open source cms contao

Con­tao ist mit der ak­tu­el­len Ge­setz­ge­bung und ins­be­son­de­re mit der DS­GVO kom­pa­ti­bel. Contao Open Source CMS. Al­le für den Da­ten­schutz not­wen­di­gen Maß­nah­men sind stan­dard­mä­ßig im­ple­men­tiert, z.B. Contao Manager. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. Dei­ne Än­de­run­gen wer­den au­to­ma­tisch ver­sio­niert, so dass du je­der­zeit zu ei­nem frü­he­ren Stand zu­rück ge­hen kannst.Dank Hooks und Events kannst du den Pro­gramm­ab­lauf an di­ver­sen Stel­len be­ein­flus­sen. Mit­tels In­s­ert­tags kannst du dy­na­mi­sche In­hal­te an be­lie­bi­gen Stel­len ein­bin­den.

Browser-based and open-source content management system Contao first came to life in 2006, under the title "TYPOLight". Die Li­zenz er­mög­licht die freie Nut­zung der Soft­ware – auch für kom­mer­ziel­le Pro­jek­te.Ho­her Ent­wick­lungs­stan­dard, re­gel­mä­ßi­ge Up­dates, schnel­le Bug­fixes und 4 Jah­re Sup­port für LTS-Ver­sio­nen. Good software depends on good documentation.

Open Source CMS. © 2015 - 2020. Download Contao.
Great post for me and people who already use other CMS like joomla, drupal and want to explore CMS. Username: Password: Back end …

In­ter­na­tion­al agen­cies and com­pa­nies are suc­cess­ful­ly us­ing Con­tao.Con­tao is com­pat­i­ble with cur­rent laws and es­pe­cial­ly the GDPR.
Contao features multiple backend languages and themes, a permission system, versioning management, a flexible form generator, advanced search and sorting options, and multiple built-in … Use it if you e.g. Official Contao Documentation.

Du fin­dest daher vie­le Res­sour­cen wie z.B. It’s an accessible, easy to use, intuitive, and mobile-friendly open source content management system. Contao Open Source CMS (fka TYPOlight) :: ... Contao is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. All da­ta pro­tec­tion mea­sures are im­ple­ment­ed by de­fault, for in­stance, Con­tao us­es the dou­ble opt-in method for all sub­scrip­tions and reg­is­tra­tions and it keeps a log for the legal­ly re­quired stor­age pe­ri­od.Take a look at which pro­jects the Con­tao part­ners have al­ready cre­at­ed with Con­tao and which com­po­nents they have used.Over 150,000 web­sites have al­ready been built with Con­tao, from land­ing pages to por­tals to e-com­merce and en­ter­prise sites. Contao … Since 2006. Even if your in­stal­la­tion should be­come un­avail­able, you can re­cov­er it with the Con­tao Man­ag­er.High de­vel­op­ment stan­dards, reg­u­lar up­dates, fast and re­li­able fix­es, and 4 years of sup­port for LTS ver­sions.Thanks to hooks and events, you can ma­nip­u­late the pro­gram flow in var­i­ous places. Die Li­zenz er­mög­licht die freie Nut­zung der Soft­ware – auch für kom­mer­ziel­le Pro­jek­te. For instance, there's multi-domain capability included as standard with the CMS, SEO ready code, and plenty of design freedom to explore.Contao is also a fantastic option for developers who want to share large amounts of information across a distributed user base. Online demo Download.

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