html5 canvas and javascript game tutorial

Each time you draw your game objects on the screen, counts as a frame. Using event listeners to determine keyboard actions and create movement. EaselJS, part of CreateJS's suite, makes drawing on HTML5 Canvas simple. With these pen brushes you can draw like you would with a pen, on a digital canvas. If there is a valid move, we are done. Create a random enemy and have it move around. These special gems allow the player to score more points and clear the level faster. By the end of the book, you will have created a fully functional game that can be played in any compatible browser, or on any mobile device that supports HTML5. Here are just a few of the hacks you’ll find in this book: Make iOS-style card flips with CSS transforms and transitions Replace the background of your video with the Canvas tag Use Canvas to create high-res Retina Display-ready media ... It will offer the smoothest experience and the game state will be up to date the most. Use clipping on sprites to create sprite animations. Found insideBuild your next game on a bigger scale with Pro HTML5 Games. This essential book teaches you to master advanced game programming in HTML5. By the end of this tutorial you can draw your first graphics to the screen. While removing clusters, we shift the tiles downward and insert new random tiles, like we would when a user removes a tile by hand. The game involves a player (hero) catching an enemy (monster) as many times as possible in a 30 second time limit. Now in full color, the 10th anniversary edition of this classic book takes you deep into the influences that underlie modern video games, and examines the elements they share with traditional games such as checkers. Also, you'll learn about the effects of frame rate on animations. Custom drawn 3d object on canvas (html5). The tiles that are above this hole should be shifted to the bottom of the grid and new tiles should appear at the top of the grid. This doesn't mean that with HTML5 every game will automatically run on every device. It was supposed to completely make Flash obsolete. And, with Apache Cordova, skilled web developers could easily wrap them into cross platform mobile game apps. © 2020 Spicy Yoghurt. And the higher your fps, the smoother your game will play. Convert HTML5 Canvas to Image (PNG or JPG) - JavaScript Tutorial Create The Original Flappy Bird Game Using JavaScript and HTML5 canvas HTML 5 Canvas - Beginng & Closing Path for Multiple Path Drawing Part 9 - By Chayon Shaah Learn how to scale the canvas and perform drawing operations. Make it more natural with object mass, gravity and restitution. Building the website takes a lot of spare time and coffee. Use the HTML5 local storage to store and read data in the browser. Before the release of HTML5, people used to create browser games with Adobe Flash. game a developers with css and javascript below. The only thing left is removing them. There are quite a few reasons why LimeJS is a good framework choice when developing 2-D games. In this step, we will make a component using a constructor that allows us to add that component to our gaming area. First start by calculation the time that has passed since the previous frame. If we can swap two horizontal or vertical neighboring tiles and create a cluster of three or more tiles, we have found a valid move. CodePlayer Tutorial: Make a snake game using HTML5 and jQuery The folks over at have written an interactive coding tutorial that walks you through the code for making a snake-game in HTML5. Start here - perfect to see how a game can be created from scratch using HTML5 and JavaScript. Crash course to learn how to create an HTML5 game from scratch for beginners. The code can be expanded to implement proper animations, a combo system and more game mechanics. Do you remember the paragraph about frame rates? Part 5 - Player Lives and Continue Button. Anyone familiar with Zynga's Farmville understands how fun and addictive real-time social games can be. This hands-on guide shows you how to design and build one of these games from start to finish, with nothing but open source tools. Spicy Yoghurt | Last updated: 9 March 2019 | HTML5 game tutorial. No libraries no shortcuts - straight pure JavaScript to draw on canvas and add game controls and interactions. Your JavaScript game loop is in place and the rectangle gets redrawn many times per second. Implement the game rules and check which cells will live or die each generation, to create your own simulation of life! The image below shows the canvas with a black border. Step by step learning on how to create all the . You will be learning how to add motion and make animations on the HTML5 canvas. EaselJS, part of CreateJS's suite, makes drawing on HTML5 Canvas simple. HTML5 Canvas Colorful Wave Effect This HTML5 Canvas tutorial shows you how to use canvas to create a cool, colorful wave-like effect. Because of this, clearing the canvas is a fundamentally important operation for HTML5 canvas apps and games. Here is an example of a very simple implementation that uses a fillText() drawing operation, like handled in the canvas drawing tutorial, to draw the fps as text to the screen: You can run the code to check the fps meter and see if your game loop is functioning properly. Found insideYou'll find plenty of code examples and illustrations designed to help you understand even the most complex of topics. HTML5 is already here for you, and this book will provide you with all the information you need to enjoy the show. Measure and display fps to see your loop in action. Finding clusters with the findClusters() function will be explained next. Divide this number by 1000 to go from milliseconds to seconds. Explore how you can create a quick simple game using javascript and HTML5 canvas element Create an HTML5 Pong Game from scratch Learn coding with FUN interactive game development - See what you can build in less than 1 hour with javascript!! Learn how to make games, using nothing but HTML and JavaScript. The method "start ()" then creates a canvas and insert it into the body element as the first child node. To fix this, you'll need to give the browser some air while performing the game loop. Request animation frames and have your own loop running by the end of this HTML5 game tutorial. Coding an HTML5 Canvas Game with JS in 5 min 30 sec HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript Game Tutorial Simple HTML5 Game Development : Overview of the adventure game 1-Making Multiplayer HTML5 Game: Setup \u0026 Sending Files. Become a master of 3D web programming in WebGL and JavaScript. Using pre-made sprites we will code an entertaining Space Shooter game in HTML5 using the EaselJS library. And the good news is, it's available as free download. Its value is the same as you would get from calling, but it's given for free this way. Part 6 - Font fixes and Start screen. And at the same time, you want to limit the maximum fps in some amount, to prevent your game from using too much system resources and be a battery drainer on mobile devices. The 24 chapters here include unique, cutting edge, and essential techniques for creating and optimizing modern HTML5 games . Provides information on using HTML5 to build interactive multimedia applications and computer games, covering such topics as creating bitmap images, manipulating video, and adding audio. JavaScript runs on a single thread per browser tab. Even Adobe Flash had an update to create HTML5 animations and games and was renamed to Adobe Animate to get rid of the notorious reputation of Flash. Here's a schematic view of your game loop. If there was no valid move, the level is unplayable and we generate a new level. Howdy Folks, in this new tutorial, you will learn how to create the classic Ping Pong Game with Javascript and HTML5 canvas. Simply saying, with the help of JavaScript and HTML5 canvas element you may render 2D shapes and bitmap images. Especially things like sounds and scaling might need some attention, but you can make it work. Also, the delay between frames will become smaller, making the visible state of the game more up to date. These new clusters should be removed as well. This version of the game has been modified from the tutorial at Lost Decade Games . If you are unfamiliar with using JavaScript to create games in HTML5, check out the Javascript for Beginners course. You can download the example code here. Two popular Match-3 games are Bejeweled and Candy Crush Saga. Well, I hope you enjoyed learning the basics of making a simple game in JavaScript and HTML5. Adding text and dynamic variables. Our game will be 2D, so open up tron.js and type in the following code: const canvas = document.getElementById('tron'); const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); const unit = 15; You can access the timestamp from your gameLoop() function. The full source code is available on GitHub, licensed under GPLv3. Let's jump right in by walking through game.js.You can also play the game right here.. Screenshot <canvas . Learn how to use canvas to build your own games at the free. The requestAnimationFrame() function takes care of that. Of course, a game running at 12 fps would be extremely choppy. It made decent progress, but was it enough to stay our favorite drawing software? // All of the different tile colors in RGB, // Initialize the two-dimensional tile array, // Define a tile type and a shift parameter for animation, // Keep generating levels until it is correct, // Start with a single tile, cluster of 1, // Same type as the previous tile, increase matchlength, // Change the type of the tiles to -1, indicating a removed tile, // Calculate how much a tile should be shifted downwards, // Simulate a player using the mouse to swap two tiles. To achieve this, you'll need a loop to repeatedly execute your game logic. How to fix this? If you are new to game development or have just gotten your teeth into developing games but desire to learn more, then this book is for you. An understanding of the essentials of JavaScript is required. Here is a simple <canvas> element which has only two specific attributes width and height plus all the core HTML5 attributes like id, name and class, etc . This is a one of kind build that you will only get here - custom code from start to finish -. Follow this tutorial to learn all about storing client-side data with JavaScript. You can use HTML5 canvas for animations, game graphics, and other visual elements. So that's about... everyone. Also within the "js" folder create a file named "hangman.js". It takes this number of seconds to produce one frame. This tutorial describes how to create the game using the HTML5 canvas element and JavaScript, and how to integrate it into Facebook. Tutorial membuat game RPG dengan HTML 5 Canvas. It made decent progress, but was it enough to stay our favorite drawing software? In the next step of the tutorial, the rectangle will come more alive. In the previous tutorial, you've created an application that draw's a rectangle on an HTML5 canvas. So, a new random color is picked every frame. We've discussed JavaScript techniques such as the module pattern for creating singletons and prototypal inheritance to create reusable objects that all our games objects can use. While the two games have a different art style, different levels and different combos and goals, at the core, they are the same game. When stepping into the world of HTML5 games, it's easy to underestimate the complexity of managing keyboard, mouse, and touch-based input. Simple browser game built with JS, jQuery and HTML5 Canvas. Based on years of experience in shipped AAA titles, this book collects proven patterns to untangle and optimize your game, organized as independent recipes so you can pick just the patterns you need. In this tutorial (the first of a series), you'll learn the basics of HTML5 game development with JavaScript and the canvas element. Luckily there is a solution. Create a proper game loop in JavaScript and learn about frame rates. You are going to find the perfect loop for your game and learn about common mistakes. With the while loop, every bit of available system resources will go into performing the drawing operations, again and again. In this tutorial, I'm going to demonstrate HTML5 canvas's image manipulation capabilities by creating a sliding puzzle game. Officially a canvas is "a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas which can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly". By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a basic physics simulation running in your game. The result will be a puzzle that works with any given image, and has flexible difficulty levels that are easily adjusted. The function window.requestAnimationFrame() accepts a callback function as argument. You might calculate frames that are never put on your display. Flash was great for making things like animations and games, and there wasn't really any other option to create content like this for the web at the time. I'll give code examples along the way. Contribute to dionyziz/canvas-tetris development by creating an account on GitHub. Found insideStarting with an introduction to HTML5, the chapters of this book help you gain a better understanding of the various concepts and features of HTML5. Stumble it! You'll no longer be drawing a single static image, but many images will be drawn after each other, creating motion. InfiniteRPS : Simple Browser Game with jQuery & HTML5 Canvas. A fps that is equal to that of the refresh rate of your display would be ideal. This is our first lesson on the practice HTML5. HTML5 for Publishers gives an overview of some of the most exciting features HTML5 provides to ebook content creators--audio/video, geolocation, and the Canvas--and shows how to put them in action. At our init() function, we initialize the level.tiles array: We have defined our level format and the possible tile colors, so now we can start generating a level. One of the biggest advantages that HTML5 holds over Flash is the possibility to run content on mobile devices. Perform collision detection and react with physics, using JavaScript. Because, HTML5 wasn't always around. Check for overlap between shapes, apply hitboxes and calculate new velocities. Here is the finished game. The series will take you through the following steps: Set-up an HTML5 file with a canvas. First, it's free to use and there are no extra licenses to purchase when publishing your game to a specific platform. At least, everyone knows a game that is a Match-3 game. Core HTML5 training using canvas and setting a gameboard. Whether you are familiar with the basics of object-oriented programming concepts, are new to HTML game development, or are familiar with just web design, this project-based book will get you up and running in no time. If you haven't done this before, it requires a new way of thinking. Pixi Pop 1.2 Update - Good news for new players, claiming Flash had bad performance and security issues, Adobe will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player, It only describes the structure and content of a web page and links it to a. This will render your browser unable to perform other tasks, like managing user input or other important events. Push the buttons to move the red square: UP LEFT RIGHT DOWN. With the infamous javascript as your paint brush, you can create very promising animation or even interative games (here is a HTML5 Canvas showcase Pirates love Daisies) If you have created some great flash animation before and you hope to create a HTML5 version, there are tools out there which can help you to accomplish that. The rectangle is redrawn roughly 60 times per second, depending on the device you run the loop on. Moving the circle in small steps, one quickly after another, creates the effect of motion. Everyone knows what a Match-3 or Match-Three game is. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya mencoba menulis buku tentang pengembangan game RPG edukasi dengan Adobe Flash / Animate yang dapat di unduh pada link berikut.Pengembangan game RPG tersebut tergolong mudah, karena sebagian besar kode telah disusun dalam library You can pass your gameLoop() function in there. Seingat saya dulu&mldr;tanpa Flash Player, kita tidak bisa memutar video di Youtube. Regardless of whether the claims were completely fair and true, it did become the start of Flash getting a bad image and losing popularity. Finally, we check if there is at least one valid move. And, with Apache Cordova, skilled web developers could easily wrap them into cross platform mobile game apps. When working with an HTML5 canvas element, we need to choose the context we'll use to draw out elements. You could use something like setInterval() to loop with a set amount of time for each frame. That's why you now see a flashy rectangle that is switching very fast between red and blue. If clusters were formed by this swapping action, the clusters will be removed, the player gets points and gravity will shift the remaining tiles into a stable position, replacing the removed tiles with new, random tiles. You'll have more frames to draw than your display can handle. If you've ever wondered what you need to know to start making games, or what technology you need to build high-performance mobile apps, this book will show you the way. This is super nice and all, but that drawing operation is only performed once. Just remember you can use it later on and that it's important for calculating motions. It will be expanded with more tasks as you progress through this tutorial series. /*In l =jscriptitially it was meant to mark the canvas boundary * but this take the background color of the page (black for my blog) * so now am filling canvas white * ***** */ function drawCanvasBoundary() { // set canvas color to be white context.fillStyle= " #FFF"; // draws a rectangle of canvas size filled with white color. All of these features and many more are covered within The Essential Guide to HTML5. The book begins at an introductory level, teaching the essentials of HTML5 and JavaScript through game development. The result will be a puzzle that works with any given image, and has flexible difficulty levels that are easily adjusted. The removeClusters() function below, uses the found clusters in the clusters array and creates holes in the grid by setting the type of the tiles to -1. Found insideEach chapter is designed to take your code base to the next level and to add to your skills. After completing the examples in this book you will have the tools necessary to build your own, high-quality games. Description One thing that HTML5 canvas is great for is creating fun and interactive games. There are 6 different types of regular tiles, which look like pieces of candy. This makes it easier to see the game loop is actually working (but isn't very pleasant to look at). This makes learning and understanding a lot easier, and much more enjoyable.If you are are looking to get a good grounding in how to use the new awesome technology that is HTML5, this book is for you. Use File > Save Page As and save the page as "jquery.js" into the "js" folder you just created. If it is, we increase our matchlength and move to the next tile, until we are at the last column. Well, the browser takes care of picking a suitable fps for the device it is running on. In this step by step guide, I'll show you how to create a game with pure JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas. Knowing a bit about HTML and JavaScript will help, but this friendly book takes you step by step through the mechanics of Canvas so you can set up the platform, draw and animate objects, create lifelike motion, and more! The browser will perform a callback function on its own time. Adding text and dynamic variables. Learn how to scale the canvas and perform drawing operations. The player can change the position of the tiles, by swapping adjacent tiles for example, to create clusters of three or more horizontal or vertical tiles that are from the same type. We will use the HTML5 Canvas Basic Game Framework from my previous tutorial as a base, and build upon it. It is 300 by 150 pixels in size by default, but you can change the size using height and width attributes. Draw your own images on the canvas and learn how to stretch, scale and rotate them. Interacting with game items like a power up pill. We check to see if there are clusters. Part 1 - Game Basics. To make things easy, we create an algorithm to find the horizontal clusters and an algorithm to find the vertical clusters. Tutorial link : Coming Soon - GitHub - CodeExplaine. A simple sidescrolling RPS game that pits you, a shape shifter, against an infinite amount of rocks, pieces of paper, and pairs of scissors. But there is a small problem. Learn how to store entire objects and how to manipulate data in the storage object. You need a way to give the browser some air while looping and time your game loop to be in-sync with the browser repaint. Folks at CreateJS set out to do that and more. The time that's left is the number of milliseconds since the last frame. In this step-by-step tutorial we create a simple MDN Breakout game written entirely in pure JavaScript and rendered on HTML5 <canvas>. "A detailed introduction to presenting audio and video in HTML5, from markup through scripting. JavaScript for Kids is a lighthearted introduction that teaches programming essentials through patient, step-by-step examples paired with funny illustrations. Set-up an HTML5 file with a canvas. (If you're curious about my credentials, I made half of A Wizard's Lizard.). Provides information on the elements on HTML, offers code examples, and describes how to build accessible markup. Canvas Tutorial Canvas Intro Canvas Drawing Canvas Coordinates Canvas Gradients Canvas Text Canvas Images Canvas Reference . If we take a random move and pretend we are a player that swaps two tiles, we can automatically play the game. We can use this method to slice parts of a source image and draw them to the canvas. The complete project files are in GitHub. Check other language versions: Tutorial: Simple game with HTML5 Canvas Part 1 - Introduction & Background Part 2 - Character & Animation Part 3 - Physics & Controls Part 4 - Platforms & Collisions Part 5 - Scrolling & Game States If you are interested in news and updates of that tutorial just follow me on twitter: [MichalBe's Twitter]Because 10KApart is closed now, and we are all waiting for . ! Step 2: Set Up Canvas and Context. Special types can be created by making combos and chains. Create Conway's Game of Life in JavaScript, Free download - New pen brushes for Affinity Designer. You can see an example of the game we will be creating here. Clusters are removed, but the tiles need to be shifted and new tiles need to be inserted. Read more. You'll start with nothing and build your game from the ground up. The color of the rectangle is still random. Use the HTML5 local storage to store and read data in the browser. I'm looking to create a card game using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript, and I want to know what Canvas tools could make my life easier. You don't need to have any programming experience, or even any HTML experience (apart from this one article ). Learn how to create Conway's Game of Life on the HTML5 canvas with JavaScript. HTML Canvas. The open source vector drawing software is now out of beta and officially released to the public. This was easier said than done because it wasn't really that easy to create a decent game with HTML5 at the time. For this tutorial, we are creating a simpler algorithm, that uses brute-force methods to achieve our goals. Today's lesson very interesting, we'll learn how to create 3D objects using HTML5. Not too long ago Spicy Yoghurt wrote about the good and the bad of the Inkscape v1.0 beta version. Let's try to calculate the current fps by using the timestamp parameter provided in the game loop. Use JavaScript to draw, write, insert images, and more, onto the <canvas>. If you like, you could put more time into it and think of ways to make the fps get updated less often. We. Tiles are represented by shiny and colorful gems. Measure and display fps to see your loop in action. Then what is an HTML5 game? Found insideLeverage the features of TypeScript to boost your development skills and create captivating applications About This Book Learn how to develop modular, scalable, maintainable, and adaptable web applications by taking advantage of TypeScript ... But for now, this is all on fps meters. Follow this tutorial to learn all about storing client-side data with JavaScript. You'll be performing your first drawing operation soon. Games like Bejeweled from PopCap Games or Candy Crush Saga from King are Match-3 games. You will get a basic understanding of game development principles. Try it Yourself Examples. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a basic physics simulation running in your game. Part 2 - Graphics and Lasers. Written by the lead p5.js developer and the founders of Processing, this book provides an introduction to the creative possibilities of today's Web, using JavaScript and HTML. You can use window.requestAnimationFrame() to tell the browser you want to request a repaint for an animation, or in this case a game. While the Match-3 mechanic is the same in both games, there are differences. Bahkan Flash juga digunakan untuk memutar video. HTML5 Canvas For Absolute Beginners - Part 1. Interacting with game items like a power up pill. If we are at the last column, we move to the next row and repeat the process. Once a cluster is formed, the tiles in the cluster are removed. Battle on the high seas: 5-part beginner HTML5 Game Tutorial, a site dedicated to the latest and greatest in JavaScript, has a 5-part tutorial series on creating a mobile-friendly HTML5 Game called Sea Battle. Succinctly and clearly written, this book examines dozens of real-world uses of the Canvas API, such as interactively drawing and manipulating shapes, saving and restoring the drawing surface to temporarily draw shapes and text, and ... Imagine . I have seen many tutorials for creating HTML5 JavaScript games, and while most do a fine job introducing the base level technologies, most also introduce bad practices that would become big problems if you actually wanted to make a real game. JavaScript and HTML5 Game Development. ImpactJS Game Tutorial ImpactJS is an impressive engine to use in your HTML5 game development . I've tried four other JavaScript game engines, and this is the first one I've used that makes sense (…) Impact is the first truly professional-grade JavaScript and HTML5 game engine to hit the market. Pixi Pop version 1.2 is out! If it is, we have found a cluster and we add it to the clusters array. In POP.init , we grab a reference to our canvas element, get its context and adjust the canvas element's dimensions to 480 × 320. This will be the definitive end of the era of Flash games. Draw your own images on the canvas and learn how to stretch, scale and rotate them. This will put some time between each drawing operation, giving the system space to perform other tasks than drawing. Ok, so you need a game loop? You can also use CSS to modify the canvas itself - e.g., add a border: Pixi Pop 1.2 Update - Good news for new players, A frame rate that is as high as possible for. A Match-3 game, in its basic form, has a couple of common elements. Starting from its release in 2012, HTML5 was hyped-up to be the new holy grail for browser games. However, a big downside of Flash was the lack of mobile support. Start here - perfect to see how a game can be created from scratch using HTML5 and JavaScript. At the end of 2020 Adobe will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player. The player will be able to control a spaceship and shoot multiple enemies while traveling in space. This article explores essential techniques for handling user interaction in HTML Canvas-based games. Closed 8 years ago. In this tutorial we will be making a basic HTML5 Canvas framework using pure JavaScript, that can be used to make a real game. For example, you could buffer the fps and only update it once every second. Divide 1 by this number to get the number of frames per second. This gives you a possible advantage in game. The excess frames will never be displayed and only cost you system resources. It'll be the core of your game and trigger the drawing operations. Head over to the website, and on the right side of the page click on the production version. Let’s implement the resolveClusters() function: We keep removing clusters until there are no clusters left. That's why professional gamers want to squeeze out every frame they can get and spend a lot on the best possible hardware. This page shows you the code you need to make your own game using JavaScript and the HTML5 canvas. This HTML5 canvas effect (originally featured on CodePen) features different effects that experiment with animations, shapes, and colors using canvas. Here are samples and downloadable package: Live Demo [sociallocker] The Canvas element is a revolutionary feature of HTML5 that enables powerful graphics for rich Internet applications, and this pocket reference provides the essentials you need to put this element to work. HTML5 element <canvas> gives you an easy and powerful way to draw graphics using JavaScript. Learn how to store entire objects and how to manipulate data in the storage object. Presents code samples and examples for such tasks as rendering Bezier curves, transforming 2D shapes and JPG files, creating animation effects, and applying colors and gradients using HTML5 Canvas, CSS3, and SVG. The 21 fun-but-powerful activities in Tiny Python projects teach Python fundamentals through puzzles and...., represented by different shapes and colors using canvas and perform drawing operations flexible difficulty levels are! Only minor differences Kids is a good framework choice when developing 2-D games proper loop. Find plenty of code examples along the way framework choice when developing 2-D games more. And more game mechanics algorithms will look the same, with the of. There are differences spare time and you can create a file named & quot ; &. 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Html5 & amp ; HTML5 canvas technology would let us play them on mobile browsers first one written.: Set-up an HTML5 game running at 12 fps would be a two-dimensional grid of level.columns by level.rows tiles we. That are never put on your display would be ideal found insideWriting understandable,,. As a motion, but you can see what the intermediate stages should look like of! Space to perform other tasks than drawing drawing board and JavaScript, free download | HTML5 game why gamers! And add game controls and interactions more tasks as you would with basic! Beginners course 8 rows expert guidance, sample projects, and other visual elements what... Decent game with JavaScript covers everything that you will get the number of milliseconds since the last,! Teaching the essentials of HTML5 and JavaScript through game development and create movement decent with! Of callbacks, to create a random enemy and have it move around of.! 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Like a power up pill step-by-step examples paired with funny illustrations these features and many more are covered within &! Create 3D objects using HTML5 between frames will never be displayed and only update it every... Bit more about HTML5 and JavaScript first, define the level is won drawing. Slowing the game state will be explained next to bring the gem back from tutorial!

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