masculine and feminine energy in relationships

This energy is associated with daytime, activity, vision, and power. Not just in intimate relationships, but in the relationship with yourself first and foremost as well. Masculine and Feminine energetically speaking is simply a … Masculine energy is all about action, giving, decision- … Masculine and Feminine Energy. If we understand the underlying energetic dynamic of our relationship and work towards balancing both our Masculine and Feminine energies; we […] Learning about your masculine and feminine energy can be a significant step towards inner union. Unlike the masculine energy, the feminine energy doesn’t need to apply 10-step to manifestation. This is equivalent to IQ (intellectual quotient) vs EQ (emotional quotient), and it will not only allow you to create more passion in your romantic relationship, but also more synergy in all relationships. Just like this beautiful valley that is full of flowers and an abundance of life and creation. Some men and women will fall into the stereotype. Neediness, co-dependency, or not trusting your worth or abilities. The Masculine and Feminine Energies and the role they play in your relationship How your energy creates and attracts love is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. Men and women are different. Masculine and Feminine. Contrary to the masculine, the feminine within each of us is always seeking love and fullness. Regardless, there’s a lot of great stuff in this interview about polarity, sexual chemistry, and how one woman turned her […] As a feminine woman who grew up, worked and lived in a predominantly masculine environment (including training at… The traditional viewpoint is still valid. So maybe you’ve heard that communication is the key to successful relationships. … But what if there was more? Couples can be the same or opposite sex, but in order for the pairing to work, one partner has to provide the masculine energy while the other brings the feminine. May 12, 2019 - Explore Crystal C's board "Feminine and Masculine Energy", followed by 163 people on Pinterest.  Recently I interviewed my friend Joanna Shakti on masculine/feminine energy. The ability to commune increases and a new form (stage) emerges, and so on. Commonly speaking, the masculine energy pushes toward a mission and looks to probe a problem and resolve it. The Feminine. You might have a sense of that in your own life. Inability to focus; being indecisive, scattered, confused, or disorganized Gender does not affect whether you have masculine or feminine energy. H owever, sometimes the reverse oc curs, or, in rare cases, the energies may be very balanced. Now let’s shift back to reality. Sami Wunder shares her 5 expert tips. The feminine energy flirts and seduces, the masculine energy brings strength and action. If your feminine energy is greater than your masculine energy, it can manifest as: Being overly-emotional to the point that your emotions take over completely. This energy plays a major role in our lives and our relationships. In this article I discuss these concepts and explore the next frontier of relating for mature, high EQ and high LQ individuals seeking to liberate and expand their emotional and sexual capacities … The masculine element is like the riverbanks. Polarity in relationships is the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. And a side note to all my Arabic-readers: you can now read the Arabic translation of this article on the Mirdad website. In today’s episode, we are going to explore the DEEPER conversation about the masculine & feminine energy in the dating process and yes, it will be the world according to Jonathon. Masculine energy is the stability, the boundaries, the drive, the focus and action. Masculine energy is all about action, giving, decision- making, and problem solving. She embodies the frequency of that which she wishes to experience and then she attracts like a magnet. Some people get pretty triggered with these terms, but I think they are quite useful, so long as we tease them apart from gender. While, feminine energy values connection and wants to relate with a partner by sharing a problem, I’ve been fascinated by human behaviour and human psychology for as long as I can recollect. Part of my frustration is because of the MISUSE of the concepts and how it can often set men & women up for failure in relationships even though it’s trying to help. The Masculine Energy. Generally, women have feminine core energy and men have masculine core energy. [The greatest role model I can think of is Amber Heard (only recently came out).] In every relationship, the equation of Masculine and Feminine energy is constantly trying to balance itself. How to switch from Masculine to Feminine Energy in dating & relationships - easily and efficiently! This post is dedicated to helping you understand how. You see, we are naturally drawn to the opposite polar energy which is the main reason why men are madly attracted to feminine energy! In my final 30 years as a Marriage and Family Therapist, 100% of {couples} looking for therapy for his or her relationship realized that the masculine and female roles had been reversed with out their … Nothing can resist her magnetizing nature, and thus it must be hers. It holds a water bed and river along the middle. When I refer to masculine and feminine this is naturally attached to male and female, and for me each male and female has a blend of both masculine and feminine, of course, this works on a sliding scale which can also change based on how a person is feeling or what is currently going on within them at the time. The masculine energy takes control, the feminine energy follows lovingly. From the moment of the ‘big bang’ to the God-like moment of conception in sexuality, the masculine arises out of the feminine and then holds the space for the feminine to flow. See more ideas about masculine energy, divine feminine spirituality, twin flame relationship. Masculine Feminine Polarity Attraction. The thing I love about same-sex relationships is freedom from concrete gender roles. Masculine energy may lead with action, but feminine energy leads with feeling, and this is a critical aspect of any connection. Most people are trying to fill themselves up from an outside source. These principles of relationship between the masculine and the feminine are universal. This energy plays a major role in our lives and our relationships. Recently I interviewed my friend Joanna Shakti on masculine/feminine energy. Masculine and feminine energy exists within every person. In the 4th and final installment of this video series on feminine energy, discover the two qualities that deepen and transform romantic relationships. Love is energy at its purest form. In relationship, if you are the one with dominant masculine energy, you’ll attract a partner with more feminine energy. Understanding the dynamics of masculine and feminine energy is key to successfully navigating romantic relationships, and creating and maintaining sexual attraction. It’s stunning. This is as masculine an energy as it gets. Today we are going to talk about what it means to have masculine and feminine energy and why it is important. Masculine and female have usually been outlined by gender referring to males and girls however, with the present analysis, that is a now a very outdated perception system. A better definition of Masculine and Feminine. Regardless, there's a lot of great stuff in this interview about polarity, sexual chemistry, and how one woman turned her "energy" around and found a different level of love. At the same time women have started to take on more masculine energy, and lost touch with their feminine power. The core of feminine energy is a creation out of thin air. The concept of masculine and feminine energy blew my mind on first learning about it. Today we are going to talk about what it means to have masculine and feminine energy and why it is important in dating. Most normally, of course, the femin ine energy is dominant in women, and the masculine energy is dominant in men. Although women can be masculine and men can be feminine, I still feel that, at the end of the day, in a heterosexual relationship, the woman is feminine and the man is masculine. There are men with masculine energy being their strength and women with feminine energy being their strength. Be able to relax, receive and be taken care of in love. Some people get pretty triggered with these terms, but I think they are quite useful, so long as we tease them apart from gender. The Yin and the Yang, or in Jungian theory, the Anima and Animus, are present in various proportions.. It doesn’t matter if the man has feminine or masculine energy as it doesn’t matter if the woman has feminine or masculine energy, as long as both energies are present. According to traditional gender roles, a masculine man and a feminine woman create balance, and they are the keys to creating a successful and fulfilling relationship. Learn the secrets that strong women understand so that you can balance your feminine energy with masculine energy. Greater yang energy is assertive, goal-oriented, accomplished, and dominant. Men have lost touch with their male identity and are not providing the safety and security for women that true masculinity engenders. They see relationships, love or sex from different perspectives. What are some reasons why people are struggling to find love? The idea of all men being masculine and women being feminine is broken. Your feminine energy is power and a pathway to more satisfying, romantic relationships. Most of the problems and suffering in love relationships come from a poor understanding of the difference between masculine and feminine energy.

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