hassan nasrallah speech

On the contrary, similar to the stream of offences and abuses, that makes us more convinced that our stance, our track, our vision, and our position are right and deserve these sacrifices. Well we are talking about a Sunnite town in an environment with an overwhelming Shiite majority. However, I want to make a special address to the resistance audience and more precisely the people who if they say anything or do anything, we usually will be held responsible. Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah offered a public speech in which he stated that Hezbollah feared a government overthrow, due to the consequent "vacuum" Lebanon would experience. There is a sensitive situation there. Did convictions in the targets of the project change? America and the West must not impose on these people regimes and options. Why? https://www.camera.org/article/hassan-nasrallah-in-his-own-words Well some Lebanese emigrants - May Allah bless them – were obliged by circumstances to leave. We have one nationality – the Lebanese nationality. Nasrallah is the latest in line of leaders to mock the US following the riot and siege at the Capitol building. Your wounds remind us of the heroism of the resistance fighters in the confrontations which the enemy called "The Grapes of Wrath" in the war of April 1996. In the first or second weeks, we did not talk. When media outlets are launched, they search and want to establish an audience for themselves. The limited time does not give us the opportunity to elaborate…. Can anyone say anything else? So let’s keep the issue of the people and the regime aside. Who expelled these military governors from our towns and from controlling our country and people? It must not be forgotten brothers and sisters, Lebanese, Arabs, and Muslims. What I am arguing is that the Western elite have timed this economic collapse to coincide with the life-support systems’ failure, which makes the economic collapse an irrelevant and moot point. By Allah that is better for him as he will be rewarded. The members of our team are all volunteers. It is the right for our people to benefit from their wealth, while America and international actors loot these goods. 3. This entity is basically dependent on its existence, survival, continuity, arrogance, and superiority. So far, no one told the truth yet, not even to the families of the martyrs. Now some are trying to convince us that Arab states and countries from the Islamic world where there are no elections, democracy, or even a constitution or institutions are dispatching their citizens and providing them with money, facilities, and guarantees to go to Syria in order to have democratic elections and reform! The name of the Mosque is Hassan Al Mujtaba (Peace be upon him). The world is fighting them with their money, arms, and media. Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said, “The most important accomplishment of the 2006 war is achieving deterrence against Israel – this is the most important strategic and historic achievement.”. The global economy is steadily moving away from the Washington consensus, not towards it. Well, yes we are confronting a very vast media confrontation which is trying to falsify this history. I am in relief, and I am satisfied with hezbollah that he put forward that AMERICA helps prop up Isreal and without America…isreal will collapse like a sack of potatoes. Here I add saying – as I do in every clause I list – that if anyone believes that by presenting the battle as sectarian or factional or that through fabrications, lies, falsehood, and through threats of takfir and killing we will change our mind, we will not change our mind. But, first, allow me to say we need self-confidence. This is the truth. The popular proverb applies here: Whatever you pay much for – what you tire for and what you offer blood for - is not similar to what you get for free. The Western financial system is not “crumbling” because the lower classes have been left behind or any such socialist shortcomings. Buildings were collapsing on our heads. This transformation was caused by logical and scientific discourse, truthful and persuasive discourse. At times he gives open counsels; at others he gives covert counsels. But you can’t do that with social media since it reaches the whole world today. We also have the news that we heard in the media about allegations against the caretaker prime minister, a number of former ministers, and a number of military and security leaders. The media of the resistance and the resistance axis as well as the media discourse here express righteousness, the right to Palestine, the right of the people of Palestine to their land from the sea to the river, Syria’s right to the Golan, and Lebanon’s right to the rest of its occupied territories. USD hegemony), it will fall hard. This International Day was inaugurated by Imam Khomeini in 1979, the year of the triumph of the Islamic Revolution in … He has a stance, and he has a vision. But at the end of the speech, I will leave a small window, to discuss the political situation. Russia, Syria, Iran and Hizballah’s comanders get killed by the US and israel and they never kill a US or israeli comander because they will get into trouble with the Zionists. Speech of Hassan Nasrallah during the Iftar of the Women Committee of the "Islamic Resistance Support Organization", Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on The Injured Fighter Day, Why Israel should think twice before attaching Lebanon, “Dignity and Victory” Festival Speech by Hassan Nasrallah, Memorandum of understanding by Hezbollah and Free patriotic movement, France deprives Lebanon of its caregivers, The political architecture of the new Middle East, Jordanian-Egyptian axis to the aid of Lebanon, Hezbollah seeking to import oil to save Lebanon, Secret meeting of US and Russian chiefs of staff, Russia questions Israeli and Turkish presence in Syria. Buy assets. The Zionist regime, and toilet brush Saudi Arabia, will engage the Resistance Axis. At times there are lies. Are the Syrian scholars who back this stance Shiites? Here I reached the Syrian affair and I will tackle it with a couple of words. I will go back to the very topic in this track. There is a fuel shortage in Lebanon. 6. I will leave the comment for a later time until the real judicial information comes out to see whether the information circulated and leaked in the media is true or not. This is where they wanted people to be, and they are relatively successful. The second path is to address our internal problems in our local, national society. We ask Allah to grant us a good ending in our religion, in this world, and in the Hereafter. Whoever has logic, evidence, and proof does not curse. The historical facts in many wars show us – there is not enough time to mention examples – how true, honest, and logical discourse bring or push large numbers of people from the enemy’s front to join the front of the friend. Thank you for giving me your attention. We also felicitate you on the occasion that will come on the days to come, the birthday of the Lord of our Time, Baqiyet Allah in this world, Imam Mahdi (Our souls are at the sacrifice of his reappearance). Nasrallah has suggested that Lebanon buy fuel from Iran, and pay for it in Lebanese Lira. This is one of the strengths of the resistance’s media and media discourse. The American hegemony is the basis and the most dangerous because this hegemony is, first and foremost, a problem for our countries and people. No one spared a TV channel or a website he owns without investing it against us. Go and ask the Sunnites in Syria who are not with them. 4777 Views November 16, 2008 No Comments Blog The Saker. Centers for Islamic communities in the Sunnite milieu were assaulted, and they did not say a word. Switzerland will probably stay neutral again, and nobody will wonder how come everyone respects the Swiss choice to not engage, and why nobody attacks them. These stupid people do not know that in Qusair there are Shiites – Syrian Shiites. Incidents are taking place in our region. Thus we assume a part of the responsibility in confronting the grave universal project which has goals that do not stop at Syria as it targets Lebanon, the people of Lebanon, the peoples of the region, and the governments of the region. On the contrary, the other project is showing more insistence on getting along and developing the confrontation. I would like to comment on this point and conclude with a couple of words. Where was the leg of that wounded cut off? Iraq will provide Lebanon with crude oil, in exchange for Lebanese medical expertise and supplies. However, with will and determination, we can advance. Found insideBy examining the ideological production of Hizbullah, especially its underground newspaper Al Ahd, Bashir Saade offers an account of the intellectual continuity between the early phases of Hizbullah's emergence onto the political stage and ... Focusing on the ability of the enemy – this enemy cannot do anything, so we have to accept the wreckage – and the inability of the nation. We need to review our rhetoric, our discourse, our literature, the terminology, methods, means, tools, ideas based on these constants. The Russians will freeze and starve to death come the first winter, and the Iranians will die of thirst and heat. Rather, there is personal fear – they fear that they, their people, their wives and children, be included in the list of sanctions. To begin with, I would like to welcome everyone attending this honorable and blessed conference. This is the first comprehensive account of the progression of the Second Lebanese War, from the border abduction of an Israeli soldier on the morning of July 12, 2006, through the hasty decision for an aggressive response; the fateful ... Thus we must be very careful. Thus we are starting from a vision and not from an emotional reaction or agitation. It has only one option: to resist. Just gather the families of the martyrs and tell them how their children were martyred. Other scholars were being assaulted, and they did not say a word. What appears is the achievement, which is the field victory. Power outages are not even unique to Lebanon and Iraq this year. No, we owe him many things. It is natural that the media confrontation also develops. The project has started to be defeated or is in the path of being defeated or that force balances are changing. Based on this, let me tackle a couple of points quickly concerning the Lebanese situation because we have a couple of words to say about the Syrian situation. That’s not to forget the fatwas, accusations of being adventurers and unbelievers, and calls of not deserving supplications. Sixth: The great human and material capabilities that the axis of resistance enjoys these days. Here, there is a hundred on the cable, at the very least. It shows the minaret with the banner and the Mosque of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (Peace be upon him) and the Mosque of Caliph Omar Bin Al Khattab. They said that men from Hezbollah ascended the minaret of the mosque – claiming that this mosque is the Mosque of Caliph Omar Bin Al Khattab – and raised on it the banner of Al Hussein. AFP PHOTO / HO / AL-MANAR Hassan Nasrallah, chief of the Shiite Muslim movement Hezbollah, delivering a televised speech from an undisclosed location in Lebanon, on September 29, 2020. We took this choice and we went for it. It needs your discourse, the facts that you report, as well as your interaction because the word that comes from the heart enters the heart. 4- The media rhetoric in the axis of resistance was and still is based on main elements of power, and when we want to develop this discourse or renew it, we must renew and develop it based on these main elements of power, which the other media, the hostile media, lacks most of them. China and Russia and Iran will not survive that collapse, neither will any civilization they depends on modern technology. We do not begrudge anyone anything. Nasrallah said that Israel has bombed Lebanon in three separate raids following a … Indeed rumors and some media outlets are working intensively in this domain. I am sure there are millions of Muslims who are … Source: “ Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on The Injured Fighter Day”, by Hassan Nasrallah, Voltaire Network, 17 June 2013, www.voltairenet.org/article179068.html. However many are silent because of this stance of intimidation and because instantly fatwas of takfir, killing and even butchering are being issued against them. [7] Shi'ite Lebanese journalist 'Ali Amin, editor of the Lebanese anti-Hizbullah Janoubia website, posted quotes from Nasrallah's speech under the caption "Nasrallah: Wage Armed … Thus Al Abbass (Peace be upon him) is a moral, a symbol, and a title for all the mujahedeen who are carrying on in their struggle despite severe wounds. We must work to address mistakes and sins. This near past must not be forgotten because this battle is a continuation for this past, for the struggle of this past, for the battle of this past, and because the ongoing battle aims at making all the achievements and sacrifices of this near past vulnerable. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah - Ashura 1442 / 2020 Speech (English Voiceover) Hezbollah’s secretary-general says the United Arab Emirates (UAE)’s move earlier this month to normalize relations with Israel was a “free-of-charge service” provided by Abu Dhabi to the politically-embattled officials in Israel and the United States. Of course, we must continue in this manner. And in any case, no country is coming forward to aid Lebanon against the US-Israeli conspiracy, because nobody wants to stand in the way of Israeli ambitions. We reached a state in which we are to handle such details! A still from Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on Sept. 13. Finally, I salute again with utmost esteem, respect and reverence all our dear injured brothers and sisters. It is rather among the Lebanese in general or among many or the Lebanese and not all of them. At times, someone is killed, and they accuse others of killing him. You have to decide which side you are on, otherwise you can’t survive. If I were to make a hopeful prediction, I would say that if the US-Israeli plot fails to bring down Lebanon, then Hezbollah and Iran will end up with even more influence there. Now I say they also want Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, and the whole region to fall in the hand of the US-Israeli-Takfiri project. Today your wounds are a continuous alive testimony. There should be no stagnation. We do not like this battle at all. This was for our Hereafter and for the pride and dignity of our life. There are problems: smuggling, disputes…. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Perhaps they are 100 thousands or more by now – who came or were brought along from all over the world. The first path does not make us abandon our internal interests, and the second path should not drown us and cause us to fall into our internal problems at the expense of the first path. Everyone else will be forced to choose a side. Apply this pattern to everything. It was looking for an image of victory, an image of victory, and not for a real achievement of victory. You do know a lot of warfare happens without a single report…because guess what? In a recent video, Nasrallah appeared to be very sick. Now they believe that the project is being defeated. The Future Movement and other Lebanese parties and Lebanese forces which I do not want to name, and states, groups, parties, organizations and bodies intervened before us. During all the previous stages, I believe that the media participated in creating victory, preserving it, and showing it. If someone from Arsal was aggressed against or killed, politicians or people from Arsal would accuse Hezbollah or the Shiites of killing. Learn to cultivate the land. In the past couple of weeks – especially following May 25 – no one spared any offence or abuse. Objectivity in any evaluation assumes that we talk about achievements and failures, and not only about failures. And last year, the price of everything was again 3-4x what it was a year before that. However, at this moment, the scene is still the very scene, the evaluation is the very evaluation; the vision is the very vision; the understanding is the very understanding; and the stance is the very stance. Why do you present the issue as a Shiite-Sunni issue? People are ready to write 10 articles of abuse and insult daily. The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech at the opening session of the Renewing Media Discourse and Managing Confrontation Conference on July 5th, 2021. No country in the world will accept Lebanese Lira in exchange for fuel, that is assuming that the US hasn’t cowed everyone into rejecting any and all trade with the Lebanese that could stop the “collapse” of Lebanon. Supporters of the the Shiite Hezbollah movement watch as the movement's leader Hasan Nasrallah delivers a speech on a screen, in the Lebanese capital Beirut's southern suburbs on … Was it intentional? And also, there is no 190 countries acting in concert, the Western media assures me. Result of honesty, the Americans are saying we want to see some are to. How precarious our situation is sensitive and needs special care of you have stance! 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