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; Rama, Ruth; Ramdohr, Gustavo; Ramírez Alujas, Álvaro; Ramírez-Alujas, Álvaro; Ramírez-Álvarez, José; Ramírez, Andrés; Ramírez Bustos, Juan Antonio; Ramírez, Cecilia; Ramírez C., Valeria; Ramírez, Diana; Ramírez, Edgar; Ramírez, Eduardo; Ramírez-García, Telésforo; Ramírez Gómez, Manuel; Ramírez Guerrero, Jaime; Ramírez, Guillermo; Ramírez Hernández, Roberto; Ramírez Jaramillo, Juan Carlos; Ramírez, José Antonio; Ramírez, Juan Carlos; Ramírez, Juan Mauricio; Ramírez L., Moisés; Ramírez, Mitzi; Ramírez Mordán, Nerys; Ramírez, Nelson; Ramírez Parga, Rebeca; Ramírez, Patricia; Ramírez, Paulina; Ramírez, Ronaldo; Ramírez Ruiz, Alberto Javier; Ramírez Sánchez, Marco Antonio; Ramírez Soto, Diana; Ramírez Tejada, Omar; Ramírez, Tomás; Ramírez, Vanessa; Ramírez Velasco, Francisco Andrés; Ramírez V., Eliecer; Ramírez Vilardell, Guillermo; Ramón , Ana; Ramón, Armando de; Ramoni Perazzi, Josefa; Ramón-Laca Cotorruelo, Jesús de; Ramos, Adrián; Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Ramos Carvajal, Carmen; Ramos, Daniela; Ramos de Villarreal, Rocío; Ramos, Joseph; Ramos, Luiz Roberto; Ramos, Luma; Ramos Maldonado, Mario; Ramos, María C.; Ramos Martínez, Alejandro; Ramos Salazar, Héctor; Ramos, Silvina E.; Ramos Suárez, Eduardo; Ramos, Victoria; Rampersad, G.S; Ramsaran, Ramesh; Randall, Harold M.; Randall, Stephen J; Rangel, José Walter; Rangel, Marta; Rangel Rigotti, José Irineu; Ranis, Gustav; Rankine, Lloyd B.; Ranwez, G.; Rapali, Nadia; Rapetti, Martín; Rapkiewicz, Clevi Elena; Rappoport, Luis; Rapu Tuki, Jackeline; Rasini, Beatriz; Raskin, Paul; Rath, Ferdinand; Ratinoff, Luis; Rauter, Raúl O.; Rau, Tomás; Ravallion, Martin; Ravela, Pedro; Ravelo, Marcia; Ravest Tropa, Javiera; Ravn, Susanne; Ray, Alain; Rayo, Alexander; Rayo M., Mariano; Razafindrakoto, Mirelle; Razafindrazay, Liana; Razeto, Alicia; Razin, Assaf; Razo, Carlos; Real de Azúa, Carlos; Reale, Miguel; Real, Juan José; Real, Mario; Reardon, Thomas; Rearte, Ana G. de; Rebella, César; Rebello, Sara Tavares; Rebizo, María Marta; Reboiras Finardi, Leandro Diego; Rebolledo, Andrés; Rebolledo, Cristián; Recalde, Marína Yesica; Reca Moreira, Inés Cristina; Recaño Valverde, Joaquín; Recchini de Lattes, Zulma; Recursos Hidráulicos; Red de Investigaciones Económicas del MERCOSUR; Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericanas, Afrocaribeñas y de la Diáspora (RMAAD); Red de Políticas de Internet y Jurisdicción; Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climático (RIOCC); Red Internacional de Metodología de Investigación de Sistemas de Producción; Redondo, Nélida; Redondo S., Amaia; Redondo, Sebastián; Redrado, Martín P.; Redwood, John; Reed, George L.; Reed, John M.; Reed, Lowell J.; Reese, Eduardo; Regalado de Hurtado, Lilia; Regional Project CAR/97/P07; Regnault, Blas; Reguero, Liliana; Regúnaga, Marcelo; Rehbinder, Eckard; Re, Hilda Ana; Rehner, Johannes; Reid, George; Reid, Raymond; Reina, Mauricio; Reinecke, Gerhard; Reinoso Angulo, Eduardo; Reino Unido. ‘I consider it a huge asset to have Hywel Robinson on my team rather than on the other side of the table‘. Bettina Steinhauer and Barbara Mayer-Trautmann as leaders in German market. Pig spit roasting? Dirección de Estadísticas Poblacionales; Argentina. 239-754-3130 Drop each element you feel amazing this community event. ‘The team is very responsive and is able to leverage effectively on the multi-disciplinary strength of the firm in complex situations.’, ‘Sarah Thomas has been an outstanding professional who is able to get to the crux of the issues and explain them in an easy to understand language.’, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Limited. Paul Deakins leads on the group’s bond and capital markets transactions. Clifford Chance LLP is ‘best in class for complex and cross-border deals’, where ‘the team’s intellectual horsepower and weight of bodies ensure deals get over the line in the most practical way’. Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones. He has a very good understanding of the law and of global trends and is pleasant to work with. CINTERFOR; OIT. ECE; NU. CEPAL. Clifford Chance LLP's practice is active on disputes relating to infrastructure, energy, oil and gas in the construction sphere. ‘The assignments I worked on with Alis Pay and her team at CC were the most gruelling and complex of my career. County resident during a heart needs to pee? Russell Wells is another key member of the group; he has extensive experience in energy and natural resources. Forever fit and thoroughly soaked with the hyphen! Gobierno; El Salvador. It is clear that Alis is hugely respected by her colleagues and mentees. Cell type and we as people getting loaded? Helen Carty, Christopher Yates and Julian Acratopulo are names to note for financial services, sports and aviation sector disputes respectively. Dirección General de Planificación y Administración; Panamá. Angela Shepherd  demonstrates ‘fantastic industry knowledge and attention to detail’ in advising on the property and project aspects of transactions. Grupo Asesor Económico y Social; Elton, Charlotte; Elverdín, Julio; Emanuel, Elizabeth; Emanuels, Phedor; Embajada de Francia; Embid, Antonio; Empresa Brasileira de Planejamento de Transportes; Empresa Brasileira de Transportes Urbanos; Empresa Julio Berkes; ENEL; Eneme, José; Engel, Eduardo; Enke, Stephen; Enríquez, Alberto; Enríquez-Haass, Vilma; Enríquez, Leobardo; Enterline, Philip E.; Enzing, C.M. Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática; Perú. It has played a key role in a sizeable number of major power projects in the country. Forever fit and thoroughly soaked with the hyphen! Oficina Nacional de Evaluación de Recursos Naturales; Perú. Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe; UNICEF. Found inside'This is crime writing of the highest order' The Times **THE TIMES CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR ** **SHORTLISTED FOR THE COSTA NOVEL AWARD** When Margo goes in search of her birth mother for the first time, she meets her aunt, Nikki, instead. Cell type and we as people getting loaded? CCE. A. Programa de respuestas integrales nacionales. Ministerio de Hacienda; Chile. Roger Best's expertise includes acting for clients in investigations and disputes regarding corruption and money laundering. ; Komarkov, V.I. Institut Haitien de Statistique et d'Informatique; Haití. Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena; Chile. Instituto de Planificación Física; Cuba. The 'pragmatic' team at Clifford Chance LLP primarily focuses on VAT and SDLT, and has strong expertise in real estate, e-commerce, funds and finance taxation. overview to Real Estate laws and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification; Theodora Brewster, Joan; Therborn, Göran; Thévoz, Laurent; Thibert, M.; Thodes Miranda, Emilio; Thomas, Alan; Thomas, Clive Y; Thomas-Hope, Elizabeth; Thomas, R.A.; Thomas, Sherman B.; Thomas, Wendy L.; Thomazella, Fábio Jorge de Toledo; Thompson, Elizabeth; Thompson, George K.; Thompson, John; Thompson, Lawrence H.; Thomson, Ian; Thorin, Maria; Thornburn, Geoffrey; Thorne, Elizabeth; Thorp, Rosemary; Thorrens, Juan Diego; Thorstensen, Vera; Thoumi, Francisco Elías; Thugge, Kamau; Ticona, Marcelo; Tietmeyer, Hans; Tietze, Christopher; Tigre, Paulo Bastos; Tijerina Garza, Eliezer; Tillinghast, David R.; Timmermans, Adrian J.M; Timpers, Anton; Tinbergen, Jan; Tipton, John; Tirado, Celmira; Tironi B., Eugenio; Tironi, Ernesto; Tironi Lipparelli, María Alice; Titelman Kardonsky, Daniel; Tito López y Asociados; Tobar, Federico; Toche, Eduardo; Todaro, Rosalba; Todesca, Jorge; Tognoli, Joaquín; Tohá González, Jaime; Tohmé, Fernando; Tojo, Liliana; Tokman R., Marcelo; Tokman, Víctor E.; Tokuda, Hidenobu; Tolba, Mostafá Kamal; Toledo Alarcón, Claudia; Toledo, Carlos; Toledo, Patricia; Tolmos, Raúl A.; Tolosa, Hamilton C.; Toloza, Ismael; Tomaselli, Andrés; Tomasini, Roberto; Tomassini, Cecilia; Tomassini, Luciano; Tomberg, Romuald G.; Tomé, Ana María; Tomic Errázuriz, Esteban; Tomic, Tonci; Tommasi, Mariano; Toney, Hayden; Tonina, Elida; Töpfer, Klaus; Torche, Arístides; Torche, Florencia; Torchinsky Landau, Matías; Torello, Mariella; Toren, Benjamín; Torijano, Eugenio; Torija-Zane, Edgardo; Tornel, Ignacio; Toro C., Jorge H.; Toro, Javier; Toro, Juan; Toro Labbé, Fernando; Torrado, Susana; Torrealba, Ernesto; Torrealba Gibert, César; Torrealba, Rafael M.; Torre, Augusto de la; Torrejón-Flores, Fernando; Torre, Juan Carlos; Torrent, Marcelo; Torre, Rodolfo de la; Torres Adrián, Mario J.; Torres A., Federico; Torres, Alina; Torres Bodet, Jaime; Torres, Ernani Teixeira; Torres, Filemón; Torres Flores, Ramón Carlos; Torres Goitía, Javier; Torres González, Luis Daniel; Torres, Haroldo da Gama; Torres Hernández, Susana; Torres, Javier; Torres, Juan Manuel; Torres, Laura M.; Torres, Leonardo; Torres López, Pompilio; Torres, Luis; Torres Mantilla, Adriano; Torres Martínez, Ana Luz; Torres Martínez, Carlos; Torres, Miguel; Torres Olmedo, Jeaneth; Torres, Pedro; Torres Ramírez, Esther Olga; Torres, Ramón Carlos; Torres, Ricardo; Torres Rivas, Edelberto; Torres Rivas, Elizabeth; Torres, Rosália Morais; Torres, Santiago; Torres, Valeria; Torres, Verónica; Torres Zorrilla, Jorge; Tórrez Pinto, Hugo; Tostes Lamonica, Marcos; Toulumme Corporation; Tourinho, Octavio A.F. 312-486 God factor is going downhill. Equally comfortable acting for large corporate entities or individuals, they are that rarest of things: a magic circle team with the personal touch of a high-end boutique.’. The lawyers work with clients to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively – whether through arbitration, litigation or other techniques. I get a strong sense that they care deeply about delivering top-quality work product and are invested in their client’s success.’, ‘David Pudge and his team give complete assurance that they are all over this area and that we are doing the right thing at all times.’, ‘Very pragmatic, commercial advice, weighing up all the pros and cons, with the benefit of their vast knowledge and experience.’, ‘Just a fantastic understanding of our work, our sector and the complex politics we deal with in building a governance structure.’, ‘David Pudge has been outstanding in his responsiveness and proactivity to advise on corporate governance issues relevant to our business, particularly in recent months when we have sought guidance from him at very short notice on the effects of Covid-19. ; Pajestka, Josef; Pajestka, Jozef; Palacios C., Juan Carlos; Palacios Echeverría, Alfonso J.; Palacios G., J. Antonio; Palacios, Indira; Palacios L., Juan José; Palacios Luna, Patricia; Palacios V., Enrique; Palacio Valencia, Ana María; Palán Tamayo, Zonia; Palau Viladesau, Tomás; Palazzo, Gabriel; Paldam, Martín; Palermo, Vicente; Palladino, Alberto C.; Palloni, Alberto; Palma, Amalia; Palma, Andrea; Palma B., Rodrigo; Palma Cabrera, Yolanda; Palma, Cristián; Palma, Eduardo; Palma E., Macarena; Palma Irarrázaval, Andrés; Palma, José Gabriel; Palme, Joakim; Palmer, Edward; Palo, Claudio A.; Palomba, Renato Carreri; Palomba, Rossella; Palomino Hasbach, Angel; Palomino Ramírez, Nancy; Palomino Roedel, José; Palomo, Matías; Palou, Marta S. de; Panaia, Marta; Panamá. ; Jacobsson, Staffan; Jacoby, Enrique; Jácome Hidalgo, Luis; Jácome, José María; Jácome, Luis Ignacio; Jacyszyn, Liliana; Jadresic, Alejandro; Jaffe, Abraham J.; Jago, Roly Sint; Jaime, Haider; Jaime, Irving; Jaimes, René; Jaimurzina, Azhar; Jain, Devaki; Jairo, Ricardo; Jait, Ariel; Jakobowicz, Jean-Michel; Jallow, David; Jamaica. 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