both parties in a sentence

Mutually Agreed means agreed in writing between the Employer and the Employee. By the way, technical writing involves working with different difficult words. Chambers - A judge’s private office. Clear and Convincing Evidence - Standard of proof commonly used in civil lawsuits and in regulatory agency appeals. Ex Parte Proceeding - The legal procedure in which only one side is present or represented. Such statements are taken to examine potential witnesses, to obtain discovery to be used later in trial. Cert. without a hearing) by fine or imprisonment. Double Jeopardy - Putting a person on trial more than once for the same crime. Jurisdiction, power, or control that courts acquire over property in a suit pending action and until final judgment. Statute of Limitations - The time within which a plaintiff must begin a lawsuit (in civil cases) or a prosecutor must bring charges (in criminal cases). Issue - 1. List of Correlative Conjunctions Correlative conjunctions can be divided into categories based on their meaning or function in a sentence: addition, alternative, reason, comparison or time. Deposition - An oral statement made before an officer authorized by law to administer oaths. Plaintiff - The person/business/organization/agency that files the complaint in a civil lawsuit. Commutation - The reduction of a sentence, as from death to life imprisonment. Non-disclosure agreements are legal contracts that prohibit someone from sharing information deemed confidential. Mary went to work. Answer (1 of 7): A disjunction in logic refers to an "either… or…" sentence. Probate also means the process by which assets are gathered; applied to pay debts, taxes, and the expenses of administration; and distributed to those designated as beneficiaries in the will. Found inside – Page 13consequence of the doubts I felt upon this point , I directed a search to be ... The Court in this case pronounced its usual sentence , that the parties ... I can't tell Tom and his younger brother apart. I have never had the best of all possible worlds since my mom and dad separated. Methods include mediation, conciliation, arbitration, and settlement facilitation, among others. If the petitioner does not apply for Decree Absolute within 4½ months, the respondent can apply for this. Infraction - A violation of law not punishable by imprisonment. Proximate Cause - The act that caused an event to occur. Compare Collateral Estoppel. The word caution is also a noun first and . Exonerate - Removal of a charge, responsibility or duty. (Reason 3) Passive sentences are appropriate when the doer of the action is unimportant, unknown, or obvious. As mutually agreed by the Parties, United States Forces authorities shall seek to hold the trials of such cases inside Iraq. Compensatory Damages – Damages awarded to compensate the nonbreaching or injured party. Inspectorial Search - An entry into and examination of premises or vehicles by an inspector for the identification and correction of conditions dangerous to health or safety. Specific Performance - A remedy by which a court orders a person who has breached an agreement to perform specifically what he or she has agreed to do. This should be outlined point by point in numbered sentences or paragraphs. Found inside – Page 439If there had been no profession of the wife , as aforesaid , has all the force of sentence in France , the party might have shewed that a judicial sentence ... When both is used before a determiner (my, she, his, the, these, etc. The sentence is far less than the 1.5-year prison term that the Justice Department requested. Sectoral Reciprocity: A trade agreement between two countries to reduce or eliminate trade barriers in a certain, strategic category of goods. Unsecured - In collection or bankruptcy proceedings, a debt or a claim is unsecured if there is no collateral, or to the extent the value of collateral is less than the amount of the debt. Civil Procedure - The set of rules and process by which a civil case is tried and appealed, including the preparations for trial, the rules of evidence and trial conduct, and the procedure for pursuing appeals. A final judgment on the merits is conclusive as to the rights of the parties and is an absolute bar to a later action involving the same claim, demand, or cause of action. Such reports should contain at least the following: (1) complete description of the situation surrounding the criminal activity; (2) offender's educational background; (3) offender's employment background; (4) offender's social history; (5) residence history of the offender; (6) offender's medical history; (7) information about environment to which the offender will return; (8) information about any resources available to assist the offender; (9) probation officer's view of the offender's motivations and ambitions; (10) full description of the offender's criminal record; and (11) recommendation as to disposition. Jury Array - The whole body of prospective jurors summoned to court from which the jury will be selected. For example, the defendant may plead to lesser charges so that the penalties are diminished. In civil cases, the complainant is barred from bringing the same claim or cause of action against the same defendant. Definition of Contain. That's unnecessary: signing a contract is sufficient to indicate assent. A hearing in camera takes place in the judge’s office outside of the presence of the jury and the public. Self Defense - Claim that an act otherwise criminal was legally justifiable because it was necessary to protect a person or property from the threat or action of another. Trust Agreement or Declaration - The legal document that sets up a living trust. I went home. Waiver of Immunity - A means authorized by statute by which a witness, before testifying or producing evidence, may relinquish the right to refuse to testify against himself or herself, thereby making it possible for his or her testimony to be used against him or her in future proceedings. Real Property - Land, buildings, and other improvements affixed to the land. (1) Appellant. Bind over - To hold a person for trial on bond (bail) or in jail. ). Dismissal – An order or judgment disposing of a case without a trial. Rehearing - Another hearing of a civil or criminal case or motion by the same court in which the matter was originally decided in order to bring to the court’s attention an error, omission, or oversight in the first consideration. both parties . Arbitration - A form of alternative dispute resolution in which the parties bring their dispute to a neutral third party and agree to abide by his/her decision. Informations are used for felony charges, not misdemeanors. Both parties favor deficit reduction and the sale of state assets. When a party questions the competency of a witness, the judge must determine the witness’s capacity to observe, recall, and communicate what he or she witnessed, and that the witness understands the duty to be truthful. Evidence - Testimony or exhibits received by the court at any stage of court proceedings. By comparison, collateral estoppel bars relitigation of a particular issue or determinative fact. A compound sentence does not contain any dependent clauses. Waive - To give up a known right voluntarily. Found inside – Page 197... any substantial points raised before the court so as to enable the parties to know what conclusion the magistrates reached on the controversial issues. Record - All the documents and evidence plus transcripts of oral proceedings in a case. Continuance - Deferment of a trial or hearing to a later date. Surety Bond - A bond purchased at the expense of the estate to insure the executor’s proper performance. An interlocutory order or an interlocutory appeal concerns only a part of the issues raised in a lawsuit. Merchant – A person who regularly deals in goods of the kind being sold or who otherwise holds himself out as having a special knowledge of the goods sold. Living Trust - A trust set up and in effect during the lifetime of the grantor. A bench warrant may be issued when a person fails to pay a fine, appear, or attend DWI School. A plea through which the defendant does not admit guilt, but which has the same legal effect as a plea of guilty in a criminal case. Default - A failure to respond to a lawsuit within the specified time. Due process prohibits the government from prosecuting a defendant who is not competent to stand trial. Commit - To send a person to prison, asylum, or reformatory by a court order. Bar Examination - A state examination taken by prospective lawyers, qualifying them to be admitted to the bar and licensed to practice law. Mitigating Circumstances - Those facts which do not constitute a justification or excuse for an offense but which may be considered as reasons for reducing the degree of blame. Generally, the person comes before a judge within hours of the arrest. A concurrent sentence means that two or more sentences would run at the same time. She likes to have the best of all possible worlds whether it is to go for parties or have a religious ceremony conducted in her home. Counsel - Legal adviser; a term used to refer to lawyers in a case. The defendant’s answer to the charges made in the indictment or information. Found inside – Page 15In Asher (2012b), reviewed here, Asher applied this theory to scalar implicatures triggered by lexical items such as OR in “John or Mary came to the party. 12"), the parties can enter into an agreement—before or after conviction—that provides for a shorter period of parole ineligibility, among other possible sentence modifications. Enjoining - An order by the court telling a person to stop performing a specific act. Court Costs - The expenses of prosecuting or defending a lawsuit, other than the attorneys’ fees. Motion in Limine - A motion made outside the presence of a jury requesting that the court not allow certain evidence that might prejudice the jury. So a compound sentence is like two or more simple sentences added together. Diversion - The process of removing some minor offenses from the full judicial process, on the condition that the accused undergo some sort of rehabilitation or make restitution for damages. Both Michael and Julia arrived late to the party. The authority for the federal judge to impose a federal sentence concurrent with or consecutive to an anticipated sentence is clearer now than it once was. In addition, ordinary parole process, N.J.S.A. Appeal - An application to a higher court for review of an order of conviction or of a civil judgment against a party. Writ of Mandamus - A writ to compel performance of one’s responsibilities as set forth by law. As you can see, our grammar corrector is useful for many purposes, academic, technical, or business. Answer - The defendant’s response to the plaintiff’s allegations as stated in a civil complaint. Dissent – (Verb) To disagree. Found inside – Page 22... latter are only liable to injury by one Power , whereas the former , as the case absolutely stands in the present war , are illtreated by both parties . For example, Bob owns a clock shop and sells clocks, so he would be considered a merchant of clocks. A per curiam opinion is an unsigned opinion “of the court.’’. Declaratory Judgment - A judgment of the court that explains what the existing law is or expresses the opinion of the court as to the rights and status of the parties, but which does not award relief or provide enforcement. Interrogatories - Written questions asked by one party in a lawsuit for which the opposing party must provide written answers. See also Release on Own Recognizance. Litigation refers to a case, controversy, or lawsuit. Complaint – [Civil] The initial paperwork filed in a civil action that states the claim for which relief is sought; in the complaint the plaintiff states the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant. Docket - A list of cases to be heard by a court or a log containing brief entries of court proceedings. When both is used with an object pronoun ( you, us, them ), the preposition ‘of’ is added before that pronoun. Breach of Contract – Failure by one party to abide by the terms of a contract without lawful excuse. (Reason 3) Passive sentences are appropriate when the doer of the action is unimportant, unknown, or obvious. This does not include real property such as land or rights in land. The person with the debts is called the debtor and the people or companies to whom the debtor owes money are called creditors. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W. Absentia - Absent; proceeding without the defendant present. Illinois politicians from both parties were quick to criticize President Donald Trump's commutation of former Gov. Fruit of the poisonous tree is generally not admissible in evidence because it is tainted by the illegal search or interrogation. Sample 3. Personal pronoun of the second person stands for the person(s) spoken to. Entrapment - A defense to criminal charges alleging that agents of the government induced a person to commit a crime he/she otherwise would not have committed. This car belongs to us. (Reason 2) Passive sentences can show a neutral or objective tone. Sentence examples similar to as mutually agreed by both parties from inspiring English sources similar ( 60 ) As mutually agreed by the Parties , United States Forces authorities shall seek to hold the trials of such cases inside Iraq. Under the Single Code of Trade, paragraph 1-201 (3), the agreement is the good deal of the contracting parties, as they are explicitly presented by their language or implicitly by other circumstances (as transactions). Tort - An injury or wrong committed on the person or property of another. No Probable Cause - Insufficient grounds to hold the person who was arrested. Usually refers to a request for the Supreme Court to review a decision of the Court of Appeals. Expungement - Official and formal erasure of a record or partial contents of a record. Costs - Fees required in the course of a law suit, beginning with the docketing or filing fee, and may include service fees, witness fees, publication fees, etc. This trust becomes effective only upon the death of the testator. A final decree is one that fully and finally disposes of the litigation. Survivorship - Another name for joint tenancy, in which one owner becomes entitled to property because he or she has survived all other owners. I have to check and see what the contract says. Juvenile - A person under 18 years of age. Descent and Distribution Statutes - State laws that provide for the distribution of estate property of a person who dies without a will. New Mexico’s UCC statutes are encoded at NMSA 1978, §§ 55-1-101 to -12-109. Denied - Stands for "certiorari denied"; a writ of certiorari is a discretionary method by which a superior court chooses the cases it wishes to hear. The confidential information is defined in the agreement which includes, but not limited to, proprietary information, trade secrets, and any other details which may include personal information or events. Find out what makes each of these types of nouns different with simply explained rules. Objection - The process by which one party tries to prevent the introduction of evidence or the use of a procedure at a hearing. In this manner, the sentence becomes audible and authentic. Motion to Mitigate Sentence - A motion to reduce the sentence. Circumstantial Evidence - All evidence except eyewitness testimony. A consecutive sentence means that two or more sentences would run one after another. Contributory Negligence - A legal doctrine that prevents the plaintiff in a civil action from recovering against a defendant for his/her negligence if the plaintiff was also negligent. Custody - Detaining of a person by lawful process or authority to assure his/her appearance at any hearing; the jailing or imprisonment of a person convicted of a crime. Property Bond - A signature bond secured by mortgage or real property. Compromise agreement by opposing parties in a civil suit before judgment is made, eliminating the need for the judge to resolve the controversy. In both these concluding clauses, the parties say they're accepting the terms of the contract. Petitioner - The person filing an action in a court of original jurisdiction. Testimony of a witness other than in open court. Alternative Dispute Resolution - Settling a dispute without a full or formal trial. Without Prejudice - A claim or cause dismissed without prejudice may be the subject of a new lawsuit. Together, the sentences imply that the speaker will tell Hani about the party at that time. An instruction by the judge to the jury to return a specific verdict. Affiant - The person who makes and signs an affidavit. Peremptory Challenge - The right to challenge a judge or prospective juror without assigning a reason for the challenge. Acquit, Acquittal - A finding of not guilty by a judge or jury. New Mexico has abandoned the doctrine of contributory negligence in favor of comparative negligence. In addition to federal estate taxes, many states, including New Mexico, have their own estate taxes. Leniency - Recommendation for a sentence less than the maximum allowed. Competency to Stand Trial - In order to be competent to stand trial, a person must have the capacity to understand the nature and object of the proceedings, to consult with counsel, and to assist in preparing his/her defense. Distinguished from peremptory challenge, which they party can usually exercise as a matter of right. Unlawful Search - Examination or inspection of premises or persons without authority of the law and in violation of the immunity from unreasonable search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Article II, Section 10 of the New Mexico Constitution. "Someone who gains mutual benefit from the arrangement". Certiorari - A means of getting an appellate court to review a lower court’s decision when it is not required to do so. It usually is one-third to one-half off the maximum sentence. Arraignment - Appearance of the defendant in criminal court to be advised of rights and enter a plea to the charges. Jury Trial - A trial in which the jury judges the facts and the judge rules on the law. Litigant - A party to a lawsuit. Cross-Examination - The questioning of a witness produced by the other side. Admonish - To advise or caution. Using etc. Redress - To set right; to remedy; to compensate; to remove the causes of a grievance. Support Trust - A trust that instructs the trustee to spend only as much income and principal (the assets held in the trust) as needed for the beneficiary’s support. Bankruptcy - Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Also called the complainant. Transfer cases - Cases going from one court or one jurisdiction to another. Evidence from which an inference must be drawn. Grantor or Settlor - The person who sets up a trust. Get started here with training and educational resources. Appeal Bond - A sum of money posted by a person appealing a judicial decision (appellant). Revocation (of Driver’s License) – Judicial termination of a driver's license and privilege to drive after conviction of DWI. It ensures payment to the winner at the trial court level if the appeal is unsuccessful. Permanent Injunction - A court order requiring that some action be taken or that some party refrain from taking action for an indefinite period. Probate - The court-supervised process by which a will is determined to be the will-maker’s final statement regarding how the will maker wants his/her property distributed. A historical connection to the word caution. 2. Exigent Circumstances - An emergency, demand, or need calling for immediate action or remedy that, for instance, would justify a warrantless search. Wordy sentences are fond of having some grammatical errors. Do both parties get a Decree Absolute? Admissible Evidence - Evidence that can be legally and properly introduced in a civil or criminal trial. If an appellate court grants a writ of certiorari, it agrees to take the appeal. 3 Also called “Jury Panel.”. Here's an example of a prepositional phrase (in italics): She caught the bus on time. You are offline. It imposes a greater burden than the preponderance of evidence standard, but less than the criminal standard “beyond a reasonable doubt.”. Temporary Relief - Any form of action by a court granting one of the parties an order designed to protect its interest pending further action by the court. Endorsed - Stamped with the seal of the court indicating the date and time of filing with the court. I had a headache, and I took the day off today. I like coffee. Exclusionary Rule - The rule preventing illegally obtained evidence, such as property found during an illegal search, from being used in any trial. Jury Polling - The procedure by which each individual juror is asked to affirm his or her verdict in open court at the conclusion of a trial. Thereafter, this Agreement shall continue automatically for successive annual periods, provided such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by . Joinder – Combining charges or defendants on the same complaint. Decree - An order of the court. Found inside – Page 68If the tribunal of arbitration finds the claims of neither of the parties justified ... The arbitral sentence must be drawn up in writing , and contain an ... Retainer - Act of the client in employing the attorney or counsel; also denotes the fee which the client pays when he/she retains the attorney. → I like coffee, and Mary likes tea. Reversal - An action of a higher court in setting aside or revoking a lower court decision. If there is no valid will, that person’s title is an administrator. Our alternative, to vote for the SLP list, would help defeat both Tories and put paid to all possibility of an anti-Labour coalition government. So a compound sentence is like two or more simple sentences added together. When trying to decide whether who or whom is correct, simplify the sentence. Also called charge to the jury. Sectoral Reciprocity: A trade agreement between two countries to reduce or eliminate trade barriers in a certain, strategic category of goods. A fact presumed to be true unless disproved by some evidence to the contrary. Here are some reactions to Tuesday's news: Letters of Administration - Legal document issued by a court that shows an administrator’s legal right to take control of assets in the deceased person’s name. Adjudication - Judgment rendered by the court after a determination of the issues. Merits - The substantive claims and defenses raised by the parties to an action. Misdemeanor - An offense punishable by not more than one year in county jail and/or $1,000 fine. Also called the grantor or trustor. This prevents a witness from being influenced by the testimony of a prior witness. to hold or enclose. Hold the book with both hands. Offense - A violation of a municipal ordinance or state statute. Or, the defendant may plead to some, but not all of the charges so that others are dropped. Plain View Doctrine - The doctrine that permits a law enforcement officer to lawfully seize incriminating evidence not specifically sought but readily visible in the course of a valid search. Points or Point Information - Penalty points imposed by the Motor Vehicles Division after conviction of a traffic offense. Best Evidence Rule – Rule requiring parties to proffer the original writing, recording, or photograph when attempting to prove the contents thereof. We shall stand by the truth. It has been combined with “Abuse of Process” to form a new tort, “Malicious Abuse of Process.” See Malicious Abuse of Process. The elements of this tort are: (1) initiation of judicial proceedings against the plaintiff by the defendant; (2) an act by the defendant in the use of process that would not be proper in the regular prosecution of the claim; (3) a primary motive by the defendant in misusing the process to achieve an illegitimate end; and (4) damages. Sua Sponte - A Latin phrase which means on one’s own behalf, voluntary, without prompting or suggestion. Writ of Superintending Control – A writ issued to prevent a gross miscarriage of justice by correcting the erroneous ruling of a lower court that is acting within its jurisdiction but is making mistakes of law or is acting in willful disregard of the law. The king therefore established the court of chancery to do justice between parties in cases where the common law would give inadequate redress. Trial by Jury – Trial by a body of persons selected from the citizens of a particular district and brought before the court where they are sworn to try one or more questions of fact and determine them by their verdict. For example, a contract made by a minor is voidable by the minor or his or her legal guardian. Probate Estate - Estate property that may be disposed of by a will. Does not include attorney fees. mutually agreed. Usually it is an appellate court that remands a case for proceedings in the trial court consistent with the appellate court’s ruling. Hearsay testimony conveys not what the witness observed personally, but what others told the witness or what the witness heard others say. So yes, a sentence can start with "either". This sentence adds an indirect object to also tell whom the subject bought the present for; the "cat." The dog gave a present to the cat at the This sentence adds an object of the preposition to tell where this is all happening; the "party." 3. Mens Rea - The “guilty mind” necessary to establish criminal responsibility. Found inside – Page 72... or jullifyed therein by one or both Parties , Presby serians or Independents , and yet here G. F. and F. s . impute it to them both indefinitely ... Leaders in both parties were willing to move it through quickly. It is prepared to guide the judge in the imposition of a sentence. Conciliation is similar to mediation, but it may be less formal. It has been combined with “Malicious Prosecution” to form a new tort, “Malicious Abuse of Process.” See Malicious Abuse of Process. In civil cases, the plaintiff is entitled to bring the same claim or cause of action again. For other contracts, the acceptance must mirror the offer’s terms without omitting, adding, or altering terms. Moreover, which is correct both party or both parties? Voir Dire - A form of questioning designed to establish the qualifications of prospective jurors to serve in a case. A way to discharge a claim whereby the parties agree to give and accept something in settlement of the claim that will replace the terms of the parties’ original agreement. Follow the detailed expressions and example sentences; Using BOTH in English Both refers to two things or people together. Nuisance – An unreasonable, unwarranted, or unlawful use of one’s property that annoys, disturbs, or inconveniences another in the use of his or her property. (2) An official who manages a court. Knowingly and Willfully - This phrase, in reference to violation of a statute, means consciously and intentionally. Also, an original is not required if it is lost or destroyed, if it cannot be obtained through a subpoena, if it is in the possession of the opposing party, and if the original is not closely related to a controlling issue in the case. It derives legal principles from the statements by judges in their written opinions, rather than from statutes enacted by legislative bodies. Invoke the Rule - Separation and exclusion of witnesses (other than parties) from the courtroom. Sentence - The punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime. A contract must have something of value promised or given, and a reasonable amount of agreement between the parties as to what the contract means. For one to effectively use the term "whom", he or she should be simple. Estate - An estate consists of personal property (car, household items, and other tangible items), real property and intangible property, such as stock certificates and bank accounts, owned in the individual name of a person at the time of the person’s death. Similar to precedent. Res judicata bars relitigation of the same cause of action between the same parties where there is a prior judgment. Transcript - A written, word-for-word record of what was said, either in a proceeding such as a trial or during some other conversation, as in a transcript of a hearing or oral deposition. Perfectly defended the main point. In a criminal case, the person charged with a crime. Mitigation – Reduction of penalty or punishment. Statement - A writing made by a person and signed or otherwise adopted or approved by such person; any mechanical, electrical or other recording or a transcription thereof, which is a recital of an oral utterance; and stenographic or written statements or notes which are in substance recitals of an oral statement. Mail in a court attendant who keeps order in the record of conviction. An individual, but with a new jury and thus perform additionally as a prior. She should be simple one to effectively use the word & quot ; on time specifically at... Regard for civil behavior logic refers to courts that have no limit on the same parties where there is prior. That provide for the party options: a disjunction in logic refers to &! Sentence must be either both plural or both means that two or more would... 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