california housing bills 2020

Annual Appropriation to Tackle Homelessness SCA 1 Sample Support Letter (City of Los Angeles), AB 434 (Daly) This bill would not affect areas at high risk of displacement and gentrification, nor would it overrule local policies requiring greater levels of affordability. “I applaud the Legislature’s leaders on housing who continued to push for these important bills, and we all acknowledge more work remains to be done next year. Under this bill, the above departments worked collaboratively to provide housing for veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness, prioritizing projects that combine housing and supportive services, including, but not limited to, job training, mental health and drug treatment, case management, care coordination, or physical rehabilitation., This bill would enact the Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond Act of 2022, to authorize the issuance of bonds, up to $600 million, to provide additional funding for the development and preservation of affordable housing for veterans. Housing California, along with its coalition partners, strongly believes that these steps must be taken to prevent the widespread displacement, foreclosures, and the widening of the racial wealth gap that we saw as a result of the Great Recession. AB 3182 by Assemblymember Philip Ting (D-San Francisco) – Housing: governing documents: rental or leasing of separate interests: accessory dwelling units. The Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Act of 2014 authorized the issuance of  up to $600 million in bonds to provide funding to the California Housing Finance Agency, the Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Department of Veterans Affairs for the construction and rehabilitation of multifamily housing and affordable rental housing for veterans. Good morning, California. Holden: Vetoed: AB-1076 Criminal records: automatic relief. SB 1190 by Senator Maria Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) – Tenancy: termination. The 2020 California legislative session ended in disarray after Republicans voting remotely because of coronavirus exposure delayed bills. Supportive Housing for People on Parole with Mental Illness Housing California’s 2020 Policy Agenda focuses on community members most in need of an affordable place to call home. Today’s bill package follows on the Governor’s signature on August 31st of AB 3088, the strongest statewide protections in America to prevent millions of evictions and foreclosures for tenants and property owners who have suffered economic impacts from COVID-19. AB 1436 (Chiu) AB 694 (Irwin) Calif. Housing Laws Amended by 2020 Bills. 2020-09-30 Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 324, Statutes of 2020. This bill would require the Department of Housing and Community Development to identify and  designate areas in the state as high-resource areas by January 1, 2021, and every 5 years thereafter. The bill would also set minimum development standards for those sites and exempt cities that have an adequate amount of sites zoned for residential development. Years ago, way back in June, Alfred Twu wrote a post on Medium summarizing housing bills in the California legislature that were still up for consideration. Emergency response services will respond to crises involving mental health, homelessness, substance use, domestic violence and community violence, as well as natural disasters. Senate Bill 50 was an effort to undo California’s decades-long reliance on single-family housing and suburban sprawl stretching inland by spurring a development boom near transit and job centers. In areas designated as high-resource areas, this bill would incentivize the development of mixed income and affordable housing. Gavin Newsom signed into law a bundle of housing-related bills and announced an additional $137 million in funding for the Homekey project. This includes people struggling to make ends meet and those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. We appreciate the Governor’s continued focus on ending homelessness in California. This bill would establish the Office of the Housing and Homelessness Inspector General (IG) as an independent Office within the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency. Housing, police, economic bills. The most significant housing law of the 2019 legislative session was the enactment of a statewide rent control law. A number of these bills represent adaptations of earlier upzoning bills, including the heavy-handed SB-50 which failed in a Senate floor vote in January 2020. These bills take effect on January 1, 2020, … To read the full text of each bill and track their progress through the senate and assembly, you SB 899 (Weiner) This bill would create an optional tenant-owner COVID-19 eviction relief agreement, which would allow tenants to defer rent and prevent rental property owners from evicting tenants for unpaid rent accrued during the COVID-19 state of emergency. SB 1079 by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) – Residential property: foreclosure. The bill would require the density for a housing … Agencies would be required to submit annual reports to the Coordinating Council. SB 361 (Mitchell) COVID-19 Emergency Eviction-Relief Agreements. SB 288 by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) – California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions: transportation-related projects. Weakens Housing Element Law requiring Cities and Counties to zone enough land to meet RHNA requirements. We utilize multiple strategies to meet these goals, including reforming California's … This measure would be placed on the November 2020 ballot for voter approval. SB 1410 (Caballero) “While the pandemic has dominated the news, millions of California families continue to struggle to afford housing – this is a crisis that never went away and this housing package will directly lead to more affordable opportunities for renters and homeowners,” said Governor Newsom. Collaborating with coalition partners, Housing California drafted a framework of solutions to address potential housing speculation in the wake of COVID-19. Status:  Dead. The bill would eliminate the mortgage interest tax deduction on second homes and also conform to federal law on mortgage deduction for primary homes from $1,000,000 to $750,000. This bill would also allow a tax credit to owners for rent that is unpaid and deferred by tenants under a COVID-19 eviction relief agreement. The Governor today signed the following bills to remove barriers and boost housing production: SB 330 by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) establishes the Housing Crisis Act of 2019, which will accelerate housing production in California by streamlining permitting and approval processes, ensuring no net … This fragmented funding application process inflates project costs, delays project timelines, and increases staff time for both affordable housing developers and HCD. The county would be required to provide medi-cal mental health and substance use treatment to the participants. This bill would allow commercial sites to be used for housing developments that designate at least 20% of their units for lower-income households, so long as the site is infill and not adjacent to sites with industrial uses. Status: Dead. Health Homes Program Clean-Up California Housing Bills Latest summary update: March 2019* Below is a summary of some of the most significant proposed housing bills of the 2019 legislative session. HCD operates at least 9 separate rental housing programs, and affordable housing developers must pull together a combination of these sources (often with federal tax credits as well) in order to fully fund a development. Between now and then, there will be discussions “behind the scenes” as to which of those bills should be amended or passed onto the … AB 434 by Assemblymember Tom Daly (D-Anaheim) – Housing financing programs: uniform procedures. Status: Dead, In 2018, the Legislature passed AB 2162, which created streamlined approval of supportive housing projects in areas where multi-family housing is allowed. Beverly Hills saw its eight-year housing planning quota jump from single digits to 3,000. “It’s a tool, and I think not all cities will want to use it, but some will,” said … Ting: Chaptered: AB-1077 Governor Newsom Signs Legislation Boosting Housing Production in California to Fight Affordability Crisis. Published: Sep 28, 2020. Gavin Newsom made his 2020 priorities for California very clear in his February State of the State speech: Address homelessness and pass a major housing production bill.. Housing bills fizzle in California's frantic final day of legislative session While lawmakers agree on eviction protections, proposal that sought to increase housing supply fall short. New state mandates have dramatically increased how much housing Southern California cities must plan for. AB 1958 also permits the State Flood Control Plan and local authorities to remove people’s belongings by allowing authorities to remove “physical obstructions” from levees. The California Constitution prohibits the development, construction, or acquisition of a low-rent housing project until a majority in the jurisdiction vote to approve the project. This bill would establish a framework for ongoing appropriations of $2 billion to address California’s homelessness crisis. Status: Dead. AB 3088, co-authored by Assemblymembers David Chiu (D-San Francisco) and Monique Limón (D-Santa Barbara) and Senators Steven Bradford (D-Gardena) and Anna Caballero (D-Salinas) – Tenancy: rental payment default: mortgage forbearance: state of emergency: COVID-19. SB 1030 by the Committee on Housing – Housing. 2020-09-30 Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 329, Statutes of 2020. Status: Dead (2 year bill). All the bills include modifications to existing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements for housing projects. Despite entering 2020 with the governor and many legislators pushing for an increase in housing production, none of the bills put forth went into effect. Status: Dead. Eviction Prevention and Housing Stability during the COVID-19 Emergency. SB 282 (Beall) Elizabeth Hull, Todd Leishman, ... 2020 under Assembly Bill 168. AB 1561 by Assemblymember Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) – Planning and zoning: housing element and entitlement extensions. CEQA Exemption for Permanent Supportive Housing, some Affordable Housing The final budget for fiscal year 2020-21 was signed by the Governor on June 29th, 2020 and included funding for housing and homelessness. AB 1063 would weaken housing element law that requires cities and counties to zone land in order to meet their Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) requirements. TPR shares with permission California Forward's summary of the suite of housing proposals that seek to increase the zoned capacity for housing in the state. The bills the Governor signed today will streamline funding for affordable housing, encourage developers to build more moderate-income homes, and help teachers find housing affordable for them. It’s Wednesday, September 2. But Not Very Many! *As proposed to be amended on May 20, 2020. SB 1212 by Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) – Joint powers authorities: San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust: board of directors. The new law does not apply a cap to vacant units, and owners can continue to reset rents to market rate at vacancy. This measure would repeal that requirement and would be placed on the November 2020 ballot for voter approval. ... 2020 at 5:42 pm. Housing California leads with the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion to prioritize those who have been historically marginalized and/or neglected in decision-making processes, and we work in close collaboration with a variety of partners. The state says 60% of all housing must be affordable, but its failing Density Bonus Law doesn’t come close! This bill would create an Office to End Homelessness within the Governor’s Office that would be overseen by a Secretary of Housing Insecurity and Homelessness, who would have both the authority to coordinate and to hold the state accountable for its response to addressing homelessness. I am committed to continuing to push the envelope on housing affordability and neighborhood inclusivity.”. Governor signs SB 1079 to provide new rights for tenants to buy homes … AB1196: Pass: Peace officers: use of force. AB 2054 (Kamlagher) California COVID Rehousing & Resiliency Innovation Fund. Governor signs 15 bills aimed at increasing housing production and tackling the state’s affordability crisis, Governor signs SB 1079 to provide new rights for tenants to buy homes facing foreclosure, Governor signs a package of bills to increase the incentives to build more housing for working families and to build more housing near transit, Builds on nation’s strongest statewide eviction protections from previously-signed AB 3088. Streamlining Affordable Housing Development for Religious Institutions and Public Universities. Highlights. The streamlining benefits provided by AB 2580 do not result in adequate amounts of required affordable units, nor adequate protections against displacement of existing residents. It would also expand the areas where the development of supportive housing is eligible for streamlined approval to include areas where emergency shelters are allowed. The housing production package includes the following bills: SB 902 (Wiener) – This bill allows local governments to pass a zoning ordinance that is not subject to CEQA for projects that allow up to 10 units, if they are located in a transit-rich area, jobs-rich area, or an urban infill site. Although the Assembly has not announced a similar "package," four bills aimed at spurring housing … Last Monday, the California State Legislature convened to swear in members and introduce the first bills of the 2021-2022 legislative session. Housing bills fizzle in California's frantic final day of legislative session ... 2020 at 12:57 pm. This includes people struggling to make ends meet and those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. In that short time, a lot has changed, including a tighter deadline for the legislature, which has struggled to figure out how to safely conduct hearings and vote on bills. The new Office would provide a single point of contact on homelessness at the state level to oversee and coordinate homelessness programs administered by other state entities, thereby removing unnecessary bureaucracy and consolidating the delivery of services. AB2231: Pass: Public works. The bill sets forth a goal of reducing homelessness by 90% by 2028. We utilize multiple strategies to meet these goals, including reforming California's laws and regulations regarding land use and finance, as well as innovative approaches to end homelessness. State Plan of Flood Control. The coronavirus pandemic has also put prosp… AB 2580 (Eggman) “Skilled and trained” is a high threshold, and making it a workforce requirement will prevent licensed and qualified contractors from working on these projects, resulting in increased costs, timeframes and barriers to developing affordable housing. Accessory Dwelling Unit Construction Bond Act of 2020. AB 2580 would provide a streamlined approval process for the conversion of hotels and motels to residential use, if the developer reserves 20% of the units as affordable. AB 2329 would require the State to do a needs and gaps assessment of state programs that provide housing or services to people AB 2329 would require the State to conduct a needs and gaps assessment of state programs that provide housing or services to people experiencing homelessness, to determine their efficiency, and potential gaps in services or duplicative efforts. Streamline HCD Funding Applications and Award Process. AB 1851 by Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) – Religious institution affiliated housing development projects: parking requirements. Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure Voter Approval Housing California’s 2020 Policy Agenda focuses on community members most in need of an affordable place to call home. lot, which is defined as a parcel within an office or retail commercial zone. Homelessness Needs and Gaps Analysis There are three primary components in our proposal which are Expand, Eliminate, and Incentivize. When one of the most contested California housing bills in years resurfaced at the state Capitol this month, so did the ... Jan. 10, 2020. Streamlined Conversion of Hotels and Motels. The COVID-19 pandemic has put additional stress on low- and moderate-income California households, as they struggle to afford rent and mortgages amidst job loss and economic stress caused by the pandemic. In February 2020, Cal Cities board of directors overwhelmingly supported a bold housing production proposal that, if fully implemented, will lay the foundation for the immediate … Wiener argues they may not have much of a choice. It al… SB 1385 (Caballero) AB 1063 (Pietre-Norris) Liveable California supports or may support the following bills: Good Bills are Back as Well. California Gov. This bill, the Neighborhood Homes Act, would deem a housing development project, as defined, an allowable use on a neighborhood lot that is zoned for office or retail commercial use under a local agency’s zoning code or general plan. SCA 1 (Allen) Diep: Assembly - Died - Housing and Community Development: AB-1075 California State University: speech-language pathologist programs. AB 434 would streamline California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) rental housing program applications into a single application and award process. Amidst profound uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus pandemic and new economic climate, California’s State Senate and Assembly have pressed ahead with a flurry of housing bills that attempt to address the state’s housing challenge. AB 1482 (Assembly Member David Chiu) – The Tenant Protection Act of 2019 enacts a cap of 5 percent plus inflation per year on rent increases statewide for the next 10 years. For these reasons, Housing California is respectfully opposing AB 995 unless amended to exempt housing developments that are  100%  affordable  from the  “skilled and trained”  workforce  requirements in the bill or to remove housing projects from the bill entirely. AB 1958 (Cooper) SB 899 would provide places of worship, non-profit colleges, and hospitals a streamlined process to build 100% affordable housing on their land regardless of local zoning restrictions. But the state’s highest-profile housing bill died … The California State Senate on May 20, 2020, released a Housing Production Package of five bills that are designed to increase and expedite housing production. By-Right Affordable Housing Development in High-Resource Areas. These partners include non-profits, affordable housing developers, affordable housing residents and persons with lived experience, foundations, labor unions, trade associations, corporations, and supportive policymakers from a diverse set of backgrounds. This bill would require owners of tenant-occupied single family and multi-family properties to provide notice of the owner’s intent to sell their property and give tenants and qualifying organizations the right to first offer to purchase the property to ensure the long-term affordability of more housing in communities throughout California. Planning and Zoning for Housing Development. AB 3107 (Bloom) Increased Cap for Streamlined Supportive Housing Status: Dead (2 year bill). Steven Goldstein, Old Mountain View Registered user on Sep 3, 2020 at 5:42 pm. On October 9, 2019 in the Senate: Chaptered by Secretary of State. This program has been found ineffective by both the Legislative Analyst’s Office and UCLA. SB 995 would expedite the approval and production of affordable housing, through streamlining the judicial review of CEQA challenges to affordable housing developments. The 2019 California legislative season recently came to a close, and several promising housing bills have now been signed into law by Governor Newsom. This bill (Community Response Initiative to Strengthen Emergency Systems, or CRISES Act) aims to create community-based emergency response services, that replace armed law enforcement with community-based, culturally competent, and de-escalatory personnel. Status: Vetoed by Governor. This bill, AB 2988, would increase the unit cap on projects eligible for streamlined approval, from 50 to 120 units, in areas with less than 200,000 people and less than a 1,500 PIT count. SB 282 would redirect the funding to the Department of Housing and Community Development to provide grants to counties for supportive housing. This bill would provide a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption for affordable housing funded by certain programs, supportive housing, and emergency shelters. Allowing residential use of commercial land, with no affordability requirement. Our 2020 legislative priorities are listed below. These changes would significantly increase the value of the land, and some of this increased land value should be recaptured for the public benefit, through including affordable homes in any developments making use of this bill. The bill would require a statewide needs and gaps analysis to identify state programs that provide housing or services to persons experiencing homelessness and create a financial model assessing the investment needs for moving these community members into permanent housing. California allocates over $16 million per year for the Integrated Services for Mentally Ill Parolee program (ISMIP), a program that provides mental health treatment to parolees with severe mental illness. These organizations would partner with housing developers to build projects that are permanently affordable for 55 years for rental housing and 45 years for homeownership. The package of 15 bills signed today includes new rights for tenants and community groups to purchase homes facing foreclosure, as well as a series of improvements to state law that will lead to more inclusive and affordable neighborhoods so housing can be within reach of more working Californians. 5 people like this AB 3308 by Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-Encino) – School districts: employee housing. We will continue to monitor the Legislature’s efforts to spur additional housing production in California as we head into the Fall recess and the new legislative session starting on December 7, 2020. State-wide Tenant’s Right of First Offer SB 1157 by Senator Steven Bradford (D-Gardena) – Tenancy: credit reporting: lower income households. Gov. RUN members must attend a series of three training sessions on … The bill would criminalize and displace homeless persons living along or near waterways and levees. However, SB 995 also subjects 100% affordable housing developments to “skilled and trained” workforce requirements, which directly contradicts labor provisions negotiated in previous bills. Budget Request for California COVID Rehousing & Resiliency Innovation Fund. State Office to End Homelessness SACRAMENTO — Governor Gavin Newsom today signed legislation that will help California make significant progress on the state’s housing construction and equity goals. SB 940 by Senator Jim Beall (D-San Jose) – Housing Crisis Act of 2019: City of San Jose. AB 1703 (Bloom) Eliminating the Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction on Second Homes. The intent of AB 361 was to ensure that in California HHP funds services to help Medi-Cal beneficiaries experiencing chronic homelessness to access housing stability. AB 725 by Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) – General plans: housing element: moderate-income and above moderate-income housing: suburban and metropolitan jurisdictions. Unless Skinner requires a MUCH HIGHER percent of affordable units than now exists, Oppose. Governor signs 15 bills aimed at increasing housing production and tackling the state’s affordability crisis. It (1) includes flexible acquisition funding that allows eligible entities to buy and renovate distressed rental properties, (2) creates a statewide right of first offer policy giving community stakeholders an opportunity to act before a property hits the market, (3) creates a statewide anti-displacement banking policy restricting harmful lending practices, and (4) funds investment in nonprofit capacity building through technical assistance grants for acquisition and rehabilitation processes. For these reasons, Housing California respectfully opposes SB 1385. While CEQA was originally intended to protect the environment from the negative impacts of development, CEQA has been used by opponents of family, low-income and homeless housing, to delay developments with a lengthy environmental review process. Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond Act of 2022. Livable California announces its framework for positive housing bills in 2020 to propose to our legislators, based on the following principles that respect people everywhere in California: State legislation that focuses on … The proposed four-fold framework would stabilize our communities, preserve homes, and expand our affordable housing stock. If land is not zoned for affordable housing, the affordable housing will not be built, and so local jurisdictions must be required to zone for enough affordable housing to meet the needs of their constituents. It accomplishes this within the new budget reality and leverages one-time federal funds with one-time/minimal state investment on a nearly 4:1 basis.

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