what is god's time compared to ours

30:7) also known as the Great Tribulation. Each of us have been given enough time to accomplish God's purpose for us on this planet. Nothing I would disagree with, then or now. Everything God does is right, including when he does it. At just the right time, that job was provided. and see them as the sun, rain and food that will grow me into what the Lord has designed me to be. Don't be discouraged when you don't know God's plan. David looked up into the vastness of the night sky and saw the moon and the stars, the work of God's fingers. God WILL bless you, BJS, as you seek to know him and his Word! Taking the definition of kairos into consideration, this verse would read: “I choose the suitable and appropriate time to accomplish my purposes.”. There is no other God like this! In "Knowing God" Packer describes the characteristics of those who know God. God is no one's father or mother or benefactor. . Planning can be defined very simply as thinking ahead, and make decisions to do certain things in the light of anticipated future events. “Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulcher, and seeth the linen clothes lying [there].” The word “seeth” here means, he saw and paid attention to. The time that says today I am one day older than yesterday. Found insideOur time is fragile and finite, compared with God's time; ours brief and mortal, while God's endures from eternity to eternity. For the Psalmist, the portal ... In fact, He's the originator of time. There seems to be no pattern to the underside of the sewing. Learn how your comment data is processed. We're not around right now. We can compare His perspective to a periscope. God showed His great mercy when the people of ancient Nineveh repented and turned from their wickedness. WE all struggle over matters of time. Now I take that cross-stitch picture on the beautiful patterned side and put in in a frame. He invaded history right on time – BC/AD – it was the zero hour – to show us Himself and save us from sin and offer us eternal life with Him – timeless life. Using the Thousand Years As One Day conversion tools, we converted the total number of earth years into its UGT equivalent, which is: 40:23:4:615 UGT (almost 2 God days) God Speed!! All Rights Reserved |, Priorities of Ministry and the Next Generation. The Bible tells us that to God, one day is as 1000 years and 1000 years are as one day. Too many of us been trying to live our lives based on man’s perspective; humanistic ideas, work very hard to please man. Thank heaven for the starting overs. You'll be changed from the inside out" "Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. But, out of his infinitely rich mercy and steadfast love, he sent the perfect Lamb, Christ, to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. But the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. The Bible describes God's relationship to time in several places. Rather, God's time is the true A-series time, determined by . These terms are used only to help us understand relationships — ours to God — not to establish a more human type of parentage. Likewise, he kept God's commandments. God chose Abraham and 1680 years later, Jesus was born. Isaiah 55:9. The choice is ours. Perhaps the day will come when I can totally accept and REST in whatever he has ordained for me! God On High God, Wisdom Of God, Wise Heaven Better Than Earth Way, The Wisdom, Source Of Human God, Greatness Of. Compare Earthly Things to Heavenly Truth. Found insideProphet Isaiah speaks clearly to the difference between our own idea of time and God's own time: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ... But if I turn the stitching over, we see God’s perspective is much larger. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Perspective changes both our view and our attitudes. "God's goodness is the root of all goodness." God is the source of everything that is good and apart from Him there is no goodness. I think of Mary, mother of Jesus, who said: “My soul doth magnify the Lord.” Little did she know that in that moment of her magnificence that she would watch the Lord die on a cross a cruel death. And what would be the foundation of God’s choice of kairos? God in His Word displays time and time again that His priorities are different than our own; and that His grace is HIS grace, not ours. He needs no teachers to guide or correct him. To understand how to live by God's time, we must look at how Jesus lived: 3. As Isaiah 55:8-9 says, God's thoughts are so much higher than ours. The God we proclaim is the God who is a Judge, with power and might to overcome all who resist him, all w ho attempt to deceive him or ignore him. Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit." (Psalm 32:1-2) God doesn't count, because God wipes the slate clean each time you confess . The message of this prophet is amazingly relevant to our needs today. But we’ll never be tired, and that will be great! Found inside – Page 169... of the relation of the eternal God to time and creation as at one pretemporal, ... the relation between his time and ours remains for us fragmentary, ... "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways. 5 1-5 For instance, we know that when these bodies of ours are taken down like tents and folded away, they will be replaced by resurrection bodies in heaven—God-made, not handmade—and we'll never have to relocate our "tents" again. Found insideGod calls us to make a difference in the lives of others. ... We are called to move through this life according to God's time, not ours! God's time is the ... God is eternal. You have an amazing way.. Although the way we describe time hasn't been around all that long, God has been working with time since the beginning of creation. Sometimes we may not see the whole picture until we are in eternity. Each death gives was to a resurrection of a new life, periods when we can start over. Thanks for saying that so well. Science tells us the earth is ~4.5 x 10 9 years old. The notion that God is one entity with different names in India is Kabir's singular legacy - one the Hindutva camp is now trying to demolish. God is doing the stitching! Great thoughts –the word pictures really help give me a better understanding of what you’re getting at. Thanks for sharing! ( Log Out /  A place with no time just boggles my mind. All she knew to do up until that time was to be a woman – the best woman she knew how to be. Found inside – Page 78Becoming the Person God Wants You to Be Larry Christenson ... It can be either shorter or longer than our time, depending upon God's purposes. ( Log Out /  A Biblical understanding of God's Being is based on the fact that "God is personal Being." God did not identify Himself as "all that is," but as "I AM that I AM" (Exod. Likewise, he kept God's commandments. Therefore we get a glimpse of God's standards and His nature. I love the way you explained the difference between the Greek words kairos and chronos. She could be passed off as just another dizzy dame… If it weren’t for those 5 little words “If I perish,” “I perish.” That’s when Esther expressed her magnificence! Found inside – Page 1George had been a long time friend of ours. At one time he was a coworker of my husband. George used to continuously smoke like a chimney. Lord, keep me mindful! In this world we have rules, and courts, and judgment and punishment. How long was a year in Bible days? 2 Corinthians 5 The Message (MSG). Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God." 1 Kings 8:27. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It means, “the suitable or appropriate time for something to occur or for something to be accomplished.”. John 3:1-36 ESV / 2 helpful votesNot Helpful. He created time, so He exists outside of time and is not bound by it. Found inside – Page 5God's timing is not ours to command. If we do not start the fire with the first strike of our match, we must try again. God does hear our prayer, ... Time for God is measured more in seasons. This is the kind of time we measure with clocks and calendars. Kairos is God's time. Though we cannot possibly comprehend this idea of eternity or the timelessness of God, we in our finite minds try to confine an infinite God to our time schedule. The Greek word Paul used in that verse is kairos. God's wrath is toward the willfully evil, not the ignorant (Romans 2:11-16). Why. Deuteronomy . Found inside – Page 115But as we are thus in God's time, he limits ours. he appoints its beginning before which we were not, and its end after which we shall be no longer. For us, God's timing often feels like a long, desperate delay. We use cookies on our website to personalize your experience, analyze site usage, and improve our marketing efforts. God's perspective sees beyond what we see. The Bible states: "There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all."— 1 Timothy 2:5, 6. "God's power is unlimited. Over and over again in the Word of God we find Him giving an . Found inside – Page 321God's relationship to time. In our discussion of God's knowledge of the future, I have inevitably used temporal language. Among the models we have examined, ... God's goodness quotes. Your words have been used mightily by God and I just wanted to let you know. But the Lord's return is an event yet to take place in historical time when the Church is complete and the end of the age has come. Found inside – Page 36There is, however, another way to handle the difference between God's time and our time. When Christ spoke about the Father already knowing what we need, ... His are so much better, right? . It should come as a surprise to no one that ours is a day of weakened integrity. tim: The basis of the Hebrew measurement of time was the day and the lunar month, as with the Semites generally. Perhaps this is the meaning of the Lord's words: "I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live" (John 5:25). (Romans 12:2, He "worshipped" on Sabbath days according to scripture. Just as God’s will for my life isn’t necessarily my will, God’s timing may not coincide with the expectations of my requests. But the simple pleasures of earth are never completely safe in the hands of sinners — even redeemed ones. Since we know that God is completely sovereign over time and for the timing in our life for that matter, we can say with confidence "there is a time and a way for everything, although man's trouble lies heavy on him" (Eccl 8:6) since "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven" (Eccl 3:1). A second is no different from an eon; a billion years pass like seconds to the eternal God. – Elisabeth Elliot. Verse Concepts. The time that says supper will be ready in 15 minutes. The Difference Between God’s Perspective and Our Perspective, https://www.vision4living.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Header-2-75.png, © 2009-2021 Vision4Living Ministries. It is the same with God's Kingdom, only His has something ours rarely sees: forgiveness. Text: James 4:13-17. Patience isn’t my strong suit; but this explains so very much. 3. But it cannot be a God that's made in one's own image. "God is love," Jesus taught. God's ways are so far above our ways (Isa. What we know as terrestrial, 365 day, 12 month years were not the same as the "years" that they knew in the pas. " But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out” (Romans 11:33)! "Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my . God’s perspective sees beyond what we see. But he is also a Shepherd. After an inventory of information and influences, it's time to evaluate them with God's word. Thanks for letting me know Tiffany, I appreciate your encouragement! 8. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways. Job 36:26. In an effort to insert millions of years of time into the Bible, some Christians argue that God's time is not the same as ours. We know that God wants all to come to Him and be saved. Others have praised God for what he has done, so join with them." Ephesians 3:19. Found inside – Page 55So God's special relation to time, whether temporal or atemporal, ... However, we can affirm that God transcends our time (as he does our space), ... "…with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." - 2 Peter 3:8. For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For example, we do our best to dress sharply when coming to church, but we do not take time - through prayer and meditation - to clothe ourselves with the presence of God before entering the assembly of God's people. Surely you’ve had it happen to you. At birth, we are all deserving of his judgment. God's ways, "what God has done" or His "work," stands in sharp contrast to ours. September 12, 2012. God's law is good because it reveals our sin and what true righteousness is! Found inside – Page 310His development of the “God's Time”/“our time” relationship only ... to his earlier emphases on the “otherness” or difference as such of God's revelation. But kairos is God’s time, as in “I choose the appointed time, it is I who judge uprightly” (Psalm 75:2). It is when we start thinking too highly of our own thoughts that we begin grieving, resisting, or even quenching the Spirit of God. God knows where you're going, and he knows what you need to get there (Jeremiah 1:7-9). Found insideIn those early chapters of Genesis, God creates the physical principles of nature that will govern our world, including time. Yet God is not bound by those ... Learn how you can possess the promises He has given you and grow stronger through every battle. Great post, Nancy! Human perspective is like being on a submarine. "God is neither a man nor a woman nor a thing. Still, He is a master of timing. That would include the timing of events, too. This is our comfort zone–the kind of time we know and understand best. After the Lord is finished with the Church Age, and has taken the Church to Heaven in the Rapture 1 Thess. If the A-theory of time is correct, then, and God is in time, the question naturally arises in the context of Relativity Theory, "Whose time is He in?" . When we make our plans, we should do so knowing that the Lord might have something different in mind for us. The beauty of following God even when they didn't understand what God was doing is that each time they obeyed and trusted, then God gave a tremendous victory. Sandwiched between these thoughts is the fact that the passing of time does not affect God's promises, specifically the promise of His return. Compared to the vastness of God's created universe, we are puny and insignificant (8:3-4). There have been several Christian scientists who have attempted to propose theories and find "scientific" evidence that the earth is only 6,000 years old. Our timing isn't God's timing. For example, was Methuselah really 969 years old as in 365 days times 969, or did their years have fewer or more days than ours today? But in a way we do not fully comprehend, God lives in the past, present, and future all at once; He exists outside of what we know as linear time. "Work" signifies the deeds, achievements, and enterprise of God. You could even say He is the master of dramatic timing, but not for the sake of drama. The choice is ours. But, when I do it God’s way and look through the correct end, things come into focus and God brings things right up to me! His message was given in a time of great crisis both politically and religiously. Would a God who loves like that fail to pay attention, and mess up the timing of his involvement? It is not that she was clever in the way she got what she wanted out of the king, by wearing her best gown and standing in the right light. However, God's righteousness is the standard by which everyone . as well being pretentious,taking on false identity in order to be accepted by in society.However,you have help us to understand the difference between both school of thought. This is a subject that is relevant to every one of us since all of us need to do some planning at one time or other. 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