fletcher henderson most famous song

Albums include Road to Perdition, The Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz, and Ken Burns Jazz: The Story of America's Music. Bands of leaders such as Count Basie, Charlie Barnet, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, and Benny Goodman all played arrangements, which were either written or influenced by Fletcher Henderson.

"Christopher Columbus" became a hit, as did the band's new theme song ("Stealin' Apples") but the brief bit of glory would not last. Walter C. Allen, Hendersonia - The Music of Fletcher Henderson and his Musicians - a Bio-Discography (1973) Jeffrey Magee, The Uncrowned King of Swing: Fletcher Henderson and Big Band Jazz (2004) Margery Dews, "Remembering: The Remarkable Henderson Family"

Try it free. The main difference between the two units is that the later one boasted the trumpet of Roy Eldridge and tenor solos from Coleman Hawkins 's potential successor, Chu Berry. Henderson was from a middle class family and held a degree in chemistry from Atlanta University. About Fletcher Henderson. The smooth sound of his orchestra gave birth to the Swing style of the next decade.

The easiest way to discover how Traditional Jazz turned into Swing is to listen to the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra. Diskographische Hinweise. But this was Hawkins in 1956, consistently in denial about his age and the primal nature of the early sides he'd helped to wax more than thirty years earlier. Genres: Big Band, Jazz, Swing.

Fletcher Henderson discography and songs: Music profile for Fletcher Henderson, born 18 December 1897. 30 Songs. Hawkins insisted that Henderson's recordings sounded "like cats and dogs fighting."

Available with an Apple Music subscription. Fletcher Henderson led the most commercially successful of the African-American Jazz bands of the 1920s. Coleman Hawkins once said that Fletcher Henderson's band came across better when heard live than replayed off of old records. Acres of monumental musicians played with Henderson's band -- Louis Armstrong, Ben Webster, Roy Eldridge -- and together they helped change popular music. Fletcher Henderson's career as a pianist, bandleader, and arranger is one of the most important in jazz history. Die Schallplatten-Aufnahmen von Fletcher Henderson erschienen, beginnend mit dem Jahr 1921 und endend 1938, beim Reissue-Label Classics.Hervorhebenswert sind die Editionen The Complete Louis Armstrong with Fletcher Henderson bei Forte mit Aufnahmen von 1924/25; The Harmony and Vocalion Sessions, Vol 1 und 2 bei Timeless Records mit Aufnahmen von 1926 bis 1928.

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