obama vice president

But Biden has rarely held a political grudge for too long. “He would be good, but he’s not eligible, under the Constitution,” she told Everyone with whom I discussed a potential Michelle Obama candidacy said it would provide short-term pluses for a Democratic ticket by energizing it as nothing else could. Michelle Obama 4 Vice President. “But if Trump were to win a second term, he would complete his self-proclaimed task of dismantling everything Obama had done. But there might be a sweetener that would prompt Michelle Obama to say yes. © 2020 National Review

“When I had my photo taken with the Obamas after I became the first black chair of the Republican National Committee, she was pure ice,” recalls Michael Steele, now an MSNBC contributor. A popular line of thinking is that Biden’s ticket must offer a bold choice that also ensures the kind of strong minority turnout that eluded Hillary Clinton in 2016. On the negative side of the ledger, she viciously attacked Biden in a debate last summer by unfairly implying that his past opposition to forced busing was racist. And she could probably avoid fundraising, if she insisted on it. She admitted that the idea had “crossed her mind” but then shot it down as unconstitutional. She has been an inspirational role model for millions of … “She exuded competence, as well as character and integrity,” Jarrett wrote in her autobiography. He would provide an alternative to Justice Clarence Thomas’s black-empowerment conservatism and could provide the swing vote needed to strike down much of the Trump administration’s legacy.Some Democrats are so taken with the idea of putting Michelle on the ticket that they have speculated that Biden could even choose Barack himself as his running mate. On the other hand, few believed that George W. Bush would pick Dick Cheney as vice president, or that John F. Kennedy would choose Lyndon Johnson as his running mate.Stranger things have happened in politics, and in the Age of Trump, they often do.Get our conservative analysis delivered right to you. Why not time for a second act?It would certainly be popular with the Democratic base, and Biden would need the base to turn out in large numbers this November if he becomes the nominee. She knows the way around. The question you mean to ask is, can a member of the Electoral College legally cast a vote for Barack Obama for the office of Vice President? Obama, a former law-school professor, would enjoy the court’s intellectual atmosphere. "She's brilliant. Biden responded: “Yeah, I would, but I don’t think he’d do it. They point out Michelle Obama’s longstanding disdain for the grubbiness of politics and its fundraising, the desire to protect her two daughters, and her unwillingness even to pretend to be friendly with people with whom she has disagreements. The name of Stacey Abrams, an unsuccessful candidate for Georgia governor in 2018, is in the mix. He’d be a great Supreme Court justice.”But I wonder if Biden’s view is accurate. April 21, 2020. Tweet. And despite her popularity across wide swaths of the electorate, she has shown almost zero interest in working with Republicans or treating those she considers fools kindly.But Biden has professed comfort with and even support for the idea. Vice President Michelle Obama? That’s not a typical profile for a vice president. She is a really fine woman. Michelle Obama is famously assertive, even pushy, behind the scenes. Private polls, however, show that when some black voters learn that Harris is of mixed African-American and Indian-American heritage, their enthusiasm for her wanes.A major obstacle to a Biden-Obama ticket is, of course, that Michelle Obama has expressed no interest in the idea.
And because few people believe that an 82-year-old Joe Biden would run for a second presidential term, there would be a danger of her overshadowing him as a waiting heir apparent. “There was no smile, only a glare. Jim Clyburn, the House majority whip whose last-minute endorsement of Biden delivered a South Carolina primary landslide for him, has a clear idea.“I doubt very seriously you’ll see a Democratic slate this year without a woman on it,” Clyburn predicted to reporters.

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