then androgen insensitivity by itself (especialy due to the fact that finasteride has no effect on androgen receptors). All the usual sexual dysfunction stuff. Listen Top Shows Blog. There is probably no single symptom of this “post propecia syndrome” which can’t be explained by androgen resistance (including libido, erectile function, …). I would suggest splitting your doses into three times a week (~30mg MWF) . It doesn’t realy matter what your blood DHT level is. Downregulation of natural test production due to a perceived misbalance of androgen/estrogen at the hypothalamus. After 4 months of Androgel, I started noticing my hairline receding and now I see my scalp from under the hair. Surprise – it helped but does not last long (relief < 1 hour). The other day I got an email from the doctor with other products he offers. This would certainly take care of any gyno, body fat (pot belly) and physical fatigue issues. ", … /5/11/3578 [3], … ble1=OB_Rx. This whole thing seems, even for the technical minded, dauntingly complex. That’s why you need to check your liver first plus do some tests for the presence of bacteria and peptites which can make your cells disfunctional within many tissues. Severe depression, which is also known to be linked to low test. Further studies are also needed to demonstrate the importance of Arg726Leu germ-line mutation of the AR gene in the etiology of prostate cancer and especially finasteride-associated prostate cancer among Finnish and other populations. I personally don’t believe in a mutation of the AR for the same reasons you mentioned. Home Videos Reacting To Joshua Fluke Summarize His First Year On TRT And Finasteride. Elevated progesteron may actualy give you that feeling of a brain being dead or disconnected from your genitals, so as the rubery dick syndrom due to the oxytycine deficiency. A: Finasteride (brand name: Proscar ), which was approved by the FDA in 1992, inhibits production of dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ), which is involved with prostate enlargement. CAG repeats where in the high-normal range suggesting slight androgen insensitivy to start out with. otherwise, dht is normal (in the high part of the range) and hair loss has resumed the former pathway, as far as I can judge. I also have a slightly receded hairline, but it hasn't really changed since I was about 19 or so. I too am under numerous medical tests because of this, and the doctors seem clueless about how to fix it. The following abstract generated a lot of interest in the topic, and there is a foundation dedicated to understanding it more fully. As for trying DHT, I’d investigate further wether this may lead to decreased Testosterone production via negative feedback on the HTPA (body sense elevated DHT, lowers T to compensate). The benefits never seem to last long though. I was still not on TRT anymore. can you measure oxyticine ? After excluding every other possible non-hormonal cause with a complete check-up he bought in and prescribed me Nolvadex.

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