benjanun sriduangkaew apology

The Benjanun Sriduangkaew/Requires Hate saga is a striking cautionary tale in a number of ways. Awareness. The firestorm over the New York Times’ … News and Press from The Future Fire. I then used that word count in each wiki article as a proxy for attention, as expansion of said articles appears to normally stem from discussion threads on the community itself. Unfortunately, or perhaps, fortunately, I read some amazing things and Winterglass has competition for my favourite read of the year. There’s also some references to Bee apparently having asked people about their ethnicity prior to the run-in with Hesychasm, but no specific examples cited or linked (even if they’d gone to deleted comments, it would have given more weight to those statements if they had). Were it true. He meets a young woman on the ferry, and she tells him the wildest story. They expose people first to cute, little spiders behind a glass cage. The rag printed an apology and paid damages to her in 2014, but challenged Rowling's right to give a court statement about the case. Stories about mermaids, robots, dolls, and Deep Ones are all here, ready for you to dive in. This is a box of strange surprises dredged up from the depths of the sea, each one polished and prepared for your enjoyment. Furthermore, it was released on Friday, November 6th, 2014, the first day of the World Fantasy Convention of 2014, meaning that it would be the subject of much discussion at bars and such there before the target audience would have had a chance to dig through it in depth and follow up on it, reinforcing the narrative in the audience’s minds. By her actions, she has harmed many who chose to put their trust in her. Until one day, she comes across a wounded, bleeding woman no one else can see, and is drawn into an old, old story of love, snake women, and the deathless monk who hunts them. have been an exercise in precisely this, in punishing a marginalized person for (among other things) calling out the privileged on racism, homophobia, and misogyny, for uncritically repeating tropes and themes that reinforce rape culture and hetero/cisnormativity. Some examples: The gist of them, if you don’t want to bother clicking on them or risk reading them, is that, hey, being triggered was good for her and helped her get over her some of her trauma, and so therefore people SHOULD be triggered. Benjanun Sriduangkaew writes love letters to strange cities, beautiful bugs, and the future. The person in question has talked before about how she’d rather not have this brought up again and again, but Mixon et al. Compare that to the above, where it addresses the subject directly in the second person, public visibility is unimportant to the person sending the threat (and, as we see above, something they actively seek to avoid — those were sent by anonymous Tumblr asks and by anonymous email). And lastly, six: it's obvious Sriduangkaew is dealing with some real mental issues, paranoia, anxiety, the inability to release emotions healthily, egoism, etc. But like the steps of AA, owning up to your problems is the first. It’s all the worse because Bee was genuinely a raging horrendous asshole who did a lot of damage and hurt a lot of people, but when the elements I list above are included in the list of her attacks, it devalues the real harm done, and it amplifies the voices of those who already have an audience and a megaphone over the voices of her actual victims. Economist. After that, I was even more sporadic online as we were switching servers and access to the internet was quite spotty. And note that my points aren’t based on some preconceived notions about guilt or innocence, but on the details of the allegation itself.). But I will not stand by and do nothing when an individual and at least one of their supporters attacks people (like my friend) who are genuinely working hard and making sacrifices to bring diversity and mutual understanding to our field. Consider yourself warned. Bee’s big email gets quite vitriolic, to the point that Bee ultimately apologized for the level of vitriol in her critique. An eyeball check of the wiki suggests that the above numbers, if anything, understate the focus FFA has on marginalized people. And I will not stand by and do nothing when my own reputation is attacked. Another work specifically cited as one Bee allegedly worked to suppress is Tricia Sullivan’s novel Shadowboxer. Methods Devour Themselves: A Conversation. So all of this is to establish a couple of things: Taken together, along with her stated desire for Bee’s career to crash and burn, these items do not present the picture of a victim. “jesus white people really can’t write China for shit. "A hundred years ago, a man with a secret could travel a few hundred miles and give himself a new name and life story. And, lastly, some of the people with whom she does have a history have, themselves, condoned or actively engaged in harassment and stalking against her. If you are able to vote for the Hugos, I strongly recommend voting No Award, and then Mixon above a Sad/Rabid Puppies candidate, because Mixon winning the Fan Writer award is still a travesty, but not as much as a Sad/Rabid Puppies nominee. I was clearly categorized in her mind as the sort of person who ought to be mutilated and killed. I am not sure what has been said and I do not know with how many this conflict has been shared. I’ve heard that Requires Hate a.k.a. Publishing, an imprint of Tor Books, launched in September 2008. … This is my fight, too, as a transsexual and a lesbian and someone who struggles daily with mental illness and as an artist. Ken White is dead on in Ten Short Rants About #GamerGate | Popehat: There's also the feculent two-faced pack of scribblers at Gawker Media. Found insideCom Original Benjanun Sriduangkaew. to apologize for a wandering mind. “If you can't get this information outofme, what then?” Damassis' jaw tautens. Plots link into one another, with Houyi’s penance to Xihe and Julienne’s romantic entanglement with Olivia linking in unexpected ways; the plot ties characters and strands together with grace and beauty. The imprint specializes in science fiction and fantasy novellas and short novels, a line that provides a home for emerging and established writers to tell focused, engaging stories in exactly the number of words they choose. So, let me answer the burning question in everybody's… We have all seen how words can be faked. $9.50. I may buy copies and hand them out to friends and families and strangers. Like. Oh, and above, where I mentioned using her LJ tags to locate the example posts I’ve linked? This rumor campaign, mind, had been building up steam for months before Sullivan’s blog post. Words have power, and words wielded in hatred and violence are just has harmful as violence dealt out with fists. The suppression of the conversations around the genre, around issues of diversity, around issues of inclusion, around how to act within fandom? I later heard that a number of people had been made aware of this conflict. But did Bee actually have any intention of doing any such thing? In 2014, the science fiction/fantasy community was shaken by the revelation that an award-nominated young Thai writer, Benjanun Sriduangkaew, was … Benjanun Sriduangkaew (1) Bill Cooper (2) Boris Akunin (1) Brandon Sanderson (1) Brian Aldiss (2) Brian Craig (3) Brian Lumley (10) Brian M. Sammons (1) Brian McNaughton (1) Brian Scott Hiebert (1) Brian Stableford (5) Brinsley Le Poer Trench (1) Bruce Roberts (1) Bruce Sterling (2) Bryan Alvarez (1) C. Hall Thompson (4) C.J. This item: They don't make plus size spacesuits. This is but the first example of the critically biased, sloppy nature of Mixon’s work. And how is that different from any other novel? And this is a very superficial analysis; to get a better idea of the population and intensity of the subjects of FFA’s mockery, derision, and attacks, one would have to do extensive analysis of the threads, which I’m not going to do in my free time. Interwoven with tales of drug users, gang members, Muay Thai fighters, and monks, and the story is a predictable series of plot twists with the white male hero struggling to navigate a country more frightening and less friendly than it initially appeared. (1) THE HAT MAKES THE MAN. If I am of whichever many, many Caucasian lineages (many of which readily qualify as people of color), I should never, ever write Thai or Chinese characters, unless I want my hands and keyboard broken. has been voiced. Furthermore, much of what Mixon portrays as “stalking, threatening, and harassing” was frequently “tweeting without using mentions in conversations with friends” or “responding to them showing up in her mentions/on her blog comments.” It also fails to account for Bee having entered these fannish spaces because she was a fan, and how that means one is likely going to keep running into the same people. Athena Andreadis: “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Wrecker” Rochita Loenen-Ruiz: “Standing up and Speaking Truth” Rachel Manija Brown: “Not a Fun Post to Write” - Almost entirely random comments on whatever it is I am reading at the moment - We’re talking about nitwits who think writers are better off breaking their hands and keyboards. Fighting to survive against outer threats and inner demons of mental illness, Mira must find her inner fire and the scorching truth about her own endangered magic—before her very world collapses. And that’s all before she ignites. Rochita pressured her to do so anyway, as the email screenshots presented below reveal. There is, of course, a single story of Thailand. A literary novel which follows present-day narrator Mathilda’s fixation with the forgotten black Scottish modernist poet, Hermia Drumm, LOTE is an exploration of aesthetics, Beauty, and the ephemeral realm in which they exist. Enemy keeps on busting your balls to bring the best out of you,where as hater keeps on degrading you in everything you do. Yes, she’s deleted many things. Weighting the entries by word count, I found that FFA still gives a profoundly disproportionate amount of attention to people who are not cis men, and gives even greater attention to persons of color than Mixon claims Bee did. You’ve been watching something awesome, reading something, whatever, and it turns out that the creator said something racist or there’s an episode which really sucks in the way it treats women, or… And I did so desperately need this experience of escape. Thank you for taking your own cause and turning it into something that’s all about hatred and not about dialogue, because that sure as shit stinks will make humanity better. Privileged people who do problematic things will keep doing problematic things if the people they hurt don’t feel safe calling them on it (whether it’s calling out or calling in). And that this involves reliving the trauma and exposing yourself to traumatic stimuli, exactly what trigger warnings are intended to prevent. However, I don’t need or want an apology. Some of them show signs of having been “inflammatory” (which is not abusive or harassing), many do not. While Bee’s own comments are gone, because she deleted and purged her LJ (which is why there’s someone else using the name now, apparently a Canadian Stargate fan — but more on that deletion later), much can be inferred about what she did say, and, sure, a lot of it was pretty nasty, such as insulting other people for not having the same opinion she did on a book (“illiterate fuck” was what she told me was a go-to insult during those days). More than two weeks have passed since then, but I have yet to receive an apology for the untruths she … Requires Hate/Benjanun Sriduangkaew recently put up a pair of apologies, one for each persona. It’s not about guilt, it’s about understanding. Sold by electricgadgets and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. That these kinds of lies were being fed to the vulnerable is a deed that I consider unconscionable. RH has apologized. Found insideIt’s the 25th century, but the Marines are still looking for a few good men . . . “Marines ain't supposed to sit. Not only that, but it flies in the face of how the publishing industry even works — there’s a reason that, when the Puppies accused the industry of blackballing and blacklisting, it was greeted with derisive laughter. When we unintentionally express a bigoted idea? When I came across this lovely art of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing – the white and green snake, respectively – I had a giggle when I read the description: like me, the artist thought ‘the guy the White Snake married’ (Xu Xian, though I often have trouble remembering his name, I think we all do) was… not perhaps the most exemplary hero. Don’t agree? For a comparison and counterexample, I turned to FFA (a source Mixon cites and defends, despite its inherently unreliable nature), and pulled from two sections of their wiki lists individual people that they appear to consider Bad Actors: “SJ Warriors” and “SJ Failhards” (chosen because Bee’s entry is in the former, and another person with a much more recent and even lengthier history of problematic behavior is in the latter). Anita points out that the vampire is "near" the cars, and Dolph demonstrates his idiocy by announcing that they should keep anyone from leaving the area via the roads. She could have taken five fucking minutes to do a bit of Googling to maybe try to understand where Bee was coming from. It’s available to order from Jacaranda Books. (Cerulean sins–chapter 47. I told Nick that this was an untrue accusation. Didn’t fandom have a colossal thing about this back in 2009? …. I also believe that questioning a person on the choices they make is breach of personhood. After I started hanging out on Twitter, I encountered — pretty much randomly — people I’d known from the Highlander fandom twenty years ago, and the Gargoyles fandom from not much later than that. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. What Bee was doing was clearly facetious rhetoric, either with friends or in reviews and comments, as a way of expressing rage and hurt over the many ways SFF either ignores or condones racist behavior and racist tropes, or in response to people showing up in her @ mentions or her blog comments to challenge her on behalf of Oppressed White People. When Tony develops super-powers and acts to take down The Cowl, however, he finds that the local superhero team Seven Wonders aren't as grateful as he assumed they'd be. She and other authors (like Ian McDonald) are taking up arms in the controversy around the machinations of one writer that are shaking up the SFF publishing world. Many of the people who knew but did not see fit to tell me I had been targeted for slaughter have been beneficiaries of my personal and/or professional support. Actually, the person (no names will be named) who started this didn’t come right out and say that Silk was racist. Answer (1 of 2): Haters vs Enemies 1. Enemy is equally as good as you in your particular field,where as hater is a mere loser who is no way near to you. When she deleted the rest of the RH blog (save for the apology) later on, after she was outed, it was, again, due to stalker-related issues. I also note that Mixon peppers her blog post with screenshots of Bee’s vitriolic language. That she has tendered her apologies does not mean that she can be so quickly absolved, neither does it mean that we do not need to warn others about her. Pon I discussed above, and, as I also mentioned above, Jemisin does not agree with the idea that she was a victim, or that scathing reviews constitute “attacks.”. I respected her descision to maintain secrecy and her choice to take on a writing pseudonym. Retweet. And something she specifically apologized for. Again, I do not know what was said or how it was framed, but I am now in no doubt as to Alex’s and Tori’s hostility towards me. Alex has spoken in public of a conflict that took place between her and myself over Tricia Sullivan’s book, Shadowboxer. But I feel like they are missing a very important point. Her different personas were eventually connected to her pen name for fiction, Benjanun Sriduangkaew, and Laura Mixon won a 2015 Hugo Award for an expose. 500-1000 words (poems 40 lines, comics, 2-4 pages) Email submissions as attachment to Benjanun Sriduangkaew has tendered two apologies and that she has apologized to those who she has harmed. I wrote quite a glowing review on Benjanun Sriduangkaew's novella Scale-Bright last week. Winner of the first John W. Campbell Memorial Award. “A mind-bending read . . . certainly entertaining, often very funny and very thought-provoking.” —Medium A two-man mission to Venus fails and is aborted; when it returns, the ... My best guess would be that the two authors she’s referring to are Cindy Pon and N. K. Jemisin. The facts speak for themselves. I also informed one of the editors to whom I’d recommended them — I haven’t had a chance to speak to the other yet, but as I don’t think he’s commissioning right now it’s less of an issue. And the thing is? people who are subject to systemic oppression on multiple axes of race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, ability, and so on), would be expected to be present in higher proportions than the general population. Here we come to Mixon’s self-described “statistical” analysis. [citation needed]. Then he finds he’s been duped: his Thai wife, who is inevitably from a poor family in the country, turns out to be in it for his money. We shall see that this is untrue, and to believe that it is true would require that Bee have some sort of superhuman understanding of psychology and a specific person’s triggers. Her intent was clear: to intimidate me out of speaking on queer-related topics and rights. “Silent Bridge, Pale Cascade” by Benjanun Sriduangkaew (Clarkesworld #87, 12/13) SF* (CR) “Daedalum, the Devil’s Wheel” by E. Lily Yu (Clarkesworld #87, 12/13) SF* … By that point I had already written the stories collected in The Archer Who Shot Down Suns, centered around the archer Houyi and her wife Chang’e. (…) Empathy. MacFarlane, who had originally clamored to join my panel, attempted to disrupt it. The Tale of Benjanun Sriduangkaew, Part II: Lies, Damn Lies, And Failing at Statistics. Previous posts:Part I: A Brief IntroductionInterstitial IInterstitial II, Asks: Someone going by “justamblingon”: first, second, third. It … didn’t really work very well, of course, as we can see now. Choosing children’s lit, which is profoundly disproportionately white compared to the general population, let alone the demographics one might expect for either most of the forums/platforms Bee was active on or the subpopulation of SFF with which the RH blog was focused — that is, populations in which subaltern groups, especially intersectional populations (i.e. Please, please anyone reading this do not think that I am trying to make a rape apology argument. While this book was published in 2018, a late review in the context of our current dystopian scenario (global pandemic, police brutality, destructive fires, etc.) Ultimately, though, what both my own quick-and-dirty number crunching above (and Mixon’s own attempt at statistics) suggest is that it is unlikely that Bee’s targets of criticism were chosen randomly. But what I did want to do is provide them with the same platform I provided to her. To say that all RH did was to utter words is a complete denial of what we are as writers. Benjanun Sriduangkaew and Joshua Moufawad-Paul Methods Devour Themselves: A Conversation. A person may be completely disinterested in social justice; they may indeed be using that platform simply to advance their own ego — there’s no crime in this. That sounds an awful lot like when GGers say that women who receive threats shouldn’t speak up about them. keep bringing it up, so I don’t really have a choice here. **I do call out Alex Dally MacFarlane for her actions. THE UNEXPECTED. They teach her that there’s more to the city of her birth than meets the eye – that beneath the modern chrome and glass of Hong Kong there are demons, gods, and the seethe of ancient feuds. And I believe the other victims who have laid their stories out to Laura J. Mixon, who have been harassed and bullied… and the majority of whom are not the straight white Western men RH and her allies claim to punch up against, but are women (60%) or people of colour (37%) (Source); people who RH is at best punching across to, and her allies are largely punching down at. This is someone who shows no sign of sympathy for when words or art might cause actual, real harm to people — not “disturbing the comfortable,” but, for example, retriggering those who are already traumatized, or echoing and reinforcing hegemonic structures that tell women they are powerless, that tell people of color they are other — and who protects the privilege she does have, using it to punish a person of color for pointing out how endemic racism had informed her work. The description: Athena Andreadis (leader), Alex Dally MacFarlane, Kate Nepveu, Vandana Singh, Sabrina Vourvoulias. From “Toxicity and Me”: As discussed above, Bee reviewed the Shadowboxer manuscript in 2012. To assert that criticizing the blog post is equivalent to denying or justifying Bee’s history of toxic language and behavior is to present a false dichotomy. When Rafael Albuquerque asked DC to pull the, Persons with psychological and/or physical conditions: 10.64%, Persons with psychological and/or physical conditions: 19.93%. She did have a substantial following, mind, but to suggest that her “inner circle” and/or her following could somehow wield power over the SFF world that perhaps only a handful of editors/publishers in the Golden Age might have actually had is ludicrous. If writing gives her joy and fulfilment, I think she should continue to do so. In matters pertaining to decisions about one’s profession, that questioning is a clear breach of professionalism. Sorry, it’s been a bit since the last time I read that, and I’d forgotten just how shockingly ignorant, privilege-blind, and willfully obtuse it was. I had heard that Benjanun had been outed in public by Nick Mamatas, but Nick told me that Benjanun was spreading the rumor that I was the one who had outed her. I did hope that she would keep an objective position on this matter. Found inside“No apologies needed, Admiral. You have not only graced us with your presence; you also saved my mother's life. A hero is to be accorded every courtesy. Kiernan’s LJ entry dated July 20th, 2012 (archive link): … And yesterday, on Twitter, I “learned” that Silk is a “racist” novel*, which I suppose would make me, by extension, a racist. Requires Hate, aka Benjanun Sriduangkaew, is a multiple, serial & proven bully, liar & manipulator says fantasy author Juliet McKenna. They point out that “exposure therapy” is the best treatment for trauma survivors, including rape victims. As far as “false narratives” go, I’ve demonstrated that several of the sources Mixon leans on are unreliable at best, if not deliberately lying, and Mixon herself quite dramatically misrepresented what happened between Bee and Mary Robinette Kowal (just as an example). My work has always been directed towards creating more visibility for writers coming from the margins. Then bigger spiders. Finally, in a carefully controlled environment with their very supportive therapist standing by, they make people experience their worst fear, like having a big tarantula crawl all over them. I thanked him for taking the time to ask me about this and tried to think of what I could do. One of the chief ones is that the people who’ve been stalking, attacking, and/or harassing Bee — e.g. Hm). Soft Apocalypse was an experience in enforced escapism. Nor did she pressure Rochita to write a negative review. Or both. Let’s get the easy stuff out of the way first. In 2014, one of the most vicious SJWs, a blogger whose many pseudonyms included Requires Hate, was exposed as a professional writer, Benjanun Sriduangkaew. I quote key selections below (emphasis my own): You might also ask yourself what possible interest I would have in injuring a vulnerable young writer. She didn’t say that she wished I could be shot in the head or have acid thrown on me, or make any other threat of violence. It’s also worth noting, again, that rape — its appearance without trigger warnings, its use as a plot device, encoding rape culture ideas and tropes in fiction (intentionally or not), people dismissing its gravity or trauma, or any number of other things that may be rape apologism or what-have-you — has long been a rage trigger for her. Perhaps the message that takes the cake is the one where I'm accused of wanting to ruin the careers of SEA writers. In many times and places, cisgender girls and women have been evaluated by their bodies, including their choice of dress, sexual behavior, virginity, and fertility. Which would be, you know, why she apologized. Winterglass is a sci-fantasy about one woman’s love for her homeland (Sirapirat) and her determination to defeat the Winter Queen who has overtaken the land. Benjanun has confirmed it and she's apologized - to the dissatisfaction of many. The panel throughout was very cis-centric in language, including Andreadis’ 15-minute talk at the beginning. A target for missing dates . Psychotherapy to people WITHOUT their CONSENT seen his world end many lifetimes.. ) who started this didn’t come right out and say that women receive... One Bee allegedly worked to suppress in truth so tying them all the... Woman who lives on the 14th of October, I don’t doubt that RH made! Name publicly only because it was given to me, it blew me away negative review cause... 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