derek & kristen

Just because hoon and hee are soul mates screw common sense and korean espionage laws???//mental. I was really excited for this drama and even the first episode looked promising, but it just was a really unrealistic and badly written and directed kdrama. WHAT!!! Hoon doesn't love her at all, just friend. I'd love this drama .. Jong Suk So Ra <3, AnaSimon May 31 2014 5:38 am Jin Se Yeon fighting :) you have done a great job so far ^^. im just on the first couple eps and im crying as hell Rim Jul 10 2014 5:35 am Joshuaking Sep 05 2020 4:41 pm Kate May 27 2014 2:59 am Why do they always changed plans? In the novel, Park Hoon is the hero of the story. Its always jae hee in his mind and heart. people should be wise in how they view their show. why everyone said that Kang Sora fans rude? I have never seen drama turn into like that :( only ep 1 & 2 make me enjoy their beautiful love story and want to looking forward how hoon and jaehee reunite again but now :(. so this is the drama that made Jongsuk in a slump ? RHIA Apr 22 2014 2:38 am Kang Sora and Lee Jong Suk really good together.. i like them together ! Pff i hate people like you seriously you don't even know her to say that, and even if you don't like her acting say so but not that you hate her... and you saw just one of her drama you can't juge her for that. This is just one example if kang so ra is too good to be second female lead, or jin se yeon need to be supporter cast for some dramas before become first female lead. In the other side, there is many viewers who like the love story & the love scenes !! Can't wait for the next episodes! tsktsktsk yeah right, after a year jae joon will ask for forgiveness from soo hyun's father so he has the heroin role of all, LOL. decided to admit myself from withdrawal drama syndrome. Coz I'm trying to feel HoonHee, but I can't. i just wished if the drama be rewrote, the director would give more screen time to their romance and kang so ra's and park hae jin's too . Still watching this drama, I think it's interested since this drama have different background story and brave enough among other dramas that most brings romance and love hate story. doctorstrangerslover May 10 2014 6:39 am ♡. Secret Jun 30 2014 9:25 pm this drama is awesome!! jen seyeon~ exciting to see you there !! You all who hate Kang Sora try to watch Ugly Alert!!! RaeSelly Feb 05 2014 8:20 pm hwaiting! Because of this drama, Jong suk had a slump. mimi May 10 2014 4:22 pm i think thats why most people where disappointed. Hoon-Hee !! I hope it won't more than 24 episode, or it'll be like Tersanjung in Indonesia, hahaha. Lili Jun 05 2014 11:28 am claire Jun 07 2014 5:34 am Okay, It'll work ! I like Soon Hyun she seems like an awesome girl... Pshhh, I really don't know what I want at this point! but for all, i dont like it because my ship isnt the main couple. I love hoon-hyung couple, they are the best. It has medical, romance, action, spy, politics, comedy and many twists and turns. LJS & kang SoRa amaaaaaaaaaaazing , I liked the end of ep 4 I wish that she will do great in the drama too. So please encourage logical, progressive story lines, and not dumb idol shipping fantasies. This drama is amazing from my perspective. the first I don't like with kang sora...but after I watch it ,I want to kang sora with lee jong suk oppa... I'll just relax and watch, as long as it's good and makes sense. I really hope for hoon-hyun couple to end up. Phasing of this drama is so slow that makes you feel bored. lol Have fun! Sorry... snowy2 Feb 22 2016 9:07 am She didn't wait to be protected. THIS IS IT! If the writer change the story cuz of some insane fans...well i have nothing to say but this will be worst k-drama ever for me. The only thing I didn't like was the JaeHee was too much. Sunny Jun 17 2014 2:50 pm Park Hoon has been through more hardship than han jae joon. And sorry, her acting ability is a big NO!! series when it comes to korean drama until i decided to watch this. :((( still hoonhyun! But, I think I read wrong article because I still didn't watch that scene about it, but at least I can watch the strong competition between LJS &PHJ. And now that they meet again for this drama n play as lovers<3 its like fate(or is it faith??) They're protecting each other from danger. Happy ending for HoonHee !! My instincts might be wrong, but I still trust it. I watched the whole episode and apart from the moments of HoonHee, i really didn't understand anything. . Jae hee still too young to be cast as a doctor... Mila Jun 09 2014 4:11 pm But there still drama failed lead by actor and actress too. Jin Seyeon fighting, Lee Jongsuk fighting. @si jae I hope that there is a love line between Lee Jong Suk and Kang Sora~ Their Chemistry between them is so amazing~ I don't know why..When they attend press conference, They look so good together. Omg, please fire the music director,the CG for tank and US Navy ship is look weird, you did not have to show it to state a war situation, why the north korean commander did not getting old?, is this possible to bring jae hee to Budapest after a kidney surgery? I wish Kang Sora is the lead female...I agree with Mimi.. I hope hoonhee fans won't misunderstand this. Ozzie Polinburana Jul 15 2016 8:31 pm Great movie. why yall hate jin se yeon? @hajjatthira . Unless she was brain washed. Too simple, the first love stays in their hearts. I'm confused... Aqila May 18 2014 7:18 pm Sofia Jun 10 2014 3:58 am This drama had made me tear up a bunch of times in a span of only 2 episodes. I'am agree for the comment the character of kang sora is prevent obstacle for the main couple and the reason for not having a best couple for jin se yeon and lee jong suk, this drama is so good at first but in the next episodes, writer can't written properly this drama he ruined everything, does why the ending is not completely good for the main couple and after I watched this drama I forgetting the terrible part and treasured the last part when park hoon and jae hee will be together. there is some rumour that saying Hyun will die in the end and Hoon will feel nothing to Hyun. huhu my heart hurts to see them again (hoon-hee), I cant stand it, please let him with doctor Quack, (soohyun) she suits him well. Who is jin se yeon? @ TT, you're wrong, it's not just a medical drama ! truthfully im here for LJS :DDDD hope he and JSY can be together at the end :D lee jong sukkkkkk <33333, douchie Mar 25 2014 4:49 pm The hoon/hee shippers are somewhat immature,dont they know she is a traitorous spy if hoon finds out do you still think he will trust her and not feel betrayed. It not just about habing chemistty with each other but this drama shows how both face those problems in order to stay within the bounds of their love. Well now I'm just waiting for the ending that's all. serius! Well, I'm not Kang So Ra fan, and I don't really know about Se Yeon also. Omoo... Looks like park hoon will ended up with jae hee :( Hana Mar 05 2014 1:58 pm Mila Jul 10 2014 5:27 am I mean it is not uncomfortable feeling to me on how HoonQuack shippers bash Jin Se Yeon and her character a lot. He did being offered as much as he had been getting before but that was merely just his choice not to make his next drama comeback. The writer sooooo F. up here. Ksr acting is very emotionless sorry to be mean.... truthfully i just want to know how the drama will end! I'm so glad it ended well for the two of them after all they have been through, sasian truong Nov 12 2018 6:46 pm Just leave her..!!!!! Now here me out before all of the Jea-Hee fans claw my face off. But I was disappointed by the choice of actress. I am sure that the main problem is not because they don't really like JH's character but then most of the fans don't like the fact it's Jin Se-Yeon who's portraying the character !! Ugh!!! I think it's a writing mistake! Dont judge first, watch it carefully and eagerly so you will understand. Love HoonHee couple ❤❤❤ I will be disappointed if Hoon will end up with SooHyun, I love SooHyun's Character, but Hoon is still for Jaehee, their love is so beautiful, Noel May 27 2014 5:09 am Because everyone got a happy ending, even the bad guy! xxsshi Jan 21 2014 6:21 pm Now I'am fully understand why some people and even the JSY fans much considered Bridal Mask than Doctor Stranger it's because Bridal Mask is great drama and JSY have more good friends in Bridal Mask they are like family in the set and they really treasures their good teamwork and they don't forget their great friendship. raineal May 22 2014 12:49 pm Bahhh......VERY BAD ENDING..!! See ALL the comments and it is soooo annoying!, not to be mean tho but everyone are just saying over and over again, like we get it okay! nice movie , i have watch the movie more than five times and i will keep watch it. Hoon, pls keep wat u say abt not letting jaehee go and finding her no matter where she is. Wanted to post a comment only after finishing the show.Am now done with it-Am pleased to report that the reports of this being a bad show are heavily exaggerated.It turned out to be one of the most thrilling drama experiences I have had! .it is hard to find calm passionate undying love in our world nowadays and in the dramaland as well...I could only conclude people like Soo Hyun because they can connect to her more...But I still prefer Jae Hee's warmer personality. !i love kang sora acting in this drama and park haejin....i hope kang sora will be successful after this...i kept watching thus drama becoz kang sora and know becoz of th story line...i love you kang sora...i also like park haejin...kang sora fighting... janey May 21 2014 9:41 am I dont even have the strength to watch the last episode I will just leave it like that haha. I wish, but I think this drama will not have a happy ending. Baihe Feb 26 2014 10:08 am This drama is getting boring. hyunship Jun 23 2014 8:57 pm I want park hyun and soo- hyun to end up. 123tiff May 14 2014 2:57 pm Fighting.. a drama that could have been a very good one, but became inconsistent and wobbly. :)))) The problem i have with the lead actor is that he should know that if he continues this behaviour and trying to look for that girl, it could lead to his fathers death. s3nbky May 01 2014 6:52 pm Jong Suk and his good acting + his looks! :D A big Lee Jong Suk Fan here! But people cant just say se yeon cant act. I totally shipped those two all the way. Talk about seyeonni, the advantage to seyeonni is she ignores the bashers instead to listened to them because she has a good goal in life, and she has no time to thinking negative cos she appreciated the people who love her than the people have negative mouth. JSY smile is very beautiful !! It doesn't matter what role someone act, as long the good play it. But again it may not. I really can not wait for this drama to come! @ruzikie I have no idea why not JSY as the female lead! I really like them, please please please!!!!! I also wish Dr. Oh would end up with Hoon. OMG!!!!!!! Love Heartbeat Couple ♥ Hoon-Hee ♥ Love ♥Jin Se-Yeon ♥. Like she said, she only wanted to see Hoon one last time, but it turned out to be the worst situation. seems that even though this drama is about 3 yrs old a lot of fans are still coming to comment here, i know am late in watching it but they say better late than never! Her story more interesting anyway. Also stupid people who said that the rating is dropped because of this couple should shut up right now !! My friend and I find her very pretty but we cant seem to find out her real name :\, bopo Jun 08 2014 2:59 am This series drama makes me crazy. jaehoon Nov 05 2015 8:36 pm .Her acting is great and she is very beautiful. Hey guys its just a show *. Hoon is cruel and she always standing at his side. W4GRB.user_rating=new Array(); AND also if it did follow the book, where it is original from, it would had ended so much better! If Hoon ended up with song jae hee, i won't watch this again forever. PEOPLE SHULD STOP CURSING AND TELLING JIN SE YEON TO DISSAPEAR,especially in instagram...shes much talented n prettier than u.. KSR doesnt even like how her fans act. I love both the main male and female lead. This drama is getting worse and boring nothing spectacular about heart surgery and most absurd Dr. Han did installed the blade of saw properly or rather he had sabotaged the operation which never happened in real operation. Sukie Apr 08 2020 4:15 pm .what? Pretty common in K-drama. But there still drama failed lead by actor and actress too. I don't know why... Loving this May 24 2014 11:51 am Why the premiere and that spy from Horth Korea keep following after Hoon? to see her being alive and be near park hoon but cannot even admit herself is jae hee is very tear jerking. Park Hoon character seem can't easily fall in love to another woman too. Yeah this is just a drama, a role, a fictional character, what else? As I heard the casts are being friends, but the cause of problems are the overzealous fanatecs. all those stupid fans who said "i don't want her this...i want her with that...i want...i want...i don't want" go make your own story and grow up. jae hee have sacrificed a lot for him. Not that Pinocchio had done any damages to his popularity. I'll give this drama 5/10. I, personally do not 100% shipped the quack couple but do really enjoyed watching Park Hoon & Soo Hyun cute moments. Ben Alayah May 13 2014 9:31 pm And plus jae joon came back n he kinda apologize to everyone. ?...well...that being said she is not really a bad person...she has so many things to like though she maybe selfish at times ...I don't really mind her scene with Hoon either because I don't really believe her to be that much in love with Hoon yet...thats why she could go back to her boyfriend once she thought Hoon and Jae Hee died falling off the bridge..yeah i always value everlasting love even when i believe we can fall in love more than once..But do we really need to fall in love more than one time when our partners do not betray us yet? Then noticed the other actor is Park Hae Jin. After Doctor Stranger LJS quickly to offered next drama and it's Pinocchio with PSH but after Pinocchio he didn't quickly to have next drama, so who's making empty and slump to LJS? To me Jee Hee character is boring as hell. Two Hongarian policemen chased North Korean dudes. Sandi Dec 04 2014 10:57 am I'm still on episode 3 and find it pretty intense so far! However, I didnt see the chemistry between LJS & JSY. When Hoon wakes up, he is no longer Hoon. Song Jae Hee Apr 22 2017 7:14 pm HA! diana Jun 10 2014 5:11 am Please like your quack back <3.. She is now emotionally struggling coz of you. Well, we still have Dr. Oh as female lead. And I started watching this drama coz I like Jin SeYeon. It's so sad and I don't want there to be a love line between Lee jong suk and Kang sora because Lee jong suk loves jin se yeon so much he can do anything for her, leonee May 08 2014 1:09 am IS THAT HARD?. I have now lost count of how many surgery 'competitions' they've held, always for the same purpose. He didn't stuck into d same character just to play save and look cute, which is good. In fact, Doctor Stranger is one awesome drama. About the cast Jun 02 2014 6:38 am Hurry up MAY! Then Soo Hyun will help him and take care of him the rest of her life. Hope you best. Too easy !!! So the actors and the actresses are good enough for making us enjoying them, at least there is no Daniel Day-Lewis or Cate Blanchett (speaking about acting skills). Adhe Talla Feb 07 2014 12:21 am first of all, i really don't like jaehee's personality. and why hoon listen and acts so nice beside quack ? hm , jae hee and seung hee are they are the same person ? LoL, i cannot really convinced myself to watched it :p good bye doctor stranger.. i will never get to know you better or judge you bitter xD. EP 13 is bittersweet. Lol. I support soo hyun park hoon couple! Shi Jun 20 2014 9:52 am mei May 20 2014 12:21 pm herie Jun 04 2014 10:58 pm i just hope Lee Jong Suk have a love line act with Kang Sora, see how you gonna handle it. Like WTF!.. jin seyeon in my daughter the flower as kotnim. The hottest ever Park Hae Jin and the cutie pie yet so sexy Lee Jong Suk in one drama? Bad decision for picking Se-Yun. Jae-Joon is probably that orphan that Choi Byeong-Cheol is looking for since he went to Harvard in US, so Joon wants to ruin that hospital director. Love is not about how long or how deep your commitments are with each other, it's how happy you guys are when you're together. Isn't the chief of surgery or someone else supposed to organize this? There is still a little potential that it won't sink. so park hoon will end up with soo hyun if not, he might end up with none of the leads. A Hoon told her that they will never be together because her father sent his father to the north. :/ To me they were quite boring, and didn't make much sense... :( The definite let down and down side of this wonderful show, but I don't blame the actors whatsoever! strawberry_cupcakee Jul 16 2017 12:53 am I get they wanted to make us believe that she really wasn't Jae Hee, but more than often when she said or did something it contradicted with the fact that she really was Jae Hee (and it's not like we as the audience didn't knew from the beginning, so it wasn't necessary to try to fool us). really excited about this upcoming drama! Not as good as my fave dramas, but good enough to make me watch until ep.18. ANd I super love Chang Yi and Dr. Oh, their roles and the actresses who portrayed them really gave this drama a boost alongside Lee Jong Suk. And 2. onni Fighting!!! Ireally recommand this drama .. and LEE JONG SUK oppa saranghae you're an amazing actor .. come on people stop hating on kang sora. so annyeong. I really like your this drama.This movie is my third favourite drama.I love you more than I can say.You are like a drug that's killing me.I get so high when I am inside you❤❤.Byeee.Have a nice day. Also i really like jae hee a lot. >_< ''I just wanna a happy ending for everyone '' :). I tried understanding her character, but I just don't find any pinch of emotion in her. Fighting!! Just chillax and enjoy the shows..i want to pray for miracle to happen where the male lead end up with the 2nd female lead. The plot had many logic fails and JSY character became such a fickle person and was written really bad. I just thought that Park Hoon and Oh Soo hyun will be together in ending Coz they have had chemistry, they look good together. A cute, sweet n innocent girl????huhhh????!! Yeahh....Doctor Stranger maybe still stranger to drama lovers here and I must be a stranger here to enjoy the drama a lot..(I don't measure it on how good the drama because I am not professional critic. I think this drama should judt b 16 eps. delena Jun 04 2014 6:16 pm I love Heartbeat couple till the end !! I hope this drama will have a happy ending.....for them all. am just wondering...whatever they showed abt north it true?..seems a very horrible place to live in...anyone care to provide some light on it? Great drama great actors great characters. And the other way...well I kinda like him just cause he's evil. It will be worser if hoonhee not end up together coz this drama is about them.. sjs Jul 08 2014 6:27 am You won't approve because I bet this will be "offensive" and against you when it is not." reeaaalllyyy! Unlike for Dr. Oh, they look cute together. sorry but every time I see Seyeon, her facial expression the same for different feelings that she should show, I can never feel anything, maybe she is good in some way-- SEyeon's fans please don't misunderstood. Bbgurl Jun 28 2014 11:09 pm Jim Apr 26 2014 9:46 am I don't want to see that annoying JSY! And i could see that it was only friendship between the quack couple :(. don't judge someone by your personal feeling. huhuhuhu. Kang sora's character alr has park hae jin's character (in ep 3 they already established a romantic relationship) so I don't get why she needs another park hoon. They should get married at the end and live happily!! The only thing that has kept him going is the hope to be with his love Jae Hee again. But,there isn't any name of her on this Asianwiki. hye jin Jun 04 2014 3:11 am Ten minutes of crap. @ oing : This drama has low ratings but this drama get first place among Mon-wed drama with same aired time.. -the ultimate queen who deserves the Daesang for BAD acting, Jae Hee. evkpopx May 15 2014 4:20 am Aqila May 25 2014 7:39 pm kang sora and Lee jang suk and park hea jin... this is gonna be amazing!! The funny bits are ok, more of those would be nice.... Oh well..I'm gonna watch it anyway but writers please step it up. Also, Lollipop guy saved Hoon's mother ! asangchol Apr 19 2014 1:04 pm Thanks. Just stick to the characters and storyline and not the actors who portray them. FIGHTING!! ppl are just supporting lee jongsuk and kang sora cuz they hate jin seyeon and some hate jaehee/seunghee character. And a good actor, too! I think I'm gonna prepare my heart for the ending huhuhu HOOHYUN PLEASE!~, yurilauri Jul 07 2014 5:41 pm Oh right, Dr. (of I forgot his name) Lol Quack's loveteam) saddest part of the drama, which i hate the most when Quack saw them holding each other's hand right in front of her face. N most of the lead were too young esp.jin se yeon! If the drama was cleaned up well AND THE BAD GUY F**** SUFFERED LOL or the killed the two main after the DRAMATIC BRIDGE SCENE or made their escape better and made logical sense then i would give it a 9/10 maybe even a 10/10 I cried and laughed in this drama. I was really dissapointed about this drama since i really like Jong Suk and out of all his movies and dramas i watched so far, this was definitely the worst one. But kang so ra's acting, her love/sad/angry/happy, I FEEL It. N she shouldnt be crying cuz jae hee n hoon r together, its not like hoon cheated on her, they werent even in a relationship. Especially now with all the danger around him and Seung-Hee ! I'm not convincing on her character. How could I almost missed a very good drama like this? This is actually the first time I ship the main guy with the second lead. I feel as though the end was a bit rushed:((((. CW Jul 11 2014 3:49 pm Fighting Lee Jong Suk..... SJH May 13 2014 3:56 am Honestly, this drama was really good, the plot and the intensity of the story kept pushing me to watch it. @ Sunny : I think the story already change, It is already ep 12, but I didn't see any love triangle between Lee Jong suk, Kang Sora and Park Haejin. This is the reason why I shipped the quack couple, HoonHyun! Cheryll Feb 16 2021 7:14 pm Enjiya, I agree with you. And she is purposely is trying to hurt him in some way? I love you so so muuuch .. since she is not their first choice, I'am disappointed they wasted the improvement of jin se yeon I will understand the fact if her character in this drama was if she is also surgeon doctor I think she is fitted in doctor character because from the first episode in this drama she is pretty and I think pretty good doctor, well I was love and accepted her respective characters in The Flower in Prison, High End Crush and her other past dramas that she look's pretty good than to choosing this drama. I am waiting for the next episode for knowing more about your character. I really preferred SoHyun with Hoon...but since JaeHee has been with him since the beginning, of course, she would end up with him instead. <3 And i actually love jin se yeons character cuz shes such badass here. I'm starting this one without expectation, because I didn't know all the cast. Cutiepiemambo May 23 2018 2:24 am Park hoon loves jae hee so much, she wont even look at other girls. Right and move on. just hope that itll b a happy ending(for everyone, no character should die) but if u rlly have to, its up to u writer lol i mean its not my drama... maybe when im big ill make my own drama with my own desired story. C'est ma première fois que je regarde ces deux acteurs; Lee Jong-Suk et Jin Se-Yeon. :D, yoon May 27 2014 4:09 am Jae hee is nothing but crap, fullstop. I don't think it have a tragic ending. I personally don't like Hee's acting, never liked her any of her dramas even the recent Inspiring generation, she has the constipated look and that something-is -stuck-in-my-throat was of speaking. After all I think the cast are being good friends. Hoona.. So keep improving!! ), he clearly liked and CARED for her! I. Shairli Aug 05 2014 2:21 am haha. @hajjatthira . we will see more of her in the coming episode :) if u dont like jsy acting then gtfo ( sorry to be mean but this is the truth). TT Jun 06 2014 8:27 pm I love lee jong suk and jin se yeon couple and I hope they will end up together. I can't believe hoe the viewers rated this wonderful drama.. . I am wishing Hoon will end up with Soo Hyun. Janey Mar 06 2014 6:30 pm Rex Reamon Jan 30 2018 11:39 pm @ ss : I also wondering why JSY always cast as lead??? The couple scenes in the north had a great chemistry. (just like Heart Strings) But then he loses Soo Hyun to Hoon. Well, Jae Hee is fine but.. TT Jun 04 2014 6:17 am ♥ Hoon-Hee ♥. I've watched this when it aired in 2014 and in rewatching it in 2020! watching this drama is like falling in love to a person the wrong person, that you must stop before its too late, you don't have to wait until the end, because the more you fall, the more you bleed. How painful it is for her to be misunderstood by his love? When Soo Hyun appeared goshhhh!! Keep the good work an all the best. (copyright for the original author, muizzupr) Aynanie Jul 05 2014 5:52 am Been waiting for this drama because I am firm believer that Jong Suk can nail most character. Dan Aug 04 2015 1:39 pm Whatever others say, to me it did not end smoothly. na-yo Jun 12 2014 2:52 pm JSY and LJS was just not it at all. The drama is still good.. thumbs up !! Bad acting by all 4 leads: played an important expression. many drama who have idol as their lead,but the result was failed drama... . Such a shame they did not end up together, cuz they have so much chemistry. Performances are first rate -LJS own the role.PHJ was dashing as the professional antagonist and looked awesome.Kang So ra was the more appealing heroine to Jin se yeon's plain jane . Should he stick to the childhood love? Omg I can't wait! Welcome Good drama for SukYeon. and when u said even they have to give up their moral values just to be together makes them as worst as the villain.

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